Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/114

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early Norman times. It was established by Wilinm the Conqueror in his own hail. It was composed of the great officers of state, resident in the palace, and followed the king's household in all his expeditions.



AUMEEN. In Indian law. Trustee: com- missioner: a tempora_ry collector or su- pervisor, appointed to the charge of a country on the removal of a zemindar, or for any other parlicuhr purpose of local investiga- Llon or fliI‘:lligEl1]ELlL

AUMIL. In Indian law. Agent; offlcer; native collector of revenue; supernilondent of a district or division of a country, either on the part of the government zemindar or renter.

AUMILDAR. In Indian law. Agent; the holder of an office; an intemlant and collector of the revenue. uniting civil, military, and financial powers under the l\io— hanimedzin government

AUMONE, SERVICE IN. Where lands are given in nlius to some church or religious house, upon condition that a service or pmyers shall be oirei-ed at certain tiiues for the repose of the donor's soul. Britt 16-l.

AUNCEL WEIGHT. In English law. An ancient mode of weighing, described by Cowell as "a kind of weight with scales hanging, or hooks fastened to each end of a start, which a man. lifting up upon his forefinger or hnnd, disccrneth the quality or difference between the weight and the thing weighed."

AUNT. The sister of one’s father or mother, and a relation in the third degree, correlative to niece or nephew.

AURA EPILEPTICA. In medical jurisprudence. A term used to designate the sensation of a cold vapor frequently experi- enced by epileptics before the loss of consciousness 0CCl1l‘Bin:u:i epileptic fit. Anrentz v. Anderson, 3 Pittsh. R. (Pa.) 311.

AURES. A Saxon punishment by cutting oil the ears, infiicted on those who robbed churches, or were guilty or any other theft.

AURUM REGINE. Queen's gold. A royal revenue belonglng to every queen consort durlng her marriage with the king.

AUTER, Antre. Ii. Fr. Another: 011191‘-

—Antex- action pendant. In pleading. An- other action pending. ‘A species of plea _in abatement. 1 Chit. PL 45-l.—Anter droit. In right at another, 2. ., a trustee holds trust property in right of his rcstiii qua trust. A proohein mug sues in right of an infant. 2 Bl. Comm. 176.

AUTHENTIC. Genuine; true; having the character and authority of an original; duly vested with all necessary formalities and legally attested; competent, credible, and reiiable as evidence. Downing v. Brown. 3 Colo. 590.

AUTHENTIC ACT. In the civil law. An act which has been executed before a notary or other public officer authorized to execute such fuiictiniis, or which is testified by a public seal, or has been rendered public by the authority of a competent magistrate, or which is certified as being a copy of a public register. Nov. 73, c. 2; Cod. 7. 5?. 6, 4, 21: Dig. fl, 4.

The authentic act, as relates to contracts, is that which has baen executed before a notary public or other officer authorized to execute such functions, in presence of two wit- nesses, free, male, and aged at least fourteen years, or of three witnesses, if the party be blind. If the party does not know how to sign, the notary must cause him to ailix his mark to the instrument All proces verbal: of sales of succession property, signed by the sheriii or other person making the same, by the purchaser and two witnesses, are anthentic acts. Clvil Code La. art. 2234.

AUTHENTICATION. In the law of evidence. The act or mode or giving authority or legal authenticity toa statute. record, or other written instrument, or a certi- fied copy thereof. so as to render it legally admissible in evidence Miiyfieid v. Sears, 133 Ind. 86, 32 N. E. 816; Hartley v. Ferrell. 9 Flu. 380; In re Fowler (C. C.) 4 Fed. 303.

An attestation made by a proper omcer by which he certifies that a record is in due form of law, and that the person who certi- fies it is the officer appointed so to do.

AUTHENTICS. In the civil law. A Latin translation of the Novels of Justinian hy an anonymous author: so called because the Novels were translated (mtire, in order to distinguish it from the epitome made by

There is another collection so called. compiled by Irnier, of incorrect extrarts from the Novels and inserted by him in the Code, in the places to which they refer.

AUTHENTICUM. In the Civil law. All original instrument or writing; the origlnai or a will or other instrument, as distinguished from a copy. Dig. 22, 4, 2; Id. 29, 3, 12.

AUTHOR. One who produces, by his own intellectual iahor applied to the materi- als of his composition, an arrangement or compilation new in itself. Atwill v. Ferrett, 2 Rlatchf. 39, Fed. Cas. No. 640: Nottage v. Jackson, 11 Q. B. Div. 637; Lithographic Co. v. Sarony, 111 U. S. 53. 4 Sup. Ct. 279. 28 L. Ed. M9.