Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/390

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trict, which may include a whole state or only part of it. Each of these courts is presided over by one judge, who must reside within the district. These courts have original jurisdiction over all admiralty and maritime causes and aii procredinzs in bankruptcy, and over nli pe a and criminal nilitlt-‘Y5 coguimliie under the laws of the United States, xr-lusive juris- (llLfi0El over which is not vested either in the supreme or circuit courts. Also interior courts

of record in California, Coiinr-cticit Iowa, Kansas. Loiiisinnn, Minnesota, Nchias i. Neva- da. Oh'u, ad Tcxtts 11'» also called "district courts. heir jurisdiction is for the most part similar to that of county courts. (q. 12.)- District judge. The judge of a United States district court: also, in some states, the judge of a district court of the state.—District parishes. Ecclesiastical divisions of parishes in England, for all purposes of worship, and for the celebration of marriages, cliristcuinas. churchings. and burials, for-nied at the instance of the queen's ('ull]lIiiFSi0lil>rS for huililing nen (:ill'll‘r‘h- cs. See 3 Steph. Comm. 74-1.—-District registry. By the English judicature nut. 187."-, § 60, it is provirlr-(1 that to facilitate pl'O(E[>liiiJ[;S in country districts the crown may, from time to time, by order in council. create district reg- istries, and appoint district registrars for the purpose of issuing writs of siiiiimous, and for other piirpo-=1-s. Dncunii-nts SEili('li in an such district registry shall be received in ei. deuce without further proof, (section 61:) and the district registrars ma administer oaths or do other things as provi ed by rules or a spcuirii order of the court, (section 62.) Power, how- ever. is given to B. judge to remove proceedings from a district registry to the office of the high court. Section 65. By ordrr in council of 12th of August, 1375. a number of district registries hture been establislied in the places mentioned in that order: and the prothonotaries in Liverpooi, l\Ianch(-ster, and Preston, the district registrar of the court of admiraltv at Liverpooi, and the county court registrar in the other places named, have been appointed district registrars. Wharton

As to "E‘ire," "Judicial," "Land," "Levee," "iSIii_ie1'|1],' "l\," 'R0ad," "S(:li00l," and "Taxing" districts, see those titles.

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. A territory situated on the Potomac river, and being the seat of government of the United States. It was originally ten miles square, and was composed of portions of Maryland and Virginia ceded by those states to the United States; but in 1846 the tract coming from Virginia was retroceticd. Legally it is neither a state nor Ii. territory, but is made sub- ject, by the constitution, to the exclusive ju- risdiction of congress.

DISTRICTIO. Lat. A distress; a distrainl: Cowell. DISTRINGAS. In English practice A

writ directed to the siieriti! of the county 111 which a defendant resides, or has any goods or chattels. commanding him to dlrtrain upon the goods and chattels of the defendant for forty shillings, in order to compel his appearance 3 steph. (‘onn.u. 567. 'i‘i.ii‘s Writ issues in cases where it is found inipractic:i- hie to get at the defendant personally, so as to serve 11 summons upon him. Id.

A distringnx is also used in equity, as the first process to compel the appearance of a corporation aggregate. St. 11 Geo. W. 1 Wm. IV. c. 36.

A form of execution in the actions or V " nae and assise of nriisance Bi-ool«'v>., pl. 26: Barnet v. Ilirie, 1 linwie (I'M '

—Di.ah'ingaa jnrntores. A writ cu

ing the _shi.-ii£t‘ to have the hodics of thin or to dixlrum them by their lands thnt they may ippear upon the day , 3 Bl. Comm.

1. ‘W Steph. Comm. 590- st nnper vice cuniitem. A nut to -' ' the goode of one who lately filicd the sheriff, to compel him to do some act ought to have done before lcaiing lb; 4

sell goods attached under 8. ti. Iu.—Dint1' vice comiteun. A uiit of dieIiri.i,ni, di to the coroner, may iir-d iicxinsr ii if he nogiccts to e rte a writ of in ea-ponds. Arch. Pr. Sb-1.

DISTRINGERE. lish l.iuv Spelman ;

In feudal and old To distrain: to coerce or en i Caitiii. ‘

DISTTIRBANCE. 1. Any iiC1l H aniiognincc, disquiet, agitatiuri, or data ment to another, or inter'i'upting his , or inter-l'e1'ii.ig with him iii the pursuit fl ‘ lawful and alipropriate o('cli[\.il.lun. 1 son v. State. 5 Tex. App. -17 State v. i 1.1 Wasli. 425, 39 I’.iC. 665; George v. Geo 41 N. H. 33; Varney v. French, 19 S. 233.

73 f 4 5'

2. A wrong done to an incorporeai bere» ament by hindering or (1iSlllllE[il|g the mine in the enjoyment of it. Finuh, 187; 3 ' Comm. 235.

—Dist_u banca of common. The doing ll act by nhicii the right of another to his . man is inromrnodorl or dirninisheil; as v 1 one who has no right of common puts i-in tie into the land, or where one who has a of common puts in cattle which are not moniihle, or srircliiirgcs the l"0lIii)|(ln' or I‘ the nu uer of the land, or other per. ' it. 3 B1

or Di.lil‘i‘V\iSE ohsiruct 2:1 3 Staph. Comm " . 0 rnnohise. - ing or iucmliuiu rcise of his Inna’: whereby the 'n-r from it are dill islied 3 Bl. Staph. (‘oium. 2 Crahb, Rani Prop. 1). 107-4, § 2 tnrbamie of patronage. The liiadraiice or obstruction of a patron from I)i‘P~‘eIitI'i§ hl clerk to a benr-iirc. 3 Pl. Cornni. 2-1 : 3 N ih Comm. 5i4—Disti:ix'bance of ship. Any acts or conduct \Tlil('ii interl- uitli the peace and good ortier of an in


Am. Rep I\Ic]7llro_\ To

of tenure. In the law of tnnnr , disiiiriunu‘ is where a stranger, by menaces, force, p ision, or otherwise. rinses a tenant to ion tenancy: this d tiirbarice of tenure is an jrirv to the lord for vi I an action uill lie. 3 Steph. Coinni. 414.--])iStI‘.ll‘llHl'll'8 of the interruption of the pmu-, qiiir-t ';"'ld r of a nciizliliurhond or rviiiiimniy. lv by iinnew-ssnrv .-iiiil (ll-‘fl"'l ‘ cs. City of St. ("liarlc . ' Ynliuni v. State (Tex. (‘r. App.) . —Dist1ix-bance of ways. This happens WiI(‘I‘?‘ a person who has a right of way over another‘:

r. 21