Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/297

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New York) to a court of general original ju- risdiction in criminal cases.

COURT OF GREAT SESSIONS IN WALES. A court formerly heid in Wales; abolished by 11 Geo. IV, and 1 Wm. IV. c. In and the Weish judacature incorporated with that of England. 3 Stem]. Comm. 317, note.

COURT OF GUESTLING. An assembly of the members or the Court of Brotherhood (.yn1nna) together with other representatives of the corporate members of the Cinque Ports, invited to sit with the mayors of the seven principai towns. Cent. Dict.

COURT OF HIGH COMMISSION. In English law. An ecclesiastical court of \ei-y i'urun'iiable Jurisdiction, bar the \-indication oi tine peace and dignity of the church, by refuinzing. ordering, and correcting the eu:iesiastitai state and persons, and aii manner of errois. heresies, schisms, ahusus, otteiises, conteinpts, and enormities. .1 Bl. Comm. 6?. it nus erected by St. 1 Eiiz. c. I, and abolished by 16 Car. 1. c. 11.

COURT 0!‘ HONOR. A court having Ju- risdiction to hear and redress injuiies or attronts to a man's honor or personal iligniuv, of a nature not cognizabie by the oriliuaiy min-ts of law, or encruachments upon his |‘i'=,i]iS in respect to heiaidry, con’:-arnior, right of precedence, and the like. it was one of the functions of the Court of Chivairy (q. 1:.) in Eiiglmld to sit and act as a court of honor. 3 Bi Comm. 104. [the name is also given in some European countries to a tri- imnai of army oifiters (more or less distinctly recognized by law as a "court") convened for the purpose of inquiring into compiaints af-

in ting the honor of brother officers and pun- islnug ilci-elictions from the code of honor and iii-iiding on the causes and occasions for fighting iiueis, in which officeis are concerned, and the manner of conducting them.

COURT OF HUSTINGS. In English law. '.lhe county court of London, held befote the mayor, recorder, and sherii1', but of uhL‘i the recorder is, in effect, the sole jnuige No actions can he brought in this court that are merely pelsunnl. 3 Staph. Cr-Lani. 4-19, note 1.

In American law. A local court in some

para of the state of Virginia. Smith v. CIthul0IiW€£1iti.i, 6 Grat. GU15. COURT OF INQUIRY. In English

law. .\ court sometimes appointed by the (‘man to ascertain whether it he proper to react to extreme measures against a person charged before a court-martial.

In American law. A court constituted by authority of the articles of war, invested is-vii the power to examine into the nature of any transaction, accusation, or imputation

Bl.Law Dict.(2d Ed.)—l9



against any oiiicer or soldier. The said court shall consist of one or more officers, not ex- ceeding three, and a Judge advocate, or other suitable person, as a recorder. to reduce the proceedings and evidence to writing: all of whom shall be sworn to the performance of their duty. Rev. St. § 1342, arts. 115, 116 (U. S. Comp. St. L901. pp. 970, 971.‘;


In Eng- 'l‘he principal of the forest courts.

COURT OF JUSTICIARY. A Scotch court of general crrminal Jurisdiction of all offenses committed in any part of Scotiand, both to try causes and to review decisions of inferior criminal courts. It is composed of five lords of session with the lord president or justice-clerk as president. It also has appeilate Jurisdiction in civil causes invoiving small amounts. An appeal lies to the house of lords.

COURT OF KING’S BENCH. lish law. The supreme court of common law in the ldugdom, now merged in the high court of justice under the Judicature act of 1873, § 16.

COURT OF LAW. In a wide sense, any duly constituted trihuuai administering the laws of the state or nation; in a narrower sense, a court proceeding according to the course of the common Law and governed by its ruies and principles, as contrasted with a "court of equity."

COURT OF LODEMANAGE. An au- cient court of the C-inque Ports, having Ju- riedictiou in maritime matters, and particu- iarlv over pilots (iodemeu.)

COURT OF THE LORD HIGH STEWARD. in English law. A court instituted for the trial, during the recess of parlia- ment, of peers indicted for treason or felony, or for inisprision of either. This court is not a permanent body, but is created in modern times, when occasion requires, and for the time being, only; and the lord high stew- ard, so constituted, with such of the temporal lorils as may take the proper oath, and act, constitute the court.

COURT OF THE LORD HIGH STEWARD OF THE UNIVERSITIES. in English law. A court. constituted for the trial of scholars or privileged persons C0l.]1.1I)('il-‘ll with the university at Oxford or Cambriil.-;e who are indicted for treason, feiony, or may hem.

COURT OF MAGISTRATES AND FREEHOLDERS. In American law. The nnme of a court formerly established in South Caroiina for the trial of sia\cs and free persons of color for criminal offenses.

COURT 0!‘ MARSHALSEA. A court which has Jurisdiction of all trespasses coin-

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