Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/309

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Corle Cal § 683. A criminal action is (1) im notion prosecuted by the state as a party, ust 11 person Ci]a'l‘_1(’(i with a public offense,

r the punishment thereof ; (2) an action. prose- Oeii by the state, at the instance of {ill individ- to prevent an apprehended crime, azziiinst person or property. Code N. C. SR § _..

e v. Rsiiiroori Co. (0. C.) 37 F .

ii A. 5:74: Ames v. Kansas, 111 U. . 9. 4 Sup. Ct. 437. 25 L. Ed. 482: State v. Costeiio, fil Conn. 497. 23 Ati. SiiS.—Crhninal case. An action, suit, or cause instituted to punish Iii infraction of the criminal laws. State v. lls. 11 S. G. ' Asliby 2 Ky.) 97; U. S. v. Three Tons of Cmil. 28 s. 1-}. People v. IIYJIJ (‘o.. '30] Iii. ‘Jill. 66' N. E .'i-i').—Criniinn.l chin-g . An amt z\I'inn of crime, forniulatr-£1 in a written gig:-‘hint. information, or indictment. and trik- iu iiuipe in '1 prosecution. S. v. Patterson, ll U. S. 65, 14 Sup. Ct. % 37 II. Ed. 99'}: Bson v. State. 11 Ark. 4S2.-—Criz; con- rersntion. Adultery. considered in its uspect rife civil injury to the husband entitling him to bug:-s: the tort of debauching or seducing I a wife. Often nbhreviateil to orim. coii.— Criminal intent. The intent to commit a -:n‘irv-: mniice, as evidenced by a criminal iict: nii intent to deprive or defraud the mic owner ufliis property People v. Moore. 3 N. Y. Cr. ii, 41 —C:-iniinni law. That branch or di- vision of low which treata of crimes and their punishments. In the plurnl—"cl"iminnl lows" —rhe term may denote the inws which define and iimiihit the vnrious species of Crimes and estab- lish their punishments. U. S. v. Iieisinger. 128 ll. 5. 398. 9 Sup. Ct. 99. 32 L. Ed. 430.- Criminal law amendment net. This not ims passed in 1571, (84 & 35 Vict. c. 32.) to prnvent and punish nnv violence. threats. or mnlistutinn, on the part either of master or ivni-kmen, in the various relations -ii-isin: I19- theen them. 4 Steph. Comm. 3-iv‘l.-—Cr1xnina.l liiiv consolidation acts. The statutes '24 & fl Vict cc. 94-100, passed in 1361, for the con- rnlirlntion of the criminni low of Fnninnd and lrrland. 4 Stepb. Comm. 297. These impor- hmr statutes nmonnt to 11 codification of the iiindern criminal law of Ensl:ind.—C1-iniinnl ietters. In Scotch law. A process used as the commencement of a criminal proenedine. in the miture of a summons issued by the lord ud- rnmte or his deputy. It resembles a criminal iiiforin.-ition zit common latv.—Criminn.l proceeding. One instituted and conducted for the purpose either of preventing the commission of crime, or for fixiul: the .'.'nilt of 8 crime nlreiuir committed and punishing the offender: is riistiniznislied from is "ciin'l" proceeding, which is for the redress of in private injury. I‘ S. v. Ime Huen-ll’). C.) 118 Fed. 44 Revinr v. Wnshinctrin Countv Justices. Peck iTi=nn.) 334: People v. Ontario County. 4 D('lliD (N. Y.) ‘J(‘i0.—Criminni procedure. The method pointed out h_v law for the apprehensiii. trinl, or prosecution, and fixing the pun- id nent, of those persons who have broken or iirlnlril, or are Enrvnfisvd to have broken or ridvtcd, the laws prescribed for the resnintion iv." the conduct of the people of the community. Inl who have therr-hy iniri themseiwas liable to hie or imprisonment or other punishment. 4: it! 8: Ens. Fnc. Law. 7.i0.—(Jx-iminnl procut. Proress which issues to conipei a per- ui to nnswer for :1 crime or misilr-mennor. llnrd v. Lewis. 1 Stew. (AliI.) 2 —Cx-inlinal prosecutinn. in action or pro .ee-ding insti- hif-'i in a proper court on behalf of the piib- It, for the purpose of securing the conviction Ixd punislimciit of one fl('(.1iSD(l of crime. l.'E|' v. Thuiiiss. 4-! Pa. 123. 84 Am. Dec, at Ely v. Thompson. 3 A. IS. Miirsh. (K,v.) 70.

As to criminal "Conspiracy," "(‘ontexupt." "infori;ni1tion_" "Jurisr].iction," "Libel.""Neg- ilgence," "Operation," see those titles.




CRIIIJNAIITER. Lat. Criminally. This term is used, in distinction or opposition to the word "oii:i'Iiter," civilly, to distinguish a criminal liability or prosecution from a civil one.

CRIMINATE. To charge one with crime: to furnish ground for a criminal prosecution; to expose 3 person to Ii criminal charge. A witness cannot be compelled to answer any question which has a tendency to (.~riiiii7ri,ate Stewart v. Johnson. 15 1\'. J. Law, 87; Kendrick v. Comni., 78 Va. 490.

CRIMP. One who decoys and piunders sailors under cover of harboring them. Villiarton.

CRO, CBO0. In old Scotch law. A weregiid. A composition. satisfaction, or assythment for the sinnghter of a man.

CROCIA. The orosier, or pastorsii stair. E

CROCIARIUS. before the preinte

A cross-bearer, who went Wharton.

CROCKARDS, CROCARDS. A foreign coin of hose metal, prohiiiited by statute 27 F Edw. I. St. 3, from being brought into the realm. 4 Bl. Comm. 98; Crabb, Eng. Law, 176.

CROFT. A little dose adjoining a diveli- G ing-house. and inr.-iosed for pasture and tili- age or any particuinr use. Jaeol). A smali place fenced mi in which to keep farm-cattie. Spelman. The word is now entirely ob- solete.

CROISES. Pilgrims; so caiied as wearing the si.-zn of the cross on their upper garments. Britt. c. 122. The knights of the order of St. John of Jerusalem. crented for the defense of the pilgrims. Cowellg Biount.

CROITEIR. A crofter ; croft.

one holding ll

CROP. The products of the harvest in corn or grain. Enililements. Insurance Co. 1 v. Dehaven (Pa.) 5 Ati. 65; Goodrich v. Stevens. 5 Lans. (N. Y.) 230.

CROPPER. One who, having no interest in the hind. viorks it in consideration of receiving a portion of the crop for his lzihor. K Fry v. Jones, 2 Ilawie (Pa.) 11; Wood v. Garrison (Ky.) 62 S. W. 728; Steei v. Frick, 56 Pa. 172.

The difference between a tenant und a cropper is: A tenant has on estate in the hind for the term, and, consequently. he has a right of property in the crops. Until division, the right of property and of possession in the whole is the tenant's. A crapper has no estate in the iand; nnd, although he has in some sense the possession of the crop, it is the possession of a servant only, and is. in law, that of the hand- lord, who must divide off to the crapper hisM share. Harrison v. Hicks. 71 N. C. 7.