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175. 25 Ky. Law Iicp. 608: In re Spenser. fl Fed. Cas. 921.—Good consideration. As distinguished from valuable cunsitleintion. a consideration founded on motives of generosity, prudence, and natnrai duty; such as natural io_ve and affection. Putter v. Gracie. 58 Ala. . 7. 29 Am. Rep. 748 Giovcs v. Groves. 65 Ohio St. 4-12. 62 N. E. 104-}; Juckson v. Alex- ander. 3 Johns. (N. Y) 484. 3 Am. Dec. 517. —Good country. In Scotch law. Good men of the ('4mntry_ A name given to a jury.- Good faith. Good faith consists in an honest intention to abstain from taking any uncon- S(‘I€lJ[it'll.l5 aduautagc of another, even tbrough the forms or teehnicniities of law. together with an absence of nll information or belief of facts which nnulci render the transaction uncouscientious. Crouch v. First Nut. Bank. 156 Iil. 342, 40 N. E. 97-}: Doctor v. Furch. 91 Wis. ' ' Gross v. Evans. 1 Dak.

Wslraven v. Bunk. 96 . . 530: Scnri v. School Dist.. 3. 10 Sup. Ct. 374. 33 L. Ed. 7-10. —Good aux-y. A jury of which the members are selected from the list of spccini jurors. See L. 5 . P. 155.—Gnnd title. This 11 onus such :1 title as a court of chancery would a opt as a sufficient ground for cnmpeliing specific performance, and such a title as would be a good answer to an action of ejectmnnt by any claimant. Reynolds v. Burcl. 86 Chi. 538. 25 Pac. 67: lnin.-z v. Campbell 121 N. Y. 24 N. E 821. 8 L. Ii. L 620: Gillespie v. I’-mas. 23 Barb. (N. Y.] 3S1.—4Gond will. The custom or patronage of any established trade or business; the benefit or advantage of having established a business and secured its pntrounge by the pnbiic. The advantage or benefit which ls acqulred by an establishment. beyond the more value of the capital. stocks, funds, or property employed therein. in consequence of the general public patronage and encouragement which it receives from constant or habitual customers. on account of its local position, or common (‘elcbl'it_V, or reputation for skill or affluence or punctuality, or from other accidentai circumstances or nece, as, or even from nncient firtinlities or prejudices. Story. Purtu. § 99: averiy v. Elliott. Kl Neb. W1. 57 N. W ‘[010: Munsey v. Buttorfield. 133 Mass. 494: Bell v. Ellis. 33 Cal. 625: People v. Roberts. 159 N. Y. 70. 58 N. E. 685. 45 L R. A. 126; Churton v. Douglas. 5 Jur. N. S. 890; Menendez v. Holt. 128 U. S. 514. 9 Sup. Ct. 143. 32 L. E1. 526. The good-wili of a business is the expectation of continued public patronage, but it does not include a right to use the name of any person from whom it was acquired. Cir. (‘ode (‘al..§ 992: Civ. Code Dnk. § 577. The term "good-will" does not mean simply the advantage of occupying particular premises whi('h have been occupied by a manufacturer. etc It means every ndvnntnze every positive advantage. that has been ncq ed by a proprietor in carrying on his business, whether connected with the prsmisns in which the business is conducted, or with e name under which it is managed, or with any other matter carrying: with it the benefit of the busi- nuss. Glen & Hall Mfg. Co. v. Hall. 61 N. Y. 226, 19 Am. Rep. 278.

GOODRIGI-IT, GOODTITLE. The flCtl- tious pL'1illt‘ifl’ in the old action of ejectment. most frequently called "John Doe." was some times called "Goodright" or "Goodtitle."

G O 0 D S. In contracts. The term "goods" is not so wide as "chattcls," for It applies to inanimate objects, and does not icniude animals or chattels real, as a lease for years or house or land, which "chatteis" does include. Co. Litt. 118; St. Joseph Hydraulic Co. v. Wilson, 133 Ind. 465, 33 N. E. 113;



Van Patten v. Leonard, 55 Iowa. 520, 8 N. W. 334; Putnam v. Westcott, 19 Johns (N. Y.) 76.

In wills. In wills "goods" is women generalisshznmt, and, if there is nothing to ilmit it, Wlil comprehend all the personal estate of the testator, as stocks. bonds. notes. muuey. plate, furniture, etc. Kendall v. Kendnil, 4 Russ. 370; Chamberlain v. "Western Transp. Co.. 44 N. Y. 310, 4 Am. Rep. GS]; Foxnll v. McI(enney. 9 Fed. Cas. 645; Bailey v. Ducnan, 2 T. B. Mon. (Ky.) 22; Keyser v. School Dist.. 35 N. H. 483.

—Guoda and chattels. This pbrnse is a general denomination of personal property, ns distinguished from real property: the term "Flinttels" having the clfect of extending its SCO]n. to any objects of that nature which won‘-1 not properly be included by the term "goods" mm», 2. g., living animals, emblements, and trims. and terms under leases for years. 'i‘be general phrase also embraces choses in action, as sell as personalty in possession. In wiils. The term "goods and chattels" WI", unless restruc- ed by the context. puss all the personal estate. including leases for years. mttle, corn. debts. and the like. Ward. Leg. 208, 21.1.-Goods sold and delivered. A pbrase frequently used in the action of uasumpsib, when the sale a.nd delivery of goods furnisb the cause.—Go:-ds, wares, and merchandise. A gnneml and comprehensive designation of such chattels as are ordinarily the subject of trnfiic and sale. The phrase is used in the statute of frauds, and is frequently found in pleadings and other no- struments. As to its scope. See State v. Brooks, 4 Conn. 449; French v. Schoonmuher. 69 N. J. Law 6, 54 Ati. 225; Sewnil v. Alien, 0 Wend.

3. 5; . ' . . Y. 353» .. Dec. 302; Dyott v. Let:-her. 6 J. J. Marsh. (Ky.) 543; Boston Investment Co. V. 158 Mass. 461. 33 N. E. 530; Com. V. Nax. 13 Gmt. (Va.) 790 Ellison v. Bri. nm. 355 Vt. 613: Banta v. C icaga. 172 Ili. 20-}, 50 N. E. %, 40 L. R. A. 611.

GOOLE. In old English law. A breach in a bank or sea wall, or a passage worn by the fiux and refiux or the sea. St. 16 & 17 Ca.r. II. c. 11.

GORCE, or GOES. A wear, pool. or pit of water. Termes de la Ley.

GORE. In old English law. a small. narrow slip of ground. Cowell. In modern laud law, a small tdnngular piece or innd. such as may be left between surveys which do not close. In some of the New Emlnnd states (as, Maine and Vermont) the term is applied to a subdivision or a county, having a scanty population and for that reason not organized as a town.

GOSSII-‘RED. In canon law. ternlty; spiritual aifinity.


GOU1‘. In medical jurisprudence. An inflammation of the fibrous and ligamentous parts or the joints, characterized or c.'1used by an excess of uric acid In the blood; usually, but not invariably. occurring in the joints of the feet, and then specifically called "pods- gra."

GOVERNMENT. 1. The regulation. re straint. supervision, or control which is ex-