Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1100

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SKELETON BILL. One drawn, indorsed, or accepted in blank.

SKILL. Practical and fnmlllar knowledge of the principles and plucesses of an art, scieme, or trade, combined ulth the abllity to apply them in practice in a proper and iippi-med ni.ii.1ner and with reachness and dexterity. See Dole v. Johnson, 50 N. H. 4-34; Alciidge v. Noble, 114 Go. 9-19. $1 5. E. 78; Gr; v. Gautier, 21 fax 119; llawrth v. Savers Mfg. Co., 87 iowa. 765, 51 N. W’. 03.

—Reascmo.b1e skill. Such skill as is ordi- [l5‘ll'll_\ l)(l\SIS5Cd and exercised by persons of CLI|L‘flUf| I.-alpaclty, engaged '

in the sonic busniess ' l’. v. i\lcrLhunts'

or iuiplmnient Mach ll:iiil., 6 Mi-lo. .Iuss.) .. \\ilni--«., who are :1 ml to give evidence on matters of opinion and abstract fact.

SLAB]-L‘. In old records. A long, flat, and lJl11'lOW piece or strip of ground. Pa1'0d.1. Antiq. 465.

SLAINS. See Lnrums or SLAJNB.

SLANDER. In torts. Oral defamation; the speaking of false and nniliclous words couceining uuothor, whereby lujury results to his reputation. See Pollard v. Lyon, 91 U. S. [A7, :53 L. Ed. 305; Fredrickson v. Juliiisou. GO Minn. 337. 6'2 N. W. 388: Ross V. \\‘.ul‘d, 14 S. D. 240. 85 N. W. 182, 86 Am. St. Rep. 746: Gnmbrill v. Schooley, 93 Md. -13. 48 AH. 730, 32 Li. R. A. 87, 86 Am. St. Rep. 414; Republican Pub. Co. v. Mosman, 15 Colo 399, 24 Pac 1051; Civ. Code Ga. 159.3, § 3&7.

-«Slander of title. 'I‘his is a statement of something (ending to cut down the extent of title to some estate vested in the pliiintilf. Such statement, in order to be action-ahlc, must be false and malicious; |'.. e., both untrue rind done on purpose to injure the laintilf. Dam- age must also have resulted ‘rum the statement. Brown. See Burkett v. Gritlith, 90 2, T Pac. 52?. 13 L. R. A. 707, 25 Am. ._i; Crirliondale Inv. Ca. v. Burdick, lion. 3:9. 72 Pac. 781; Butts v. Long, Mo. App. 687, 68 S. W. 75-1.


SLANDERER. One who mullclously and without reason lnlputes a crime or fault to another of which he is innocent. See SLAN- DER

SLAVE. A person who is wholly subject to the will of another; one who has no freedom of action, but whose person and serv- lr-es sire a holly under the control of another. Webster.

One who is under the power of a master, _

and who belongs to hlm; so that the master m-iy sell iuid dispose of his person, of his industry, and of his labor, wlthout his being able to do anything. have anything, or ac- qulre anytlilng, but what must belong to hls muster Clv. Code La. art. 35.

SLAVE—'l.‘RADE. The trafiic in slnva, or the buying and selllng of slaves for profit.

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SLAVERY. The condltion of a slavfi that clvil relation in whlch one man has ab- solute poiver over the life, fortune, and liberty of another.

SLAY. This word, in an indictment, mfi nothing to the force and eli'eI.-t of the "null "bill," when used with refereuw to the DIing of human life. it is p:ll‘ULllL1l'1y null- calile to the lnhing of human his in balm; and, when it ls not used in this sense, i. ll synonymous wlth "kiLL" Shite v. Thoma; 32 [AL Ann.

SLEDGE. A hurdle to draw traitors to execution. 1 Hole, P. C. 82.

SLEEPING PARTNER. A dormant part- ner, one whose name does not uppeur in the brni, and who takes no .i:.tive pait In the business, but who has an into-i'e.~;t in the cocnern, and shares the probis. iuid thereby becomes a partner, elthcr absolutely, or as respé.-uI.s third persons.

SLEEPING RENT. In English law. All expression frequently used In coal-mlue leusel and agreements for the same. It sigulties I fixed or dead, 5'. e., ceitiim, rent, us disLli1- guished from a rent or royalty varylng with the amount of coals gotten, and is puyable although the mine should not be worked at all, but should be aleeping or dead whence the name. Brown.

SLIGHT. As to slight "Care." "Evldence," "Fault," and "Negligence," see those titles.

SLIP. 1. In negotiations for I pollcy of insurance. In England, the ngreeiiieiit is in practice concluded between the parties by l. memorandum called the "slip," containing the terms of the proposed insurance, and lu- ltinled by the underwriters. Sweet.

2. Also that part of a police court which ls dlvided off from the other parts of the court, for the prisoner to stand in. It is fi'equeiit1y called the ‘ dock." Brown.

3. The intermediate space betheen two Wharves or docks; the opening or vacant between two piers. See Thompson v. New York, 1.1 N. Y. 120; New York 1. Scott, 1 Gaines (N. Y.) 5%.

SLII-‘PA. A stlrrup. There is a tenure of land in Camliridgeshlre by holding the sovereign’: stirrup. Wharton.

SLOUGH. An arm of a river, flowing between islands and the mnln-land, and sep- arating the islands from one another. Sloughs have not the breadth of the main river, nor does the main body of water of the stream flow through them. Dunlleth & D. 131 idge ('0. v. Dubnque County, 55 Iowa, 561% 8 N. W. 443.