Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1213

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VETO. Lat. I forbid. The veto-power Is a power vested in the executive officer of some governments to declare his refusai to assent to any hill or measure which has been passed by the legisiature. It is either ab- solute or qualified, according as the effect of its exercise is either to (lcstroy the bill finally, or to prevent its becoming law uniess again passed by a stated proportion of votes or with other formalities. Or the veto may be mereiy suspensive. See Peopie v. Board of Councilmen (Super. Buff.) 20 N. Y. Supp. 51.

—Pocket veto. Non-approvai of a legisiative act by the president or suite governor, wit the resiiit that it t'aiis to become a law. not by ll virition disapprovai. (a veto in, the ordinary form,) but by remaining siient until the adjournment of the legisliitive body, when_thi_it ad- journment takes place before the expiration of the poi-ind aiiowed by the constitution for the examination of the bill by the executive.

VETUS JUS. Lat. The old law. A term used in the civil law. sometimes to designate the law of the '.l'well'e Tabies, and sometimes inereiy a law which was in force previous to the passage of a subsequent law. Calvin.

VEX. To harass, disquiet, annoy; as by repeated litigaflon upon the same facts.

VEXARI. Lat. To be harassed, vexed. or annoyed; to be prosecuted; as in the max- im, Nema dcbet bis -vezari pro ima et. clzdem cause. no one should be twice prosecuted for one and the same cause.

VEXATA QITIESTIO. Lat A vexed question; a question often agitated or discussed, but not determined or settled: a question or point which has been differently determined, and so left doubtful. 7 Coke, 451); 3 Burrows, 15-l'i'.

VEXATION. The injury or damage which is suffered in consequence of the tricks of another.

VEXATIOUS. A proceeding is said to he vexzitlous when the party bringing it is not acting Dunn ride, and merely wishes to annoy or embarrass his opponent, or when it is not caiciiiated to lead to any practical result Such a proceeding is often described as "friv- oioiis and vexntious," and the court may stay it on that ground. Sweet.

V]-IX]-ID QUESTION. A question or point of 101W often discussed or agitated, but not determined or settled.

VI AUT CLAM. By force or covertly.

Lat In the civil law. Dig. 43, 24.

VI BONORUM RAPTORUM. Lat. In the civil law. Of goods taken away by force. The name of an action given by the prietor as a remedy for the vioieiit taking of ano’rJJer's property. Inst. 4, 2; Dig. 47, 8»



VI ET ARMIS. arms. See Tnnsrass.

Lat. With force and

VIA. Lat. In the civil law. Way; a road; a right of way. The right of wailiiig, riding, and driving over another's innd. Inst. 2, 3, pr. A species of rural servitude, which included Her (a footpath) and «Lotus, (a drift» way.)

In old English law. A Way; a public road; a foot, horse, and cart way. C-0. Litt. 56a.

—Via ordinuria; via. executive. In the law of Louisiana, the former phrase means in the ordinary way or by ordinary process, the latter means by executory process or in an ext:-utory proceeding. A proceeding in a civil action is "ordinary" when a citation takes piace and aii the deinys and forms of law are observed; "ex- ecutory" when seizure is oiitained against the property of the debtor, without previous citation. in virtue of an act or titie importing confession of judgment, or in other cases provided by law. Code Prac. La. 1839. art. 9S.—Via. publiea. In the civil law. A public way or road, the land itself belonging to the public. Dig. 8, 2, 21.—Via. reg-in. In English law. The ki 52': highway for all men. Co. Lit 56a The highway or common road, called "the king‘s" highway. because authorized by him and under his protection. Cowell.

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Via antique via est hits. The old way is the safe way. Manning v. Manning's Ex’rs. 1 Johns. Ch. (N. Y.) 527, 530.

Via. trita est tutissimn. The tradden path is the safest. Broom. Max. 134; 10 Coke, 1-22.

VIABILITY. Capability of living. A term used to denote the power a new-horn cbl.ld possesses of continuing its independent existence.

VIABLE. Capable of life. This term is applied to a newiy-horn infant, and especially to one prematureiy born, which is not only born alive, but in such a suite of organic development as to make possibie the continu- ance of its life.

VIE SERVITUS. Lat. A right of Way over anothei-’s land.

vumiznr: ni~:N'r}:. In French law. A rent-charge or annuity payabie for the life of the annuitant.

VIANDEE. turning otlzicer.

In old English law. 7 Mod. 13.


VIATOR. Lat. In Roman law. A sum- moner or apparitor; an officer who attended on the tribunes and zediles.

VIGAR. One who performs the functions of another; a substitute. Also the incumbent of an appropriated or impropriated ecclesiastlcai benefice, as distinguished from the icnumbent of a non-appropriated beneiice, who