Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1155

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barren lsnd.—Terra dominion, or indomi- nioata. The den-icsne land of a manor. Cow- cll.—-Terra. excultnbilin. Ltmd which mny be plowed. Mon. Aug. i. —'}2G.—Tcz-rn extendendo. A writ addressed to an escbeator. etc., that he inquire and find out the true yearly value of any land, etc., by the oath of twelve men, and to certify the extent into the chant-ery. Reg. Writs. 2!)3.—'l‘en'a frusca, ox‘ frison. Fresh iand, not latcly piowed. Cowell-—-Terra. hy- datn. Land subject to the payment of hydage. Scid(’n.—Te1'x‘a. lncrnbilis. Land gained from the sea or incinsed out of a waste. Cowell.—- Terra Normnnorum. Land he-id by a Nurman. Paroch. Antiq. 19‘(.—'1‘e:-ra nova. Land newly converted from wood ground or nrsbie. (‘ov\eli.—'l‘en-n prntmrn. Land in forests. held by the tenure of furnishing food to the lmepers therein. 4 lnst. 3D'i.--Terra snbnloln. Gray- elly or sandy ground.—'i.‘e1-ra Snlicn. In Sal_ic Is he land of the house; the land within that inclosnre which belonged to a Ger1un_n house. No portion at the inheritance of Saiic land ‘passes to a Woman, but tbis the m.Ile sex acquires; that is, the sons succeed in that in-

berita nr-e Lex Sa tit. 62, E G.—'1‘e1-to testnmentnlis. ind inn . being disposa- hie by wiil. Speimnn.-Tex-rn vestita. lnnd

sown with corn. Cowell.—'1‘en-a wainabilis. Tiiiahie land. Cowell.—'l‘e:r-ra wnrrerlntn. Lnnd tbnt hns the liberty of free-warren.—'I‘errm daxnirticnles regis. The demesne lands of the crown.

Ten-5 mnnens vncun. occupant! cocnedituu-. 1 Sid 347. Land lying unoccupied is given to the first occupant.

TERRAGE. In old English law. A kind of tax or charge on land; a boon or duty or plowing. reaping. etc. Cowell.

TERRAGES. An exemption from all uncertain services. Cowell.

TEERARIUS. iandholder.

In old English law. A

THERE-TENANT. He who is literally in the occupation or possession of the land, as distinguished from the owner out of possession. But, In a more technical sense, the person who is seised of the land. though not in actual occupancy of it, and locally, in Pennsylvania. one who purchases and takes land subject to the existing lien of a mort- gage or judgment against a former owner. See Dengler v. Kiehner, 13 P3. 3.3. 53 Am. Dec 4-11; Huiett v. Insurance Co., 114 Pa. 142, 6 Ati. 55-1.

TERRIER. In English law. A land- roil or survey of lands. containing the quantity of acres, tenants‘ names, and such like; and in the exchequer there is a terrier of all the globe lands in Engizmd. made about 1338. in general. nu ecclesiastical terrier contains a detail of the temporal possessions of the church in every parish. Cowell; Tomiins: .\iozley & Whitley.

TERRIS BONIS ET CATALLIS RE- HABENDIS POST PURGATIONEM. A wrlt for a clerk to recover his lands, goods,



and chatteis, formerly seized, after he had cienred himself of the felony of which he was accused, and delivered to his ordinary to he purged. Reg. Orig.

TERRIS ET CATALLIS TENTIS ‘UL- TRA DEBITUM LEVATUM. A judicial writ for the restoring of lands or goods to a debtor who is distrained above the amount of the debt. Reg. Jud.

TERRIS LIBERANDIS. A Writ that lay for a man convicted by attaint. to bring the record and process before the king, and take a line for his imprisonment, and then to deliver to him his lands and tenements again, and release him of the strip and waste. Reg. Orig. 232. Also it was a writ for the delivery of lands to the heir, after homage and relief performed, or upon security taken that he should perform them. Id. 293.

TERRITORIAL, TERRITORLALITY. These terms are used to signify connection with, or limitation with reference to, a particular country or territory. Thus, "territorial law" is the correct expression for the law of a particular country or state, nitunugh "municipal law" is more common. "Territorial waters" are that part of the sen :u‘l,1:1- cent to the coast of u gi\en country which is by international law deemed to be within the sovereignty of that country, so that Its courts have jurisdiction over offenses com- mitted on those waters, even by a person on board a foreign ship. Sweet.

TERRITORIAL COURTS. The courts established in the territories of the United States.

TERRITORY. A part of a country sep- arated from the rest, and subject to a particular jurisdiction.

In American law. A portion of the United States, not within the limits of any state, which has not yet been admitted as a state of the Union, but is organized, with 11 separate legislature, and with executive and judicial officers appointed by the president. See Ex pnrte Morgan (D. C.) 20 Fed. 30-I: People v. Daniels, 6 Utah, 288, 22 Pac. 15!), 5 L. R. A. -144: Snow 7. U. S.. 18 Wali. 311. 21 L. Ed. 784.

—'1‘e1-rite:-y of a. judge. The territorial jurisdiction of a judge: the bounds, or district, within which he may lawfully even-rise his jzugllicial authority. l’hiiiips v. Tbr-ails. 26 Kan.

TERROR. Alarm; fright: dread; the state of mind induced by the apprehension of hurt from some hostile or threatening event or manifestation; fear caused by the appear- ance of danger. In an indictment for riot. it must be charged that the acts done were