Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/491

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dlage, in ie it] phrase. Wilson v. Cochran. 3] Tex. 677, 9 Am. Dec. 553.

"Family" may mean children, wife and chil- dren, blood-relatives, or the members of the domestic circle, according to the connection in which the word is used. Spencer v. Spencer. 11 Paige (N. Y.) 159.

"Family." in popular acceptution. includu

parents. children, and servanui,—ali whose dom- Mle or home is ordinarily in the same house and under the same management and head. in a statute providing that to gain a settlement in a town one must have "supported him- self and his family therein" for six years. it icnludes the individuals whom it was the right of the head to control, and his duty to support. The wife is a member of the family, nithin such an enactment. Cheshire v. Bur- lington. 31 Conn. 336. —I‘amily arrangement. A term denoting ‘Ill :i,;rL-cment: between a father and his chil- dren, or between the hail: of a deceased father. to dispose of property, or to partition it in a different manner than that which n'oulrl result if the law alone directed it, or to divide up pro erty without administration. In those cases. rmiuently, the mere relation of the pill‘- ties will give effect to bargains otherwise without adcquate consideration. I Chit. Pr 07; 1 Turn. & R. 13.—Farni]y Bible. A Bihie conhining a. record of the births. marriages. lnfi di-aths of the inemhers of a family.—Family meeting. A.n institution of the laws of Louisiana, being a council of the relatives (or, if there are no relatives, of the friends) of a. minor, for the purpose of Ildilising as to his nfiinirs and the administration of his property. The family meeting is called by order of I judge, and presided over by a justice or notary. and must consist of at least five persons, who are put under oath. In re Bothich. 44 IA. Ann. 1037. 11 South. 712: Cir. C-ode La art. 805. It. corresponds to the "conseii de famillc" of French law, q. v.-—E'an1ily_se_ttle1_nenI:. A term of practically the same signification as "family arrangement," q. o. supra. S_ee Willey v. iiodge. 104 Wis. 81. 80 N. W. 73, 76 Am. St. Rep. 852.

FAMOSIIS. In the civil and old English law. Relating to or affecting character or reputation; defamatory; slanderous. —I‘mno5ns libellns. A libelous writing. A term of the civil law denoting that species of iniilriri which corresponds nearly to iihei or slander.

FANAL. Fr. In French marine law. A large lantern, fixed upon the highest part of a vessel's stern.

FANATICS. Persons pretending to be inspired, and being a general name for Qua- keis, Analaptists, and all other secturies, nud factions dissenters from the Church of Engand. (St. 13 Car. II. c. 6.) Jacob.

FANEGA. In Spanish law. A measure of land varying in different provinces, but in the Spanish settlements in America consisting of 6,400 square varas or yards.

FAQUEER, or FAKIR. A Hindu term for a poor man, mendicant; a religious heggar.

FARANDMAN. In Scotch law. aier or merchant stranger. Skene.

A trav-



FARDEL OF LAND. In old English law. The fourth part of a yard-land. Noy says an eighth only, because, according to him, two fardeis muhe a nook, and four noohs a yard—land_ "harton.

FARDELLA. In old English law. A bnndle or pack: a fardei. Fleta, lib. 1, c. 22, 5 10.

FARDING-DEAL. The fourth part of an acre of land. Spelmsn.

FARE. A voyage or passage by water; also the money paid for a passage either by land or by water. Cowell.

The price of passage, or the sum paid or to he paid for Carrying a passenger. Chase v. New York Cent. R. Co., 26 N. Y. 526.

FARINAGIUM. A mill; a toll of meai or flour. Jacob; Spelmun.

FARLEU. Money paid by tenante in lieu of a hcriot. It was often applied to the best chattel, as distinguished from heriot, the best beast. Cowell.

FARLDNGARII. aduiterers.

Whoremongers and

FARM, n. A certain amount of provision reserved as the rent of a messuage. Spel- man.

Rent generally which is reserved on a lease; when it was to be paid in money, it was called "blanche flrmc." Speiman; 2 Bl. Comm. 42.

A term, a lease of lands: a leasehold interest. 2 Bl. Comm. 17; 1 Reeve, Eng. Law, 301, note. The land itself. iet to farm or rent. 2 Bl. Comm. 368.

A portion of land nsed for agricultural purposes, either wholly or in part.

The original meaning of the word was "rent," and by a natural transition it came to imam the land out of which the rent issued.

In old English law. A lease of other things than land, as of imposts. There were several of these, such as "the sugar farm," "the silk farm." and farms of wines and currents. calleri "petty farms." See 2 How. Stnte T1‘. 1197—l2OG.

In American law. "Farm" denotes a tract of land devoted in part, at least, to cul- tivation, for agricultural purposes, without reference to its extent, or to the tenure hy which it is heid_ In re Drake (D. C.) 114 Fed. 231: People ex rel. Itogeis v. Caldwell, 142 ill. 434, 32 N. E. (:91; Kendall \. Miller, 47 How. Prac. (N. Y.) 448: Coin. v. Carmait, 2 Bin. (Pa.) 238.

FARM, v. To lease or let: to demise or grant for a limited term and at a stated rental.

—Fnrm let. which strictly mean to let upon payment of


Operative words in a lease, aM