Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/198

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CHANGE. 1. An alteration: snhstltution of one thing for another. This word

does not connote either improvement or deterioration as a result. In this respect it differs from imierid-merit, which, in law, always nnports a change for the better.

2. Exchange of money against money of 8. different denomination. Also small coin. AJ- so an abbreviation of emrliariye.

—-Change of venue. Properly speaking, he reinornl of a suit begun in one county or is- L!‘iLi’. tn iiuoiher county or district for trial, tliuu,-zli the term is also sometimes applied to the remain] of a suit frmu one court to anothor court of the slime county or district. Dud- ley v. Power Co.. 139 Ala 4%, 30 South. 700;

  • ‘i=lls v. Iiaiirmad L‘/0., ‘|‘.l5 Pa. 21 45 ML 4933;

Slate v. W0[Eord, 119 Mo. 375, 24 S. \\r. 704.

CHANGER. An officer formerly belonging to the lung's mint, in Englalid. Whose bnsii ss was chiefly to exchange coin for bullion brought in by merchants and others.

CHANNEL. This term refers rather to the bed in which the main stream of a river liows than to the deep water of the stream as followed in n:i\ig.iI.lon. Biidge Co. v. Du- buque Unimty. 55 Iowa, 558, S N. W. 4-13. See The Ollycr (D. C.) 22 Fed. 849; Iowa v. Illinois, 147 U. S. 1, 13 Sup. Ct. 239, 37 L. Ed. 53; Cessill v. State. 40 Ark. 504.

The "main chiinne " of a river is that bed of

.he riier over which the principal volume of water flows. Many gr:-at riiers dischr\1",:e them- selves into the sea through moie th-in one channel. They all, however. have a main channel. tliro gh which the pi-iniiiial volume of "ater pa: Puiket Co. v. Bridge l"n_ (C. (‘‘_i 3] Fed. Rep. 757. -Natural channel. The channel of a stream as determined by the nnrui.-ii conformation of the country through which it dons; that is, the tied over which the waters of the stream flow when not in any mannpr ilirertiil or interfered with by man. See Lzirmbee v. Cicierdale. 131 Cal. 96, 63 Pac. 143.


CHANTER. The ch lei’ singer in the choliof a cathedral. Mentioned in 13 Eliz. c. 10.

CHANTRY. A church or chapel endowed with lands for the maintenance of priests to say mass daily for the souls of the donors. Ternies de la Ley; Cowell.

CHAPEL. A piiice or woi-sliip; a iesser or infcrior church. sometimes a part of or subordinate to another church. Webster. Rex v. Nixon. 7 CH1‘. & P. 442.

—-C1mpe.l of ease. In English ecclesiastical law. A chapel founded in 1 nova! at some pc- rind later than the parucliiiil chiircli itself, and ilcsi -ind for the accoinniodnlion of such of the pirisiiioncrs us. in course of time, had begun to fix their residence at some distance from its site; and so tei-inril because huilt in aid of the original church 3 Steph. Comm 151.—Pi-ivnte chapel Chapels owned by private persons, and used by themselves and their families, are called "private," as opposed to chapels of ease, which are built for the accommodation of particular districts Within a parish. in ease of the original parish cburch. 2 Staph. Comm. 743.- Proprietary chapels. In English law.



Those belonging to private persons who have purchased or erected them with a view to profit or ot_berwise.—Pnblic oluipels. In <n-glish law, are chapels founded at some period later than the church itself. They were designed for the accommodation of such of the parishioners as in course of time had begun to (ix their residence at a distance from its site; and chapels so circnmstanced were described as "chapels of ease," because built in aid of the original church. 3 Steph. Comm. (71): Ed.) 745.

CHAPELRY. The precinct and ilmlts of ii chapel. The same thing to s. chiipei as ii parish is to a church. Gowell: Blouut.

CHAPERON. A hood or bonnet ancient- Iy worn by the Knights of the Garter, as part of the habit of that order; also a littie escutcheon fixed in the forehead of horses drawing a henise at a funeral. Wharton

CHAPITRE. A summary of matters to be inqni.i-ed of or presented before justices hi eyi-e, justices of nssise, or of the pcuice, in their ses"ions. Also articles delivered by the ju. ice in his charge to the inquest Brit. (3. iii.

CHAPLATN. An ecclesiastlc who performs divine service in II chapel; but it more commonly means one who attends upon 11 king, prince, or other person of quality, for the pelfornizince of ciericai duties in a pri- vate ciiapel. 4 Coke, 90.

A clergyman officially attached to a ship of War, to an army, (or regiment.) or to sow» public institution, for the purpose of performing divine service. Wehster.

CHAPMAN. An itinerant vendor of smali wares. A trader who trades from place to place. Say. 191, 192.

CHAPTER. In ecclesiastical law. A congregation of ecclesiastical persons in ii cathedral church, consisting of cuiious. or prebendaries, whereof the dean is the head. all subordinate to fine bishop, to whom they act as assistants in matters relatliig to the chnreh, for the better ordering and djspnsini: the things thereof, and the confiriiiation of such leases of the temporaity and offices re- iatlng to the bishoprlc, as the bishop shall make from time to time. And they are term- ed 'capi'mluni," as a kind of head, institulsui not only to assist the bishop in manner aforesaid, but also anclently to rule and govern the diocese in the time of vacation Burn, Diet.

CEARACTER. The aggiegate of thr moral qualities which belong to and dlstin« guish an individuni person: the general re suit of the one’s distinguishing attributes.

That moral predisposition or habit, or liggregate of ethlcai qualities, which is believed to attach to a person. on the strength of the common opinion and report concerning him

The opinion generally entertained of a per-