Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1194

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UNILATERAL. One-sided; ex parte; having relation to only one of two or more persons or things.

Unilatera1 contract. See Contract.Unilateral mistake. A mistake or misunderstanding as to the terms or effect of a contract, made or entertained by one of the parties to it but not by the othor. Green v. Stone. 04 N. J. liq 387, 34 Ati. 10%, 55 Am. St. Rep. 577. —-Unilateral record. Records are unilaterai when offered to simw a particular fact, as a prima at.-ic case, either for or against a stran- g‘e}r.3 igan v. Cooney, 107 Tenn. 214. 64 S. \ . 1.

UNINTELLIGIBLE. That which cannot be understood.

UNIO. Lat. In canon law. A consolidation of two churches into one. Cowell

UNIO PROLIUM. Lat. Uniting of oli- spring. A method of adoption. chiefly used in Geunany, by "hich step-children (on eithor or both sides of the house) are made equal, in respect to tha right of succession, with the children who spring from the marriage of the two contracting parties. Sea I-Ieinecc. Elem. § 1S8.

‘UNION. In English poor-law. A un- lon consists of two or more parishes which have been consoildated for the better admin- istration of the poor-law therein.

In ecclesiastical law. A nuion consists of two or more benefices which have been united into one beneflce. Sweet.

In publin law. A popular term in America for the United States; also, in Great Britain, for the consolidated governments of England and Scotiand, or for the political tie between great Britain and Ireiand.

In Scotch law. A "clause of union" is a clause in a tooffment by which two estates, separated or not adjacent; are united as one, for the purpose of making a single seisin sufiice for both.

UNION-JACK. The national flag of Great Britain and Ireland, which combines the banner of St. Patrick with the crosses of St. George and St. Andrew. The word "_]:-zk" is most probabiy derived from the snrr-nat, (‘i1l1l‘_L'Cl'] with a red cross, ancientiy used iiy the English soldiery. This appears to have been caiied a "jacque," whence the nord "la(‘l<et," anciently written "jacquit." Some, however, without a shadow of mi- donce, derive the word fl-om ".I1zcgur's," the first aiteration having been made in the reign of King James I. Wharton.

UNION OF CHURCHES. A combining and consolidating of two churches into one. Also It is when one church is mada subject, to another, and one man is rector of both; and a here a conventual church is made a cathedral. ’.L‘omiins.

UNITAS PEESONARUM. Lot. The unity OF persons, as that between husband and wife, or ancestor and heir.

UNITED STATES BONDS. Oliiigaljons for payment or money which have been: at various times issued by the government of the United States.

UNITED STATES COMMISSIONERS. Eacb circuit court of the United States any appoint, in different parts of the district for which it is heid, as many discreet persons as it may deem necessary, who shnii be cali- ed "commissioners of the circuit court," and shall exercise the powers Wl].lC]J are or may he conferred upon them. Rev. St. U. S. 5 627 (U. S. Comp. St. 1901. p. 499).

UNITED STATES NOTES. Promissory notes, resemhiing bank-notes. issued by the government of the United States.

UNITY. In the law of estates. The pe-

cuiiar characteristic of an estate held by several in joint tenancy, and which is fourfold, viz., unity of Interest, unity of title. unity of time, and unity of possession. In other words. joint tenants have one and the same interest, accruing by one and the same conveyance, commencing at one and the same time, and held by one and the same undivided possession. 2 Bl. Comm. 180. —Unity of interest. This term is applied to joint tenants, to signify that no one of them can have a greater interest in the property than each of the others, while, in the case of tenants in common, one of them may have a larger share than any of the others. Wil|i':ms. Real Prop. 134. ]39.—Unity of possession. Joint possession of two rights by several titles. As it I take a lease of land from a person at a certain rent, and afterwards I bu_v the feesimple of such land, by this I acquire unity of possession, by which the lease is extinguished Cowch;_ Brown. It is also one of the essential properties of a Joint estate, each of the tenants having the entire possession as well of every parcel as of the whole. 2 Bl. Comm. IS‘2,— Unity of seisin is where a person selsed of Land which is subject to an easement. profit a premier, or sinninr right, also becomes selsed of the land to which the easement or other right is annexed. Sweet_—Unity of time. One of the essential properties of a joint estats; the estates of the tenants being vested at one and the same period. 2 Bi_. _Comm. 131 —Unity of title is applied to ]Oll'|t tenants. to signify that they hold their property by one and the same " e, while tenants in common may take property by several titles. Williams, Rcsl Prop. 13 .

Unins oxnnina testis responsio non nu- diatnr. The answer of one witness shnil not be heard at, ali; the testimony of I slngie Witness shall not be admitted under any circumstances. A maxim of the civli and canon law. Cod 4, 20. 9: 3 Bl. Comm. 370: Best. Ev. p. 426, § 390, and note.

Uninscujusqne eontractns initinn: spectandnzn est, at cause. The commence meat and cause of every contract are to be regarded. Dig. 17, 1, 8; Story, Ballm. § 56.