Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1182

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the judge or court is usually assisted at the hearing by two Trinity Masters, who sit as assessors, and advise the court on questions of :1 nautical character. Williams & B. Adm. Jur. 271; Sweet.

TRINITY SITTINGS. Sittings of the English court of appeal and of the high court of iustice in London and lliddlesex, commencing on the Tuesday after Whitsun Week, and terminating on the 8th of August.

TRINITY TERM. One of the four terms of tfbe English courts of common law, beginning on the 22d day of May, and end- im: on the 12th of June. 3 Steph. Comm. 5[i2.

TRINIUMGELDUM. in old European law An extrnord1nar_\ kind of (.‘OI1i])OSitl0D for an offense, consisting of three times mTu.e, or twenty—seven times the single geld or pay- ment. Spelman.

TRINODA NECESSITAS. Lat. In Saxon law. A threefold necessity or burden. A term used to denote the three things from contributing to the performance of which no lands were exempted, viz., pontts repara- hlo, (the repair of bridges) arcia covnctmctio, (the building of cnstles,) ct ezpeditio contra. Imslcm. (military service against an enemy.) 1 Bl. Comm. 263. 357.

TRIORS. In practice. Persons who are

appointed to try challenges to jurors, 1'. e., to hear and determine whether a juror chai- lcnged for favor is or is not qualified to SPFVB.

The lords chosen to try a peer, when indicted for felony. in the coult of the lord

high steward, are also called "triors." Moz- iey & Whitley. TRIPARTITE. In conveyancing. 01'

three parts; a term applied to an indeuture to which there are three several parties. (of the first. second, and third parts.) and which is executed in triplicate.

TRIPLICACION. L. Fr. In old pleading. A rejoinder i.n pleadinz: the defend- ant's answer to the p|aiutiiI's replication. Britt. C. 77.

TRIPLICATIO. Lat. In the civil law. The reply of the plaintiff to the rejoinder of the defendant. It corresponds to the surrejoinder of common law. Inst. 4, 14; Iirnct. l. 5. L 5, c. 1.

TRISTRIS. In old forest law. A freedom from the duty of attending the lord of n forest when engaged in the chase. Spel- Lilllli.

TRITAVIA. Iat. In the civil law. A grz-at-grandmother's great-granrlninther; the female ascendant in the sixth degree.



TRITAVUS. Lat. great-gr:1nd.father’s great-grandfather; male nscendant in the sixth degree.

In the civil law. A the

TRITHING. In Saxon law. One of the territorial divisions of England, being the third part of a county, and comprising three or more hundreds. Withm the trithing than was a court held (cniicd "trithlug-moIe'| which resembled the court-ieet, but was } ferior to the county court. —-T1-itldng-mote. The court heid for a triming or 1iL_iing.—Trithi_n,gA-1-eeve._ _The officer w o superintended a trithing or riding.

TRIUMVIR. Lat. In old English law. A trithing man or constable of three hundred. Cowell.

TBIUMVIRI CAPITALES. Lot in Roman law. Officers who had charge of the prison, through whose intervention punish- ments were inflicted. They had eight iiciurs to execute their orders. Vicat, \'oc. Jnr.

TRIVERBIAL DAYS. In the Civil law. Juridjcai days: days allowed to the printer for deciding causes; days on which the prmtor might speak the three characteristic words of his office, viz., do, dice, addica. Cni- vin. Otherwise culled "dies fastl." 3 Bl. Comm. 424, and note 14.

TRIVIAL. Trifliug; inconslderahle; oi smnii worth or importance. in equity 3 demurrer will lie to :1 lull on the ground of the trim'u11'tg/ of the matter in dispute, as be ing below the dignity of the court. 4 Bout. Inst. no. 4237.

TRONAGE. In English law. A customary duty or toll for weighing Wool: so called because it was weighed by a common trona, or beam. Fleta, lib. 2. c. 12.

TEONATOR. A weigher of Wool. Cowell.

TROPHY MONEY. Money formerly cli- leeted and raised in London, and the seveini counties of England, towards providing harness und maintenance for the militia. etc.

TROVER. In common—laW practice, the action of trover (or trover and conversion) is a species of action on the case, and origi- nally lay for the recovery of dzupztges against a person who had found another's goods and wrongfully converted them to his onn use. Subsequently the nliezntion of the loss of the goods by the plaintiff and the finding of them by the defendant was merely flcfitions. and the action became the remedy for any wrongful interference with or detention of the goods of another. 3 Steph. Comm. 425. Sweet. See Burnhum v. I‘i(1cock, 33 Misc Rep. 65, 66 N. Y. Supp. 806; Larson 7 Daw-