Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1163

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lottery tickets, etc. See Allaire v. Howell Works Co., 14 N. J. Law, 24.

In election law. A ticket is a paper up-

on which is written or printed the names of the poisons for whom the elector intends no vote, wlth a designation of the office to which each person so named is intended by him to he chosen. Poi. Code Cal. § 1185. See In re Gerherich's Nomination, 24 Pa. Co. Ct. R. 255. —Ticket of leave. In English law. A ll- ccnse or permit given to a convict, as 21 reward for good conduct, particularly in the penal settlements, which allows him to go _at large, and labor for himself, before the expiration of his sentence, subject to certain specific conditions and revocable upon subsequent misconduct.-— Tiolret-nf-lenve man. A convict who has obtained a ticket of leave.

TIDAL. In order that a river may be "tidal" at a given spot, it may not be necessary that the water should be salt, but the spot must be one where the tide, in the ordinary and regular course of things, flows and reflows. 8 Q. B. Div. 630.

'1.‘I:DI-1. The ebb and now of the sea. See

Baird v. Campbell, 67 App. Div. 104. 73 N. Y. Supp. 617. —Tir1e lands. See LA1vlJ.—‘l‘ide-water. Water which falls and rises with the elih and How of the tide. The term is not usually applied to the open sea, but to coves. hays. rivers, etc.

TJZDESMEN, in English law, are certain officers of the custom—house, appointed to watch or attend upon ships till the customs are paid; and they are so called because they go aboard the ships at their arrival in the mouth of the Thames, and come up with the tide. Jacob.

TIE, 1:. To hind. tied to find the parish clerk."

"The parson is not 1 Leon. 9}.

TIE, n. When, at an election, neither candidate receives a majority of the votes cast, but each has the same number, there is said to be a "tie." So vihen the number of votes cast in favor of any measure, in a leg- islative or deliberative body, is equal to the number cast against it. See Wooster v. Mullins, 64 Conn. 340, 30 Atl. 144, 25 L. B. A. 094.

T1'EL. L. Fl‘. no such record.

Such. Nul Hal record,

TIEMPO INHABIL. Span. A time of inability: :1 time when the person is not able to pay his debts, (when, for instance, he may not alienate property to the prejudice of his creditors.) The term is used in Lou- isiana. Brown v. Kenner. 3 M.-art. O. S. (La.) 270; Thorn v. Morgan, 4 Mart. N. S. (La.) 292, 16 Am. Dec. 173.



TIERCE. L. Fr. Third. Ticrce mcin, third hand. Britt. C. 120.

TIERCE. A liquid measure, containing the third part of a pipe, or forty-two gai- ions.

TIGI-I. In old records. A close or icnlosure; :1 croft. Cowell.

TIGHT. As colloquially applied to 11 note, hond, mortgage, lease, etc., this term signi- fies that the clauses providing the credit- or's remedy ln case of default (as, by foreclosure, execution, distress, etc.) are sum- mary and stringent.

TIGNI IMMITTENDI. Lat. In the civil law. The name of a servitude which isthe right of inserting a beam or timber from the wall of one house into that of a neighboring house, in order that it may rest on the latter, and that the wall or the latter may bear this weight. Wharton. See Dig. 8. 2, 36.

TIGNUM. Lot. A civil-law term for building material ; timber.

TIIILER. An accu-


In old Saxon law.

TILLAGE. A place tilled or cultivated; land under cultivation, as opposed to lands lying fallow or in pasture.

TIMBER. Wood felled for building or other such like use. In a legal sense it generally means (in England) oalr, ash, and elm, but in some parts of England, and generally in America, it is used in a wider sense. which is recognized by the law.

The term "timber," as used in commerce, re-

fers generally only to large sticks of wood. squared or capable of being squared for huil:iing houses or vessels; and certain trees only having been formerly used for such purposes, namely, the oak, the ash, and the elm, they alone were recognized as timber trees. But the numerous uses to which wood has come to be applied, and the general employment of all kinds of trees for some valuable purpose. has wrought a change in the general acceptalion of terms in connection therewith, and we find that Webster deilnes "timher" to be "that sort of wood which is proper for buildings or for tools. utensils. furniture. carriages, fences. ships, and the like." This would include all sorts of wood from which any useful articles may be made. or which may be used to ndi antage in any s of mnniifacture or construction U S. r Sto s (C-. G.) 14 Fed. 824. And see Donwnrth v. Sawyer. 94 Me. 243. 47 Ali. 523: Wilson v. State, 17 Tex. App. 303: U. S. v. Soto, T Ariz. 230. 6-1 Pilt‘. 420. —-'l‘in1bel- eultiire entry. See EN'rizr.— Timber-trees. Oak, ash, elm, in all places, and, by local custom, such other trees as are used in building. 2 BL Comm. 281.

TIMBERLODE. A service by which tenants were bound to carry timber felled from the woods to the lord's house. Cowell.