Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/279

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N. Y. 536, 7 Am. Rep. 480; Keene 17. Wheat- ley. 14 Fed. Cas. 135.

An incorporeal right, being the exclusive privilege of printing, reprinting. selling, and publishing his own original wurlz, which the law allows an author. Wharton.

Copyright is the exclusive right of the owner of an intellectual production to muitiply and iiisyinse of copies: the soie right to the copy, at to copy iL The word is used invliifpri-v lly in signify the statutory and t.lie common-law ruht, or one l'l,':lJI. is sometimes called "copy- uli " after publication, or statutory copyright; ll: uther CD]i)ll_l,']Jt before publicllljon, or comildtn iiw C0[))'I‘|L'_‘l_l[ "lie word is also used syn- ‘ isiy \\l[l] "literary proper ' thus, the ie right of the owner public t nliuit a work is often called "copyrigt." iiia is not strictly correct. Drone. Copyr. 100.

International copyright is the right of ll subject of one country to protection €1g.l1l1St the repubiiration in another country of a worl: which he originally published in his own country. Sweet.

CORAAGIUM, or GORAAGE. Meas- ures of corn. An unusual and cxti-aurdi- nary tribute, arising only on special occaslons. They are thus distiugliisiied from services. Meiitioned in connection with lzidaye and cizrvage. Cowell.

OOBAM. Lat. Before: in presence of. Ayplied to persons only. Townsh. PI. 22.

—-Goran: domino 1-ege. Bcfois our lord the Ling. Comm daniina regs ubic-umquc tmic fu- viv Anyliw, before our lord the king wherever ishali then be in En_slziml.--Cm-am lpso rcgc. Before the king liimseif. The mid name iii the court of l:in_i:'s bench, which was ori,-zi- iully held before the kiu_-.: in person. 3 Bl. ijuiim. 41—Cox'am nolilii. Before us our- ~.-«ives, (the king. i. e.. in the king‘s or quci-n's l--ncb.) Applied to writs of error directed to mnllicr bl‘fl|l(‘]J of the same court. e. g., from the full bench to the court at um‘ priua. 1 \Nlib. Pr. Ix. B. 23-l.—Cnl'a1n non judice. in pr:-seiice of a person not :1 judge. When a suit is hroiisiit and determined in a court which Ins no jurisdiction in the matter, then it is said in be caram iion iudicc, and the Judgment ls Holt, 51 ‘V Vn.

. . 35l,—Coram parlbns. Bcfois

the peers or freeholders. The attestation of deeds. like all other solemn transactions, was orig- innlly done only cnram paviibus. :2 Bl. Comm. .:0T, Om-am pnrilma dc vicineta. before the rivers or frechniilere of the nei,-zhhorhond. Id. 315. Corarn sectatoribus. Before the suit- ois. Cm. Jnc. 582.—Cu1-am volils. Before 3‘ u. A writ of error directed by a court of review to the court which tried the cause, to cor-

\-iid. lfliiiiiifncturing Co. v. ‘l."i2. 41 S D

rpcl an error in fact. 3 Md. 325; 3 Staph. mm. CORD. A measure of wood. containing

l'.’9 cubic feet. Kennedy v. Raiirond Co., 87 Barb. (N. Y.) 177.

C0-RESPONDENT. A person summoned to answer a bill, petition, or libel. together with another respondent. Now chief- ly used to designate the person charged with iiduitery with the respondent in a suit for divorce for that cause, and joined as a de-



fendant with such party. Lowe 1. Bennett. 27 Misc. Rep. 356, 58 N. Y. Supp. 8&

CORIUM FORISFACERE. To forfeit one's skin, applied to a person condemned to be whipped; anciently the punishment of a servant. Corium zzcrdcrc, the same Cori- imi rcdimnre. to compound for a whipping. Wharton.

CORN. In English law, a general term for any sort of grain; but in America it is properiy -ipplied only to HIEIZG Suilins v. State. 5.‘; Ala. 476; Keri-icl; v. Van Dusen, 32 Minn. 317, 20 N. W. 228; Com. v. Pine,

3 Pa. Law J. 412. In the niemoiandum clause in policies of insllrauce it includes pense and beans, but not rice. Park, Ins. D 112; Scott v. Bourdliiinn, 2 Boa. 6: P. (N. R.) 213. —-Corn laws. A species of protective tariff formerly in existence in England. imposing im- nrt-diitics on nirioiis kinds of ;:r'iin. Ihe corn iiws were iiliolished in l.‘*«-}G.—Cox‘n rent. A E rent in wheat or malt paid on coils-gi: icascs by direction of St. 18 Elia. c. 6. 2 Bl. Comm.

CORNAGE. A species of tenure in England, by which the tenant was bound to blow a horn for the sake of iiiarimng the country F on the approach of an enemy. It was a species of grand scrjcanty. Bac. Abr. "Ten- ure," N.

CORNER. A combination among the G dealers in a specific commodity, or outside capitalists, for the purpose of hiiying up the grcatcr portion at that commodity which is upon the market or may be brought to market, and hniding the same back from sale, until the dem-ind shall so far outrun the Llniited supply as to advance the price abnornially. Kirkpatrick v. Bonsall 72 Pu. 153; Wflght v. Cudnhy. 163 Ill. Sli, 48 N. E. 39; Kent v. Mlltenberger. 13 Mo. App. 506.

In surveying. An angle made by two I boundary Lines; the common end of two boundary Lines, which run at an angle with each other.

CORN‘!-Y1‘. A commissioned officer of cav- alry, abolished in England in 1871, and not 1 existing in the United States army.

CORODIO HABENDO. The name of I1 writ to exact a corody of an abbey or relig- ious hnuse. K

CORODIUM. In old English law. Acor-

CORODY. In old English law. A sum of money or allowance of meat, drink, and L clothhig due to the crown from the abbey or other religious house, whereof ll: was founder, towards the snstentation of such one of its servants as is thought iii: to receive it. It differs from a pension, in that it was allowed towards the maintenance of any of"