Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/53

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them, or by throwing water from the roof and eaves upon them, or by obstructing ucnlent lights and windows. Broom, Max. 369.

Ædlflcahun solo lulu cedit. What is built upon innd belongs to or goes with land. Broom, Max. 172: C0. Litt. 4a.

Ædiflcis lolo cedunt. Buildings belong to [go with] the soil. Fleta, lih. 3. c. 2, § L9.

ÆDILE. In Roman law. An oflflccr who attended to the repairs of the temples and other public buildings; the repairs and clean- liness of the streets; the care of the weights and measures; the providing for funerals and games; and regulating the prices or proxi- sions. Alnsiv. Le-x.; Smith, Lex.; Du Gauge.

ÆDILITUM EDICTUM. In the Roman law. The lEdilitia.a Edict; an edict providing remedies for firuids in sales, the execution of which belonged to the curule azdlies. Dig. 21. 1. see cad. 4. 58.

ÆFESN. In old English law. The remuneration to the proprietor of a domain for [he priiiicge or teciiing swine under the oaks and beeches of his woods.

ÆGROTD. Lat Being sick or ind_isposed. A term used in some of the older reports. "Holt iryroto." 11 Mod. 179.

ÆGYLDE. Uncompensated, unpaid for. unarenged. From the participle of exclu- sion, 11. aa, or car. (Goth.,) and gild, payment. requital. Anc. Inst Eng.

ÆL. A l\'orni:in French term signifying "grandfather." It is nlso spelled "aicul" and "aylc." Kelhnni.

Æiqular est rlispositio legis qnarn homi- nil. The disposition of the law is more equitable than that or man. 8 Coke, 152.

ÆQITITAS. In the civil law. Equity, as opposed to .9tri'ctum or summqim jus. (41. r.) Otherwise called a:quum, wqiium lzanum,

irqiium at bonum, wquum ct iustuni. Cal- vln.

Æqnltns agit in persunam. Equity acts upon the person. 4 Bnuv. Inst. 11. 3

Æquitns est can-eetio legis generalitet lntn. qua. par-te deficit. Equity is the correction of that wherein the law, by ieason of its generality, is deficient. Plowd. 375.

Æquitas est oorrectio quwdam legi ad- hibita, quia. ab ea abest aliquld proptel‘ gcneralmn sine exceptione comp:-ehen. Ilnnem. Equity is a certain correction applied to law, because on account of its _(L‘IlI-‘l"rli comprehensiveness, Without an exception, something is absent from It. Plowd_ 467.

Æqultal est perfects. quaadam ratio qnse jus scriphun interptetatur at emera- dat; nulls ncriptrira euniprehensn, led solum in verii rntiune consixtenl. Equity is a certain perfect reason, W'LLlLh interprets and amends the written law, comprehended in no writing, but consisting in right reason alone. Co. Litt 2413.

Equitas eat quasi wqnnlitiu. Equity is as it were equality; equity is a species of equality or equalization. Co. Litt. 24.

Equltas ignorantiw opltulatur, usel- tnntise non item. Equity assists ignorance, but not carelessness.

Elquitas non faclt jus, led jnrl auxillstur. Equity does not make law, but assists law. Lofft, 379.

Elqultal nunqnnm contravenit legei. Equity never counteracts the laws.

II-Iqnltas lequitnr legeni. Equity follows the law. Gilb. 1S6.

I!-Jquitan impel-vncua orlit. Equity ab- hors superfluous things. Lofrt. 252.

Eqnltns uxoribul, libel-is, creditoribus maxime favet. Equity favors wives and children, creditors most of all.

Equum et bunum est lax legixm. \T'liat is equitable and good is the law of laws. Hob. 224.

ÆQIIUS. Lat Imnal; even. A provi- sion in it will for the d.l\iS'l(\l1 of the residu- ary estate ea: crquus among the ice itees means equally or evenly. Archer v. .\Iofi'is, 6] N. J. Eq. 152, 47 Atl. 2'75.

ÆRA, or ERA. A fixed point of chron- oiogicai time, whence any nunilier of years is counted; thus, the Christian era hegan at the birth of Christ, and the hlohammodan era at the fiight of Mohiinimed from Mecca to Medina. The derivation of the word has been much contested. Vvharton.

ÆEARIUM. Lat In the Roman law. The treasury, (fis(i'us.) Cali in.

ÆS. Lat. In the Roman law. Money, (literally, brass;) metallic money In general, including gold. Dig. 9, 2, 2, pr.: Id. 9, 2, 27, 5; Id, 50, 16, 159.

-1125 alienum. A civil law term sigiiitying a debt; the property of iinuther; borrowed money, as ili inzruishcd from 03.9 mum, one's own money.—I!-is snnm. One's own money In the lloniiin law. Debt‘ a debt: that which

others owe to us, (quad alii uoliis dclir-iii.) llig. 50. 16, 213.

ÆSNECIA. In old English law. ES- necy; the right or privilege of the eldest