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(lower. Fitzli. Nat. Brev. 23.—Droit common. The cominon law. Liit. § 21?: Co. Lilt. 14‘.’u. —Drnit-dz-oit. A (louhle right: that is, the right of possession and the right of propertv. Those two rights were, by the theory of our ancient law. distinct: and the above phrase was used to indicate the concurrence of horh in one person, which concurrence was newssary to constitute :1 complete title to land. Muzley & Whil‘.le_v—Droit:s of admiralty. Rights or perquisites of the admiralty. A term applied to goods found derelict at sea. Ap- lied also to property captured in Lime of war y non-conimisieionod vessels of a belligerent nation. 1 Kent. Comm. "

Droit ne done plnis que soil: demmuule. The law ciies not more than is dein.inded. 2 inst. 286.

Droit ne poet pus mo-rier. I-light cannot die. Jenk. Cent. 100, case 95.

DROITURAL. What belongs of right: relating to right; as real actions are either droitiirnl or possessory,—di'oitural "‘ilPl'l the plaintlfl seeks to recover the property. Finch, Law, 237.

DROMONES, DROMOS, DROMUN- DA. These were at flrsr. high siiips of great lyiirden, but after" ards those which we now will "iuen-of-ivzir." Jacob.

DROP. In English practice. "'licn the merulvei-s of a court nre equally diiided on the nrgunicnt slioulng cniise against E. rule mrl, no order is made. L e., the rule is nel- ther dlS(‘l'lill‘_£.’e(l nor made alisniute, and the rule is said to drop. In practice, there being a right to appeal, it has been usual to make an order in one wii_v, the junior judge nlthilrawimz his judgment Wharton.

DROP-LETTER. A letter addressed for delivery in the same city or district in which it is posted.

DROVE. A number of animals collected and driven together in a body: a flock or herd of cattle in procoss of being driven: indefinite as to number, but including; at least several. Caldwell v. State. 2 Tex. -\[)]'J. 54: l\l(‘C0l]Vili v. Jersey City, 39 N. J. Law, 43.

—Di-ave-road. In Scotch law. A ro. driving ciittie. 7 Bell. App. Cos. 43 =- A drift-roail. Lord Ilroiigham. Id ovestuiice. in Scotch law. A place 8. ]0llIlIlL' ii iii-uve-road, for resting and refreshing sheep and cattle on their journey. 7 Bell, App. Cns 53. 5'i'.—Dx~ove1-‘s pass. A free pass giien hy s milrond C0li.lpilflV. uccepting a drove of cattle for transportation. to thc drovcr who accompanies and cares for the ciiitle on the train. Railrosd Co. v. T-inner, 100 Va. 379, 41 S. E. 721', Railway Co. v. Iiy. T1 Tex. 409, 9 S. W. 346, 1 L. It. A. 500. 10 Am. St. Rep. 758.

ii for '4. 57.

DROWN.} To merge or sink. "In some cases a right of freehold shall drown in a chattel." Co. Litt. 266a, 321a.

DRU. A thicket of wood in a valley. Domesday. DRUG. The general name or substances

used in medicine; any substance, vegetable, animal, or mineral, usc(l in the coiuposltlnn or prepaiation of medicines. The term is also applied to mate-ials used in dyeing and in chemistry. See (‘oillns v. Iiniihim: Co.. 79 N. C. 281, 28 Am. Rep. ‘ ' 66 Fed. 251, 13 C. C. A. (C. C.) 124 Fed. -170, Insurance Co. v. Flem- ming. 65 Ark. 54. 44 S. W. 404, 39 L. R. A. TR‘). (‘.7 Am. St. Rep. 900; Gauit v. State. 3-1 Gil 533.

DRUGGIST. A dealer in di'u,':s. one whose business is to sell drugs and medicines. In strict usage. this term is to be distinguished from "apoilie('ar_v." A druggist (l€1llS in the uncompoiinilcd nierliciiiril substances; the business of an npothec.iry' is to mix: and coinpoiind them. But in America the two ivnrds are used iiilei‘(‘li1lIl§!(‘lll)lV. as the some persons l.ISli.lll,V discharge both functions. State v. Hnlines. 28 La. Ann. 767. 26 Am. Ilcp. 110: Ilainline v. Com., 13 Bush (I{y.) 352; St-its v. Donaldson, 4.1 Minn. 74, 42 N. W. 781.

DRUMMER. A term applied to commer- cial agents who travel for wholesale incr- cliants and supply the retail trade with goods, or mice orders for gzonrls to be shipped to the retail dealer. Robbins v. Shelby Coiintv 'l‘axin,<: Dist.. 120 U. S. 489. 7 Nup. Ct 592. 30 L. Ed (:94: Singleton v. Fi-it ch. 4 Lea (Ten.n.) 96; Thomas v Hot Sprlnas. 34 -\i'l:. 557, 36 Am. Rep. 24; Strain v. Chicngo Portrait Co. (C. C.) 12!’; Fed. 825.

DRUNGARIUS. In old European law. The commander of a di'lliiI]’IlS, or hand of soldiers. Applied also to a naval commander. S115-liunn.

DRUNGUS. In old Filrnpeau law. A band of soldiers. (rzlolms miiiliim.) Spelman.

DRUNK. A person is "drunk" when he is so far under the influence of liquor that his passions are visilily excited or his judgmcnt impaired, or when his brain is so for affected by pntntions of liquor that his inteiligzcnce senso-perceptions. iiidgniciit, contlnIiil'_v of thought or of ideas, speech, and co-ordination of volition with muscular action (or some of these faculties or processes) are lnipaircd or not under normal con-

trol. State v. Pierce. 65 Iowa. 85, 21 N. W. 195: Elltin v. Bnschner (Ps.) 10 Ail. 104; Sam; v. Stabs, 116 Ga. 132. ~12 S. E. 411'. Ring v. King. 112 Ga. 854. 38 S. E. 330: State v. Savn,-ze, 89 Ala. 1. 7 South. 133, 7 L. R. A. 42!‘-; Lewis v, Jones, 50

Bnrh. (N. v.) 067.

DRUNKARD. He is a drnnkard whose

habit it is to get drunk: whose ebriety has M