Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/401

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slufl‘, to which every widow is entitled, of

‘ lawn of which her husband may have endoévcd

Inn on the day of iiiarriage. Co. Lilt bl) lJ0\‘vEl', at common law. 2 Bl. Comm. 134.

Dan the date peti nun debet. Dower mi__'l.i|. not to be demanded of dower. Co. Lu I. 31; -1 Coiie. 112i; A widow is not dow- iilue of lands assigned to another woman in iluiver. 1 Hill. Real Prop. 135.

Dan rntionnbilia vel legitima est unjuslihc: mulieris da quocunqne tenemento tcrtia 1131‘! omniiim terrarum at tenemtntorrujn, qua: Irir suns tenuit in do- niinia sno ut de feodn, etc. Go. Litt. Z’-36. ilcnsonable or legltiimte duiier belongs to every woinan of a t.l.ii1‘d part of all the lands iiinl telienlents of which her husband was .\rl»~1 in his deinesiie, as of fee, etc.

DOT. (A French word, adopted in Louisi- ani) The fortune. portion, or dow1'_v winch n woman brings to her husband by the mar-


DOTAGE. Dotage is that teehleness of the mental faculties which [iruceeds from old il‘.I>s It is a diminution or decay of that in- Icni-ctnai power which was once [JO sscd. ll is the slow approach of deith; of that ll‘[‘\¢\'I15‘fll)lE cessation, without hnit or dis- mm, of all the functions which once he- lmacd to the Living anhnal. The external fumtlnns grarliially cease: the senses Waste aiuiy by degrees; and the mind is ln.i1ieri1,'[|"l1_V rlsitul by decay. Owing's Case. 1 Bhiuil lilid.) 389, 17 Am. Dec 311.

DOTAL. Relating to the dos or portion of I1 woman; constituting her portion; comprised in her portion.

—Dutai property. in the civil law. in Louisi- nnri, by this l.L'i‘ED is lindersiood that propc l‘ wuich the wife brings to the husliind to iiuist Inn in bearing the expenses of the innii -ie uvulilishment. Extradotal nioperty, olhoiwise Iflbd "parapherniil property." is that which

(«rm no part of the dowry. Civ. ('ndr~ La, ilfl z.."".‘i; Fleitiu: v. Richards in. 1-17 U. S. I5). 13 sup. CL 495. 37 L. Ed. I5.

DOTALITIUM. in w Dun er.

In canon and feudal Spelnian. voc. "Do:ii'lun1;"

Calvin 2 Bl. Comm. 129. Used as early as .-L D. 8-ll. DDTATION. The act of giving a dowry

or poition: endowment in general. including the endmrnient of a hospital or other char- lLil)li1 institution.

DOT]-1, n. In Spanish law. The marriage puition of a wife. White. New ilecnp. b. l. tit. 6. c 1. The property which the wife giies to the husband on account of nnii-i-lag:-. or for the pui pose of supporting the nniti'l- nmnlnl expenses. Id. b. 1, tit. 7. c 1. § 1; St-hm. Civil L.iw, 7" Cutler i-. W:idi1ingli'llJ], 22 No. 23-1; Hurt v. Burnett. 1.’: Cal. B136.



DOTII, 1;. "To besot" is to stnpefy. to make dull or senseless. to make to dute: and "to date" is to be dcliriuns, silly, or insane Gates v. Meredith, 1' 1nd. 441.

DOT]-I ASSIGNANDA. A "lit which lay for a iiidoiv, when it "as iudicially as certained that a tenant to the hing was - ed of tenements in fee or fen-tail at the day of his death, and that he held of the king in chief. in such case the widow n1 come into cliancery. ziiid then make oath t at she would not ni.ii-r_v uithout the king's leave, and then she might have this ‘Writ. These nidows were called the "king's Wid- ons" Jacob; Holthouse

DOTE UNDE NIHIL HABET. A writ whit-h lies for a Wl|10W' to ivhuin no dmier has been assigned. 3 B1 Comm. 182. By 23 S; 24 Tlct. c. 126, iui nidiiiary st-tion (nmiiwnced by Writ of sniuiiinns hiis its place; but it remains in force in the United States. Dower «wide nihil hubcl I_whi(-_h title see.)

Doti lex fnvet; praaeminni piidoi-in est: idea parentul‘. C0. Litt. 31. The law {.1- vors dowel‘. it is the reward of chastlti therefore let it be preserved.

DOTIS ADMINISTRATIO. Admeasurement of dower, where the widow holds more than her share, etc

DOTISSA. A dowsger.

DOUBLE. Twofold; acting in two capacities or having two aspects: multiplied by two. This term has ordinarily the same meaning in law as in popular speech. The principal compound terms into which it enters are noted below.

Double adultery. Adultery committed by two persons each of whom is married to another as distinguished from "single" adulterty where one of the participants is unmarried. Hunter v. U. S., 1 Pin. (Wis.) 91. 39 Am. Dec.

—Douh1e avail of marriage. in .\ (itch v. Double the 0|"(lliI.'Vi'V or 8ln.‘{l9 Villlit, of a niarihzo. Iicll. See lTPLE'\' \ ALOR MARI- Tm.Ii.—Douhle bond. ln Sco' h law. A hand with a penalty, as dislingiiislied fi-um ii single band. 2 Kames. liq. .¥.i9—Donhle complaint, or double quarrel. in eccle- Si‘ =tiuIl law. A grievance mudc known by a clerk or other person. to ilie alclllllsllnfl at the ]!l‘l)\'in(‘E_ zlglinst the ordinarv, for drl.-ivlng or r-‘using tn do justice in some can" el"ClL‘:~i1.‘ fit: :1, as tn give sentence. ilJ>|»_vlU[e u tieik. ct: It is tI‘rm1'(l a "double cnuiplain ." bc iuse it is l1i0\‘f conin-miil_v maile against both Ihe judge and him at whose suit justice is deniul or (le- lnpml, the ell‘:-ct whereof is that the ui'clihishop. tlllillllg notice of the delny. directs his let- Ivrs. nnvler his niithentiial F(‘i|l. to all (lei-ks of his province, commanding them to niln.nni l) the ordinary, within a certain nliniher of (l , to do the justice rcqiilretl, or othernise to appear before him or his ufliclal, and there allege the cause of his delay‘ and to signify to the (‘Jl'£]ll"lllI'_|‘ that if he neither perforiii the thing enjoined. not appear nor show cause against it. he himself. in his court of audience, will forthwith prmced to do the justice that is due.