Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/512

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L & P. Co. (C. C.) 55 Fed. 231; Security 1. & T. Co. v. \\ illnmette, ete., Mfg. Co., 99 Cal. (>30, 34 P110 3221.

FLACO. A place covered with standing water.

FLAG. A national standard on which are certain emblems; nu ensign; a hauuer. It is carried by soldiers, ships. otc., and com- monly displayed at forts um] mnny other suitable places.

—I‘la.g, duty of the. This was an ancient cerclnony Ill aclrnowlvdgment of British sover- ci,.'nly over the British seas, by which in foreign iessel struck her flag und lowered her ton-siil nu meeting the British flag.—}‘lag of the United states. By the net entitled "An net to estnbiish the flag of the United States." \‘ . §§ 1791. 1792 [U. S. Comp. St. 1901.

(Re 1). 1- .) it is provided "that, from and after the fourth day of July next, the flag of the

United Stntes be thirteen horizontal stripes, al- ternate red and white: that the union be twenty stars, white in a blue held: that. on the admission of every new state into the Union, one star be added to the union of the flax: and that such nddition shall take elIe(t on the fouith day of July tixen next succeeding such ndmission."—La.w of the flag. See LAW.

FLAGELLAT. entry on old Scotch records. T1‘. pt. 1, p. 7.

Whipped; scourged. An 1 Pitc. Crlm.

FLAGRANS. Lat. Burning; in nc1n.'1l perpetrntion. —I‘1ngrsns hellnm. A war nctunily going on. —I'lngrans crimen. In Roman law. A free or recent crime. This term designated a crime in the very not of its commission, or while it nus of recent occurrence.—I-Tlagr-ante hello. During an actual state of wnr.—I‘Iagr-ante delleto. In the very act of committing the crime. 4 Bl. Comm. 307.


FLAGRANT DELIT. In French law. A crime which is In actual process of perpetrntion or which has just been committed. Code d‘Iustr. Crim. art. 41.

FLAGRANT NEC$SI'I'Y. A case 01! urgenc_\ rendering lawful an otherwise ille- gal act, as on nssoult to remove a man from [nJpen:l1n:: danger.

FLASH CHECK. A check drawn upon a banker by a person who has no funds at the h:mker's and knows that such is the case.

FLAT. A place covered with water too slmllmv for n:ul::'1tion with vessels ordinarxl_v used for commercial purposes. The <])fl(‘e ll-mean high and low water mark slam: the e(l_:e of nn arm of the sea. hay. tidnl river, etc. Thomns v. Hatch. 23 Fed. l‘. . 946: Church v. Meeker, 34 Conn. -12 : Jones v. Jm1ne_v, 8 Watts & S. (Pa.) 443. 42 Am. Dec. 309.

FLAVIANUM -1175. In Roman law. ’[‘he title of a hook containing the forms of actions, published by Cneins Flnrins, A. U. G. 4-19. Mnckeld. Rom. Law, § 39. Cni- vin.



PLECTA. A feathered or fleet arrow. Cowell.

FLEDWITE. A discharge or freedom from nmercements Where one, having been an outlawed fugitive, conieth to the -place of our lord of his own accord. Termes de la Le_v.

The liberty to hold court and take up the amercements for beating and strilzing. Cow- ell.

The fine set on a fugitive as the price of obtaining the king's freedom. Spelman.

FLE1-'.‘. FROM JUSTICE. To leave one's home, residence, or known place of flllflde, or to conceal one's self theretn, with intent, in either case, to avoid detection or punish- ment for some pnhiic offense. Streep v. U. S., 160 U. S. 129, 16 Sup. Ct. 244. 40 L. Ed. 365; Lay v. Stnte, 42 Ark. 110; U. S. v. O'Brian. 3 Dill. 331, Fed. Cas. No. 15.908; United States v Smith, 4 Day (Conn.) 1'35, Fed. Cns. No. 16,332; State v. Washburn, 48 M0. 241.

FL!-IE TO THE WALL. A metaphorical expression, used in connection with homicide done in self-defense. signifying the ex- haustion of every possible means of escape. or of averting the assault, before killing the assailant

FLEET. A place where the tide flows; I creek, or inlet of water; a company of ships or navy; a prison in London, (so cull- ed from a river or ditch formerly in its vicinity.) now abolished by 5 & 6 Vict. c. 22.

FLEM. In Saxon and old English law. A fugitive bondnmn or villein. Spelman.

The privilege of having the goods and fines of fugitives

FLEMENE FRIT, FLEMENES I"R.IN’1‘Hl-}—FLYIilIENA FRYNTI-IE. The reception or reliet of a fugitive or outlaw. Jacob.

FLEMESWITE. goods of fugitives.

The possession of the Fletn, lib. 1, c. 147.

FLET. In Saxon law. Land; a house; home. FLETA. The name given to an nncient

treatise on the laws of England, founded mainly upon the writings of Brncton and Glanvillc, and supposed to hnve been written tn the time of Edw. I. The author is un- lmown, but it is surmised that he was 11 Judge or learned laW_ver who was at that time confined in the Fleet prison, whence the name of the book.

FLICHWITE. In Saxon law. A fine on account of brawls and quarrels. Spel- man.