Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1102

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SOC]-211.. Lat. In the civil law. rather; atather-in-law. Caliin.

A wife’:

SOCIALISM. A scheme of government aiming at absolute equality in the distribution of the physical means of life and en- joyment. It is on the continent employed in a larger sense; not necessarily implying com- munisiu, or the entire abolition of private property, but applied to any system which requires that the land and the instruments ot production should be the property, not of individuals, but of communities or associations or of the government 1 Mill, Poi. Econ. 2-18.

SOCIEDAD. In Spanish law. ship. Schm Civil Law, 153. 154. —Sociei‘1a,d nnonima. In Spanish and Mexican law. A business corporation. "By the corporate name, the shareholders‘ names are unknown to the world;


their own names that is, nameless. Hence the derivation of Lhe term ‘anonymous’ as applied to a body of persons associated togethci in the form of a company to transact any given business under a company name which does not (1 sclose any of their own." Hall, Mex. Law. § 749.

SOCIETAS. Lat. In the civil law. Part- nership; a partnership; the contract of partnership. InsL 3, 26. A contract by which the goods or labor of two or more are united in a common stock, for the sake of sharing in the gain. Elailjfax, Civil Law, b. 2, c. 18, no. 12.

--Soeietas leonina. That kind of

or pai't:uership by which the entire profits to some of the partners. in exclusion

rest So called in allusion to the fable lion, who. having entered into partnership with other animals for the purpose of hunting, appropriated all the prey to lJllIlSFlf_ was void. Wii.-irton —Societas navnlis. partnorslllp: an association of VESEL ber of ships pursuing; their voyag in pany, for purposes of mutual protection.

society belong of the of the

SOCIETE. Fr. In French law. Partnership. See CDMMENDAM.

—Société xuionyme. An association where the lllJbllll\ of all the partners is limited. It had 'in England until lately no other‘ name than that of "ch-irtored company," meaning thereby a joint-stock company whose shareholders. lI_V a qliaiter from the crown, or a spciiul enactment of the legislature. stood exempted from any liability [01 the debts of the concern, bevnud the amount of their subecriptions. 2 Mill, Pol. l"r-on. 4-97.—Soeiél;é en eonimnndite. lo Louisiana A partnership formed by a con-

or firm. on condition of receiving a share in the profits. in the proportion determined by the contract, and of being liable to losses and expenses to the amount furnished and no more. Civ. Code Ia. art. 2810.

SOCIETY. An association or company of persons (generally not incorporated) unit-

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ed together for any mutual or common piir pose. In a wider sense, the community a public; the people in general. See New hr County Medical Ass'n v. New York. 32 A Rep. 116, 65 N. Y. Supp. 531; Josey v. ion L. & T. Co., 106 Ga. 608, 32 8. E. Q; Glimer v. Stone, 120 U. S. 586, 7 Sup. Ct. 689, 30 L. Ed. 734

Soeii mei socins mens soeiiu non cut. The partner of my partner is not my pari- ner. Dig. 50, 17, 47, 1.

SOCIUS. Lat. in the civil law. A part- ner.

SOCMAN. A ocager. —I‘ree socmen. In old English law. Tenants in l"_ree socage. Glanv. lib. 3, c. 7; 2 BL Comm. 79. SOCMANRY. Free tenure by socage. SOCNA. ehise.

A privilege, liberty, or tran- Cowell.

SOCOME. A custom or grinding corn at the lord's mili. Cowell. Bond-socome is where the tenants are bound to it. Blount

SODOMITE. One who has been guilty of sodomy. SODOMY. In criminal law. The crime

of unnatural sexual connection; so nunied from its prevalence in Sodom. See Genesis, xix.

This term is often defined l.u statutes and judicial decisions as meaning "the crime against nature." the "cri'men iniianiinutu-us." or as rarnal copulation, against the order of nature. by man viiLh man, or. in the same unnatural manner, with noman or wiih a beast. Sue Cr. Code Ga. 543.32; Houselinan v. People. 163111. 172. 48 N. E. 304. But, strictly speaking. it should be used only as equivalent to "pedome- 11/." that is, the sexual act as performed by a man upon the poison of another man or in boy by penetration of the anus. See Ausmnn v. Veal. 10 Ind. 355, 71 Am. Dec. 311. The term might also, without any great violence to its origin-il I]JG&lll!'l_.§. be so extended as to cover the same act when performed in the same manner by a man upon the person of a woman Another possible method of unilateral sexual connection, by penetration of the mouth (penrm in orem am im-mittrro, uel pcnem alii in nrom rem'.pz~rcl is not pi'0p('l‘ly (11lll('(l "sodomy." but "feliation." That this does not constitute suin- ruy within the meaning of a statute is held in H.-irvev v. State. 55 T-x. Cr. App. 19.‘). 115 S. Vi’. 1193: Com. v. Poindexter giy.) 118 S. W. 913: lewis v. State, 36 Tex. r. R. 37. 35 S. W. 372. 61 Am. St. Rep. 83L On the other hand bestiality is the carnal copulation of a human being with a hrnte, or animal of the srib—human orders, of the opposite sex. It is not identical with sodomy. nor is it a form of sod- omy. though the two terms are often confused in legal writings and sometimes in statutes, See Ansman v. Veal, 10 Ind. 355. 71 Am. Dec. ‘I? Bil»!7h€'«Ty is a term rarely used in stat-

, but apparently inclurling hoth sodomy in the widest sense) and bestialitr as above defined. Ree .-\usn.i'in v. Veal. 10 Ind. 355. 71 .-\2%i. Dec. 331; Com. v. J., 21 Pa. Co. Ct. R. 6 .