Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/294

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COURT-HOUSE. The building occupied for the public sessions of a court, with its various oihces. The term may be used of a place temporariiy occupied for the sessions or a court, though not the regular court- house. Harris v. State. 72 Miss. 960. 18 South. 387. 33 L. R. .3. S5; Vlgo County v. Stuilli. 136 Ind. 53. 35 N E. 63. 2 L. R. A. 39. , Waller v Aruoid, Tl ill. 3; Kane V. l\IcL'c-wn, 55 Mo. 198.

COURT-LANDS. Doinnins or lands kept in the lord's hands to serve his family.

COURT-LE]-IT. The name of an English court of l‘ccul'd held once in the year, and not oftener, within a [)i]l'lil.ulill' hundred, lordship, or manor. before the steward of the iect, being the king's court granted by charter to the lords of those ill]Llli.I‘€dS or manors. Its othce was to \i£i\\‘ the trani<pledi;es,~tliat is, the treemen within the liberty; to present by Jury crimes happening within the juris- diction; and to punish trivial nnsdeineanors. It has now, however, for the most part, fail- en into total desuctude-, thougii in some inanors a court-leet is still periodically held for the transaction of the adiiiiiiistr-alive business of the manor. Mozley & Whitley.

COURT-MARTIAL. A ruilita.i'y court. convened under autiioiiiy of government and the artil.-lcs of war, for tr) in: and punishing military offenses committed by soidiers or sailors in the army or nniy. People v. Van Allen. 55 N. Y. 31; Cal ver v. U. 16 Ct. Cl. 361; U. S. v. Mackenzie. 30 Fed. Cas. 1160.

COURT OF ADMIRALTY. A court having jurisdiction of causes arising under the rules of admiralty law. See ADMIRALTY.

—High court of admiralty. In English law. This was a court which exercised _|l|I'lS- diction in prize cases, and had general juris- diction in maritime causes, on_ the instance side. its proceedings ucre usually in re1n._ and its practice and pii iplcs derived in large measure from the civil law. The judicature acts of 1873 transferred all the powers and ju- risdiction of this tribunal to the probate, di- vorro, and admiralty division of the high court of jusfice. ,

COURT OF ANCIENT DEMESNE. In English law. A court of peuiliar constitution. held by a lzallltf appointed by the king, in which alone the tenants of the kings de- inesne could be ill.l1Ji€'IliBd. 2 Buirows. 1046; 1 Spence. Eq. Jnr. I00; 2 Bl. Comm. 99; 1 Staph. Comm. ‘.724.

COURT OF APPEAL, HIS MAJ- I:S'1‘Y’S. The chief aiipeliate tribunal of lI)ngi.ind. It was CStill)ilbiJDd by the Judicature nets of 1873 and 1375, and is invested with fine jurisdiction formerly exercised 'hy the court of appeal in Chancery, the excheq- uer chamber, the jiulicial committee of the privy council in admiralty and lunacy appeals, and with geueixil appellate jurisdiction from the high court of justice.



COURT OF APPEALS. In American law. An appellate tribunu.l which, in i’ ' tucky, Mai-yiand, the District of Coilu1il!h,- and New York. is the court of last run-L in Delaware and New Jersey, it is known as the ‘court of errors and appeals :" in Virginia and West Virginia, the "supreme court of appeals." In Texas the court of appeals is inferior to the supreme court

COURT OF APPEALS IN CASES 01' CAPTURE. A court erected by not uf ton- gress under the articles of coufedeiation which preceded the adoption of the constitution. It had appellate Jurisdiction in prize causes.

COURT OF ARBITRATION OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. A court of arbitrators, created for the convenience of merchants in the city of New York, by not of the legislature of New York. it decide! disputes between members of the channber of coiniucrce, and beta een memlieis nod oudfl merchants who voiitntaiily suhnnt then!- seivcs to the Jurisdiction of the court.

COURT OF ARCHDEACON. The f interior of the English ecclesiastical L-ouim. from which an appeal generally iies to that of the bishop. 3 151. Comm. 6-}.

COURT OF ASSISTANTS. in Mhfll- chusetts during the eariy coioniai pciiod, this name was given to the chief or supreme ju- dicial court, composed of the governor. his deputy, and certain assistants.

COURTS O1‘ ASSIZE AND NISI PRIUS. Courts in England composed of two or more comnnssionei-s, caiiod ' judges of assize." (or of "assize and misi print-,") who are twice in every year sent by the hing‘: speciai commission, on circuits ail round we kingdom, to try, by a jury of the rcspcctlve counties, the truth of such matters of fact as are there under dispute in the courts of West- minster Hall. 3 Steph. Comm. 421, 422; 3 Bl. Comm. 57.

COURT OF ATTACHMENTS. The low- est of the three courts held in the forests. It has failen into total disuse.

COURT OF AUDIENCE. Ecclesiastical courts, in which the primates once eierclsed in person a considerable part of their juris- diction. They seem to be now obsolete, or at least to be only used on the rare occurrence of the trial of a bishop. Philiun. Em Law, 1201, 1204.

COURT OF AUGNENTATION. An English court created in the time of Henry VIII., with Jurisdiction over the property and revenue of certain reli:;ions founditions, which had been made 0\ er to the Hi‘ by act of parliament, and over suits relating to the same.