Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/415

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E. As an abbreviation, this letter may stand for "Exchequer," "English; "Edward." Equity," "East," "Eastern," "Euster." or Ecclesiastical."

E. A Latin preposition, meaning from, out of, after, or according. It occurs in umny Latin phrases; but (in this form) only before a consonant. When the initial of the following WUl'll is a vowel, cm is nsed. From the onpostite; on the con- (‘nnverscly On the oth- Equivalent to P

-2 contra. 1rary.—E Imnverso. er hand. on the contrary. cont:-a.—E mcra g1-atia. Out of mere grace or favor.—E plulibus unum. One out of many. The motto of the linilcd States of America.

E. G. An abbreviation of c.1-cmpli gm,- tw. For the sake of an example.

EA. Sax. The water or river; also the mouth of a river on the shore between high and low water-mark.

Eu. est nceipienda inter-pretatio, qua witio caret. "hat interpretation is to be received [or adopted] winch is free from fault [or wrong] The law will not intend a wrong. Bac. Max. 17. (in reg. 3.)

EA 1'NTEN'I‘IONE. With that intent. Held not to make a condition, but a confl- dence and trust. Dyer, ‘l3Sb.

Ea. quae, commendandi oausa, in Ironditiouibus theuntur, ni palam npparennt, vemlitoi-em non obligunt. Those things which are said on sales. in the Way of com- mendatlun, II [the qualities of the thing sold] lppe-lr openly, do not bind the seller. Dig. 18, 1. 43, pr.

Ea qua dam-i impossibilia sunt, Irel qua in rel-um nature. non sunt. pro nun ad- jectis habentux-. Those things which are impossible to be given, or which are not in the nature of things, are regarded as not added [as no part of an agreement] Dig. 50. 17. 135.

E3 qua in curia nostra. rite nets, aunt dehitm exeoutioni denmndari debent. C0. latt. 299. Those things which are properly transacted in onr cnurt ought to be committed to a due execution.

Ea qua rurn uccidunl non temere in agendis negutiis eomputantur. Those things which rarely happen are not to lie taken into account In the transaction of busi- ness, without sufficient ‘reason. Dig. 50. 17,

EACH. A distributive adjective pronoun. which denotes or refers to every one of the

persons or things mentioned: every one of two or more persons or things. composing the whole, separately considered. The effect of this word. nsed in the covenants of a bond, is to create a se\er.1l obligation. Sei- ler v. State, 160 Ind. GUS, 67 N. E. 448: Knickerbocker v. People, 102 Ill. 33; Costignn v. Lunt, 104 Mass. 219.

Eadem cause fliversis rationibus co- ram judicibus eeclesiastieis et seculari- bus ventilatnr. 2 inst. 6.". The same cause is argued upon d.ift‘erent prinuples before ecclesiastical and sec-uiar judges.

Eadem est ratio, endem est lex. The same rcason, the same law. Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge, 7 Pick. (.\i.1ss.) 493.

Eudem menu prasumitur regis qua est juris ct qua ease debut, prsesertim in fluhii . H011. 154. The mini! of the sovcrcign is presumed to be coincidc-nt with that of the law, and with that which it ought to be. especially in ambiguous matters.

EAGLE. A gold coin of the United States of the value of ten dollars.

EALDER, or EALDING. In old Saxon

law. An elder or chief.

EALDERMAN, or EALDORMAN. Tile name of :1. Saxon magistrate: .1lIler1n.iu; analogous to curl among the Danes, and sonator among the Romans. See ALDElil\lAN.

I-}ALDOR—BISCOP. A1) nrchluishop.

EALDORBUEG. Sax. The nietrc-polls; the chief city. Obsolete.

EALEHUS. (Fr. eale, Sax., ale, and has. house.) Au ale-house

EALHORDA. Sax. assislug and selling beer.

The [nrl\ liege of Ohsulete.

EAR GRASS. In English law. Such grass which is upon the hind after the runwing, until the feast of the A1-inunLl.1t.iun after 3 Leon. 213.

EAR.-MARK. A mark put lip-’|lI a thing: to distinguish it from another. Originally and literally, a mark upon the ear: a mode of marking sheep and other animals.

I’ro[\erty is said to be ca,r-marlrud when it can he identified or distinguished from other property of the ame nature.

Money has no ear-mark, but it is an ordi- nary term for a plivy mark made by any one on a coin.