Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/189

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CENSERE. dain ; to decree.

In the Roman law. To or-

Dig. 50. 16. 111.

CENSITAJRE. sat by cens, (q. 1;.)

In Canadian law. A ten-

CENSIVE. In Canadian law. Tenure by mix. (!1- 1).) GENSO. In Spanlsh and Mexican law.

liii annuity A ground rent. The right iihlch a person acquires to receive a certain annual pension, for the delivery which he illiiiieli to another of a determined sum of money or of an immovable thing. Clv. Code Mex art. 32506. See Schm. Civil Law, 149, 311.); White. New itecop. bk. 2, c. 7, 5 4.

—-Censo a.i guitar. A redeemnhle annuity; otherwise called "censo reriimible." Tl'E\IlJ0 v. Fernandez, 13 Tex. 630.—Censu oons:igni_1ti- va. A cnzso (q. 17.) is called "‘mm.ri'gmztwo" iilien he who receives the money_iissigns for the humour of the pension (annuity) the estate llil. ice in irhir-h he rcservcs. Oiv. Code Mex. arl .'i‘ZOT.—Ccnso enfitentico. In. Spanish mil Mexican laii. An emphyteufic annuity. 'l'hat species of coma (annuity) which exists "her! there is a right to require of another a curtain canon or pension annually, on account of having transferred to that person forever certain real estate, but reserving the fee in the land. The owner who thus transfers the land is culled thc "(-cnsualAato." and the 11c_rson who pays the annuity is callcd the "censaturm." Hall, ll-Ax. Law, § 756; Hart v. Burnett, 15 Cal. 557.

CENSUALES. In old European law. A Species of oblizti or voluntary slaves of (-lillrches or monasteries; those who, to procure tlle pl'0teLtlL)n of the church, bound themselves to pay an dllllllili tax or quit-rent only of their estates to a church or monaslery.

CENSUERE. In Roman law. They have dureed. The term of art, or technical term for the judgment, resolution, or decree of tho senate. Tuyi. Civil Law. 566.

CENSUMETHIDUS, or C E N S ‘U- MORTHIDUS. A dead rent, like that unich is called "niortmaln." Biount: Cowell.

GENSURE. In ecclesiustical law. A spiritual punishment, consisting in =srithdrziw- lug from u luiptised person (whether he- longing to the cic gy or the laity) a privilege Miitli the church gives him, or in wholly ex- iqlling him from the Christian communion. Its principal varieties of (-ensures are ad- Molaitlmi. dcgrarhition. deprivation, excomil1L’liCI1I.'l0ll. pcnancc. sequestration, suspen- EJIL Imll in Eco. Law. 1.567.

.-\ I.H~'lIlIll observed in certain manors in Do! an and Cuinivail. Where all persons above Isr «ice of sixteen years are cited to swear fulty to the lord. and to pay 11d. per poll, ml 1d. per nnnum.

CENSUS. The othcial counting or ennmeration of the people of a state or nation.



with statistics of wealth, commerce, education, etc. Huntington v. Cast, 149 Ind. 255. 48 N. E. 1025; Republic v. Paris, 10 Hawaii, 581.

In Roman law. A numbering or enroll- ment of the people, with a valuation of their fortunes.

In old European law. A tax, or tribute; a toll. Montesq. Esprit des Lois, Liv. 30, c. 14.

CENSUS REGALIS. In English law. The annual revenue or income of the crown.

CENT. A coin or the United States, the least in value of those now minted. It is the one-hundreth part of a dollar. its weight is 72 gr., and it is composed of copper and nickel in the ratio of 88 to 12.

CENTENA. A hundred. A district 01' dlusiou containing originally a hundred freemen, established among the Goths, Germans, I-‘ranks, and Lombards, for military and civil purposes, and answering to the Saxon "hundred." Spclmnn; 1 Bl. Comm. 115.

Also, in old records and pleadings, a hundred weight

CIENTI-'.‘.NA.RII. Petty judges, under-sherrifs of counties, that had rule of a hundred. (cenimLa,) and judged smaller matters among them. 1 Vent. 211.

CENT]-'.‘.NI. The principal inhabitants of a (/'LlLi(‘1l.i1«, or district composed of dlfferent viiluges, originally in number a hundred, but afterwards only called by that name.

CENTESIMA. tlredth part.

Uauriw cciilesimuz. Twelve per cent per annnin; that is, a hundredth part of the pricnipal was due each month,—the mouth being the unit of time from which the Romans reckoned interest. 2 Bl. Comm. 462, note.

In Roman law. The hun-

GENTIME. The name of a denomination of French money, being the one-hundredth part or a frame.

CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT. An English conrL hnvlug jurlsdlction for the trial of crimes and misdemeanors committed in London and certain adjoining parts of Kent, Essex, and Sussex, and of such other crilniii.-ii (uses as may he sent to it nut of the Lni,-:'s lieiicli. though arising hevuuil its proper jurisdiction. It was constituted by the acts 4 & 5 Wm IV. c. 36, and 19 K: 20 Vict. c. 16, and superseded the "Old Bailey."

CENTRAL OFFICE. The central othce of the supreme court of Judicature in England is the othce established in piirsu-mce of the recommendation of the legal depart-