Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/550

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GLASS-MEN. A term used in St. 1 Jac. 1. c. 7, for wandering rogues or Vagrants.

GLAVEA. A hand dart. Cowell.

GLEANING. The gathering of grain after reapers, or of grain left ungathered by

reapers. Ileld not to be I1 right at common law. 1 H. B]. 51. GLEBA. A turf, sod, or ciod of earth.

The soil or ground; cultivated land in general. Church land, (solum et dos ecclcsiiz.) Spelman See GL1-TEE.

GLEBIE ASCRIPTITII. Villein-socmen, who could not he renioieii from the land while they did the service due. Biact. c. 7; 1 Reeve. Eng. Law, 20!).

GLEBARIIE. ground. Cowell.

Tarts dug out of the

GLEBE. In ecclesiastical law. The land possessed as part of the eniiownient or revenue of i1 church or ecclesiastical lveneiice.

In Roman law. A clod: turf; soil. Hence, the soil of an inheritance; an agrarian estate. Scrni adrllali glelim were serfs attached to and passing with the estate. God. 11. 47, '7. 21; Nov. 54, 1.


In Saxon law. A frater-

GLOMERELLS. Commissioners appointed to determine differences between scholars in a school or uniiersity and the townsnien of the place. Jacob.

GLOS. Lat. In the civil law. band's sister. Dig. 38, 10, 4. 8.

A hus-

GLOSS. An interpretation, consisting of one or more words. interlinenr or marginal: an annotation, explanation, or comment on any passage in the text of a work, for purposes of elucidation or amplification. Particularly applied to the comments on the Corpus J in-is

GLOSSA, but. A glass, explanation, or iiiteiprctatioii. The _r/lossw of the Roman law are brief Illustrative !‘0lIilIleiii£S or annotations on the text of J ustinian's collections, made by the professors who taught or lectured on then) illyolit the twelfth century, (especially at the law school of Boiogna,) and were hence callcd "_l/I'JX.S'l.1[0I'8." These glosses were at first inserted in the text with the words to which they referred, and were call- ed "_I/lossw inl€I'liliC(lT€s;" but afterwards they were placed in the margin. partly at the side, and partly under the text, and called "_I/iossaz 1:111:-_r/iviizie.-1." A selection of them was niade by Accursius. between A. D. 1220 and 1260, under the title of "Glossiz Ordinaria," which is of the greatest authority. Macheld. Itom. Law, § 90.



Glossa viperina eat qua: corrodit visce- ra textiu. 11 Coke, 34. it is a poisonous gloss which corrupts the essence or the text.

GLOSSATOR. In the civil law. A com- mentator or annotator. A term applied to the professors and teachers of the Roman law in the twelfth century, at the head of whom was Irnerins. Mackeld. Rom. Law. § 90.

GLOUCESTER. STATUTE 01‘. The statute is the 6 Edw. I. c. 1. A. D. 1278. it takes its name from the place of its enact- ment, and was the first statute giving costs in actions.

GLOVE SILVER. Extraordinary re- wards formerly given to officers of courts, etc.: money formerly given by the sheriff of a county in which no otfendcrs are ieft for execution to the clerk of aselze and judges’ oiiicers. Jacob.

GLOVES. It was an ancient custom on a maiden assize, when there was no offender to he tried, for the sheriff to present the judge with a pair of white gloves. It is an iiiunemoriai custom to remove the glove from the ritzlit hand on taking oath. Wharton.

GLYN. A hollow between two mountains; a valley or glen. Co. Litt. 512.

G0. To be dismissed from a court. To issue from a court. "The court said a mandiz-imis must go." 1 W. B1. 50. "Let it superscdoas go." 5 Mod. 421. "The writ may go." 18 C. B. 35.

—Go hail. To assume the responsibility of 21 surety on s. bail-bond.—Go hence. To depart from the court: with the further impiicatinn that I1 suitor who is directed to "go hence" is dismissed from further attendance upon the court in respect to the suit or proceeding which brought him there, and that he is finally dcnled the relief which he songlit_ or, as the case may be. absolved from the linhiiity S0ll::iit to be imposed upon him. See Ilintt v. Kinliaid. 40 Net. 178. :73 l\'. W. Ti)O.-Go tn. In I1 statute, will, or nther instrument. a dircction that property shall "go to" a iiesiznateil peison means that it shall pass or proci,-ed to such person. vest in and belong to him. In re Hit:-inns’ Estate, 43 Misc Run. 435. S9 N Y. Supp. 47 : Plass v. Plnss. 121 Cal. 131. 53 Pine. 44S.—Go to protest. Cnmnicrciiil paper is said to "go to protest" when it is dishonored h_v non-pzivmcnt or non~accept'in(‘e and is h!Ii1ilf‘(l to a notary for proi'9st.—Go without day. Words used to denote that a party is disuiissui the court. He is said to go without day, licrause there is no day appointed for him to appear again.

GOAT, GOTE. In Old English law. A contrivance or structure for draining waters out of the land into the sea. Callis describes goats as "usual engines erected and built with portcnllises and doors of timher and stone or hricit. invented Iirst in Lower Germany" Callls, Sewers, I91.) 112, 113. Cow- eli defines "gate," a ditch. sewer, or gutter.