Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/250

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CONDUCTUS. A thing hired.

CONE AND KEY. In old English law. A woman at fourteen or fifteen years of age may take charge of her house and receive cane and key; that is. keep the accounts and keys. Cnucll. Said by Lord Coke to be rm-or and lrcye. meaning that at that age a wonian knew What in her house slionld he hept under lock and key. 2 Inst 203.

CONFARREATIO. In Roman law. A sacrificial rite resorted to by marrying persons of high patriciaii or priestly degi-ee, for the purpose of clothing the hu. mind with the wianus over his wife; the civil modes of et- for Ling the same thing heing coeinplio. (form- al.) and using muIi'cris. (infori.nal.) Brown.

CONFECTIO. The making and completion of a written instrument 5 Coke. 1.

CONFEDERAGY. In criminal law. The association or handing together of two or more persons for the pliriiose of committing an mt or furthering an enterprise which is forbidden by law, or which. though law- fui in itself, hctzoiues unlawful when made the object of the c-oul‘e<leracy. State v. Crow- ley, 41 Wis. 284, 2 Am Rep. 719; "atson v. Navigation C0., 52 How. Prac. (N. Y.) 353. Conspiracy is a more technical term for this oflense.

The act of two or more who combine together to do any damage or iniury to an- othcr, or to do any unlawful act. Jacob. See Watson v. Niirigation (‘o.. 52 How. Priic. (N. Y.) 353: State v. Crowley. 41 WIS. 23-1. 22 Am. Rep. 719.

In equity pleading. An improper combination alieged to have been entered into hetween the defendants to a hill in equity.

In international law. A league or agreement between two or more indeneiident states whereby they unite for their mutual welfare and the furtherance of their common aims. The term may apply to I1 union so formed for a temporary or limited purpose, as in the case of an offensive and defensive alli- ance: but it is more commonly used to de- note that species of political connection between two or more independent states by which a central government is created. in- vested with certain powers of sovereignty. (mostly external.) and acting upon the several component states as its units, which. however. retain their sovereign powers for domestic purposes and some other. See 'l<‘sni:nAL GOVERNMENT.

GONFEDERATION. A league or compact for mutual support. particularly of princes, nations, or states. Such was the colonial government during the Revolution. —.A1-tioles of Confederation. The name of the instrument embodying the compact made between the thirteen originai states of the Un- ion. hcfore the adoption of the present constitution.



CONFERENCE. A meeting of several i)ei'sm:s for deliiicration, for the lntcrelianfl of opinion, or for the removal of dlii'orei~nI or disputes. Thus, a meeting between :1 counsel and solicitor to advise on the cause of their client

In the practice of icgisl-i1'lv.s bodies, when the two houses cannot agree upon a pending mt-asure, each appoints a committee of "con- ference." and the committees meet and consult together for the purpose of reinorim: (litforenccs, harmonizing contllctlng rievis, and arranging a compromise which will In accepted by hoth houses.

In international law. A personal meeting between the diplomatic agents of two Oi more powers, for the purpose of msihlii; statements and explanations that will obvi- ate the delar and diliiculty attending tho more formal conduct of negotiations.

In French law. A concordance or identity between two laws or two systems of laws.

GONFESS. To admit the truth of a charge or accusation. Usually spoken or charges of tortions or criminni conduct.

GONFESSIO. Lat. A confession. Cun- fessio in jmlicia, a confession mode in or be fore a court.

Gonfessin facts in judicio nninl pro- bntione major out. A confession made in court is of greater effect than any proof. Jenk. Cent. 102.

CONFESSION. In criminal law. A vol- untary statement made by a peisun ciiiirged with the commission of a crime or l1)Isd(~ meanor. communicated to another persui. wherein he acknowledges himself to or guilty of the olrcnse charged, and disclosithe circumstances of the act or the slime llliii participation which he had in it. Spicer v Com. (Ky.) 51 S. W. S02: People v. Partoii 49 Cal. 037: Lee v. State. 102 Ga. 221. 21! S. E. 264: State v. Heidenreich. 29 Or. 381. 45 Pac. 755.

Also the act of a prisoner, when arraigned for a crime or misdemeanor. in ac1:nowied..- lag and avowing that he is guilty of the offense charged

Classification. Confessions are divided into judicial and extrajudicial. The former are such as are made before a magistrate or court in the due course of legal proceedings, while the iatter are such as are made by a party else- whers than in court or before a magistrate. Speer v. State. 4 Tex. App. 479 An implied confession is where the defendant. in a case not capital. d_oes not plead guilty but indircrlly admits his guilt by piacing himself at the mercy of the court and asking for a light sentence 2 Hawk. P. . D. 4439; State _v. Conway. 20 R. I. 270. 38 At]. 656. An indirect confession is one inferred from the conduct of the defend- ant. State v. Miller, 9 Houst. (Dei.l 51 3" Ati. 137. A naked confession is an adm .sion of the guilt of the party, but which is not supported by any evidence of the commission of the crime. A relative confession. in the older crim-