Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/419

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it can make its own condldon hettcr, but not WOFSB. 2 Inst. 3.

Euclesia. non moritnr. The

church does not die.

Ecclesia: magis favendnm est qnam persona. Godol. Ecc. Law, 172 The church is to be more favored than the purson.

ECCLESIIE SCULPTURA. The image or sculpture of u churtdn in ancient times was often cut out or cast i1i plzite or other mots], and preserved as u relmious treasure or relic, nod to perpetnute the memory or some tu- mnus churches. Jacob.

ECCIESIARCH. The ruler of a church.

ECCLESIASTIC, ii. A clergyman; a priest; a man consecrated to the service of the church.

I-:CCLEsIA5'I‘:[CAL. Something belonging to or set apart for the church, as distin- guished from "civil" or "sec-ular," with re- gard to the world. Wharton.

—Ecclesinsl:ies.l authoritie. In England. the clcuy. under the smcrci.-‘n. us rpiiipoml head of the church. stt apart from 1.hi- rest of the people or luity, in order to snperlntend the pub- lic_woi-ship of God and the other (.1 I'eli1Ill.ii(-‘S of religion, and to administer spiritual counsel and instruction. The several orders of the clergy are: (1) Archhishups and bishops: (2) deans iind chapters; (3) nrchileacous; (4) rural deans; (5) pm-sons (under whom arc included appro- priatoisl und vicais; (G) curatcs. Church- wurdens or sidcsmen, and parish clerks and sextons, inasmuch as their duties are connected with the church, may be considered to be a species of ecclesiasticul authorities. Wharton. —Eoclesii1stics.l commissioners. In English law. A body corporate. eicctcd by St 6 & 7 Wm. IV. c 77. empowered to suggest measures conducive to the eificieney of the established church. to be ratified by orders in council. Wharton. See 3 Stcph. Comm. 156, ‘l57.—Eccleslnsticnl corporation. See C0[(l"()R.\1‘10\'. —Ecclesia.stica.l council. In New England. A church cnnrt or trihunnl, having functions partly judicial and partly udvlsory. zippointt-d to determine questions relating to church discip- line. orthodoxy. stiinding of mi st:-rs. contro- wrslcs hctiveen ministers und r churches, differences and diiisions in chun, rs and the like. Str‘.'Ii'us v. I‘irst Parish. 21 Pit‘ . (\l:i. ) 124; Shelrlnn v. (‘onzregatioiiul Parish. 24 Pic 1. (Mass) 2S1.—Ecclosin.stical courts. A system of courts in England. held by nuthority of the sovereign, and havinz jurisdiction over mutters pertaining to the religion and ritual of the estohlished church, and the rights. duties, and discipline of ecclcsinsticnl persons as such. They nre as follows: the urclideocon‘s court. conslstory court. court of urchcs. court of ‘pcculiars. prerogative court, court of delegates, court of convocation, court of aurllcncc. court of fuculties, and court of commissioncrs of review. See those scvernl titlcs; und sce 3 Bl. (‘oium. 644$. E<|uit:1l)li= Life Assur. Roe. v. Paterson. 41 Ga. 3Ii4. 5 Am. Rep. :'i3.'i. Ecclesiastical division of England. This is a division lutc provinces. dioceses, arcbrloaconrics. rurnl rlcancries, and piirishes.—Enc1esin.sI:ical Jurisdiction. Jurisdiction D\eI' ccch stirnl vases and controvcrsic.: such as spprrtnins tn the ecclesiastical courts. Short v. Stotts, 58



Ind. 35.-—-Eou1esi.ustics.l law. The body of jurisprudence administered by the ecclesiastical courts of England; derived. in large measure, from the canon und civil law. As now restrict- crl. it upplins mainly to the zitfiilrs. und the doctrine. discipline, and Wm ‘hip, of the established church. De Witt v. Dc Witt. (17 Ohio St. 340. (56 N. E. 13(i.—Et'.clesia.stics.l things. ' term, as used in the canon law, includes church buildings. church property. cemeteries, and property given to the church for the suppoit of the poor or for any other pious use.

Smith v. Bonhoof. 2 Mich. 115.

ECDICUS. The attorney, proctor, or ad- vocate of a corporation. Eziiscopoi-iirii cedici; hlsliops‘ proctors; church lawyers. 1 Reeve, Eng. Law, (:5.

EGHANTILLON. In H‘rcLicl1 law. One of the two parts or pieces of a wooden tally. That in possession of the debtor is properly C{Ill(‘.(i the "tally." the other "ccILan!'ilIon." Poth. Ohl. pt. 4, c. 1. art. 2, § 8.

ECHEVIN. In French law. A munic- ipal officer corresponding with nltlerinan or burgess, and liming in some instances | civil jurisdiction in certain causes of trifling importance.

ECHOLALIA. In medical jurisprudenr‘e. The con. t and senseless repetition of par- Llcular words or phrases, recn_'.:ni'/.cd as -.1 sign or symptom of insanity or of aphasia.

ECHOUEMENT. Strziuding. 13. no. 1.

In French marine law. Emcrlg. Tr. des Ass. c. 12. s.

ECLAMPSIA PARTURIENTIUM. In medical jurisprudence. Puerpei-:il convul- sions: a convulsive seizure which sometimes suddenly attacks a woman in labor or dirnct- ly after, generally attended by unconscious- ness and occasionally by mental aheiration.

ECLEGTIG PRACTICE. In medicine. That system foilowed by physicians who se- lect their modes of practice and medicines from various schools. Webster‘.

"Without professing to understand much of medical phraseology, we suppose that the terms 'allopathic practice‘ and ‘legitimate husiur-ss' mean the ordinary method commonly adopted hr the great body of lcariicd and eminent physicians, which is taught in their institutions. eslahlished by their highest authorities, and Hi‘- ccpled by the larger and more rcspoctiible '[inrtion of the community. By ‘eclectic practice.‘ without impnting to it, as the counsel for the plaintiff seem inclined to, an odor of illr-zslity. we presume is intended another and dittcrcut s_\-stem, unusual and eccentric, not couutcnuuccd hy the classes before referred to, but characteriz- ed by them as spurious and denounced us dun- gerous. It is sufficient to say that the two modes of treating human mnludics are essentially distinct. -ind based upon different viens of the nature and causes of diseases, their :1 pro- priute remedies, and the modes of lllI|)Y§'i'lJg them." Brudhury v. Bnrdin. 34 Conn. 453.

EGRIVAIN. In French mnrine law. The clerk of :1 shlp. Emerig. Tr. des Ass, c. 11. s. 3, no. 2.