Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/475

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EXPLEES. See Esrmas. EXPOSI-J, 1:. To show puhllcly; to display; to offer to the public view; as, to EXP!-ETA. EXPI-ETIA. OF ExPLE- "expose" goods to sale, to "expose" a tariff 0151- In old records The rents and profits or schedule of rates, to "expose" the person

of II] 8StB.tE.

EXPI.ICA.'I'IO. fourth pleading: joinder of the common law.

In the civil law. The equivalent to the surre~ Calvin.

EXPLORATION. In mining law. The examination and investigation of land supposed to contain vuiuuhie minerals, by driiiing, horing, shafts, driving tunnels. and other means, for the purpose of discovering the presence of ore and its extent. Calvin v. Weimer, 641 Minn. 37, 65 N. W. H779.

EXPLORATOR. A scout. huntsmnn, or chaser. EXPLOSION. A snddeu and rapid com-

bustion, causing violent expansion of the

air, and accompanied by a report

The word "explosion" is variously used in ordinnry speech, and is not one that admits of exact definition. Every combustion of on explosive substance, whereby other property is ignited and consumed, wou not be an "explo- sion," within the ordinary meaning of the term. it is not used as a synonym of "comhustion." An explosion may be described generally as a sudden and rapid comhustion, causing vioient expansion of the air, and accompanied by a repnrt But the rapidity of the combustion, the violoure of the expansion, and the vehemence of the report vary in intensity as often as the occurrences muitiply. Hence an explosion is an idea of degrees: and the true meaning of the word. in each particular case, must he settled. nnt by ztny fixed standard or accurate measurement, but by the common experience and notions of men in matters of that sort. Insurance Co. v. Foote, 22 Ohio St. 348. 10 Am. Rep. 135. -\nd see insurance Co. v. Dorsey, 56 Md. S1. 40 Am. Rep. 403: Mitchcli v. Insurance C 16 Am). D. C‘. 270: Louisville Uuu’icrwritcrs Llulélgéid, 123 Ind. 544, 24 N. E. 221, 7 L.


EXPORT. 1:. To send. take, or carry on article of trade or commerce out of the country. To transport merchandise from one country to another in the course of trade. To carry out or convev goods by sea. State v. Turner, 5 Har. (Dei) 501.

EXPORT, n. A thing or commodity exported. "ore commoniy used in the plural. in American law. this term is only used of rznods carried to foreign countries. not of trends transported from one state to another. Brown v. Houston. 114 U. S. 622. 5 Sup. Ct. 1091, 29 L. Ed. 257: Putapsco Guano Co. v. Board of Agriculture. 171 U. S. 345. 18 Sup. Ct. 801’. 43 L. Ed. 19]; Swan v. U. S.. 190 U. S. 143. 23 Sup. Ct. 7M. 47 L. Ed. "Si". Roth!-rniel v. Mex erle. 136 Pa. 250. 20 At]. 583. 9 L. R. A. 366.

EXPORTATION. The act of sending or carrying goods and merchandise from one country to another.

Boynton v. Page, 13 Wend. (N. 1'.) 4 Comm. v. Byrnes, 158 Mass. 172. 33 N. E. 343; Adams Exp. Co. v. Schles. nger, 75 Pa. 246; Centre Turnpike Co. v. Smith, 12 Vt. 216.

To place in a position where the object spoken of is open to danger, or vrhere it is near or accessible to anything vvhith may affect it detrimentaliy; us, to "e-\:puse" a child, or to expose oneself or another to a contagious disease or to danger or hazard of any kind. in re Smith, 146 N. Y. 68, 40 N. E. 497, 28 L. R. A. 820, 48 Am. St. Rep. 769; Davis v. Insurarce Co.. 81 Iowa, 496, 46 N. W. 1073, 10 L. R. A. 359. 25 Am. St. Rep. 509; Miilor v. Insurance Co., 39 Minn. 548, 40 N. W. 839.

I-JXPOSE. n. Fr. A statement; account; recitai; expiauation. The term is used in diplomatic language as descriptive of :1 written explanation of the reasons for n certain not or course of conduct.

EXPOSITIO. Lat. Expiztuotion; expo- sition; interpretation. Exrpositio qua: ex viseeriblls canon:

nnscitnr, est nptissima et fortissimn in lege. That kind of interpretation which is born [or drawn] from the boweis or‘ 11 cause is the aptest and most forcible in the law. 10 Coke. 241;.

EXPOSITION. ta tiun.

Explanation; interpre-

EXPOSITION DE PART. In French law. The ahaudonment of a child. uuuiue to take care of itself, either in 11 public or private pince.

EXPOSITORY STATUTE. One the offico of which is to declare "'11-1t shall he taken to be the true meaning: and intent of a statute previously enacted. 1'ia(-1:, C‘rJust. Law, (3d ed.) 8!). And see Lindsay v. llnmd States Snv. & Lnan Co.. 120 Ala. 150, 24 South. 171. 42 L. R. A. 783.

EXPOSURE. The act or state of exposing or hcing exposed. See Exrnss.

-1-.‘-xposuu-e of child. Plating it (with the intention of whniiy abandoning it) in such a place or position as to leave it unnl‘<)ler'[c(i against danger and jeopurd its health or life or subject it to the perii of severe sulfering or se- rious hodilv harm. Shannon v. People ' fiO_—ExpnsIu-e of person. In criu Such an inluntianal exposure. in a public ylncc, of the nnkcd hnrlv or the privile purts . ' calculated to shock the feelings of chast v or to corrupt the morale of the community Gil- more v. Slate, 11.9 Ga. 2‘lD. 45 S. E. L’Z.;—-Indecent exposure. The same as exposure of tin" person. in the sense above defined. State v. Ban-guess. 106 Iowa, 107. W6 N. ‘V. 508.
