Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/554

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magistrate of some colonies, provinces, and dependencies of other nations.

GRACE. This word is commonly used in contrnd.isI:inction to "right." Thus, in St. 22 Ehlw. IIL, the lord chancellor was instructed to take cogmzsnce of matters of grace, being such subjects of equity jurisdiction as were exciuslrely matters of equity. Brown.

A fiiculty, license, or dispensation; also general and free pardon by act of parliament. See Am‘ or GRACE.

GRACE, DAYS 0!‘. Time of indulgence granted to an acceptor or maker for the pay mcnt of his bill of exchange or note. It was originally a gratuitous favor, (hence the n:1mc,) but custom has rendered it a legal right.

GRADATIM. In old English law. By degrees or steps; step by step; from one de gree to another. Bract. fol. 64.

GRADUS. law. A measure of space tionship.

A step or degree generally; a. 9., grarlua honormn. degrees of honor. Vicnt. A pul- pit; a year; a generation. Du Cange.

A port; any place where a vessel can be brought to land. Du Cunge.

In the civil and old English A degree of rela-

GRADUS PABENTELE. a taiiie of relationship.

A pedigree ;

GRAITARIUS. In Did English law. A gratrer, notary, or scrivener. St. 5 Hen. VIIL c. 1.

GRAFFER. ' A notary or scrivener. Sea St. 5 Hen. VIII. c. 1. The word is a corruption of the French "greflier," (q. 1:.)

GRAITIUM. A wrlthig-book, register, or cartulary of deeds and evidences. Oowell.

GRAFIO. A baron, inferior to a count. A fiscal judge. An advocate. Spelinan; Cow- ell.

GRAFT. A term used in equity to denote the confirmation, by relation back, of the right of a mortgagee in premises to which, at the making of the mortgage, the mortgag- or bad only an imperfect titie, but to which the latter has since acquired a good title.

GRAIN. In Troy weight, the twenty-

fourth part or a pennyweight. Any kh.iLl of corn sown in the ground. —Gz-sin rent. A payment for the use of land in grain or other crops; the return to the land- lord paid by croppers or ggrsons working the iimd on shares. Railroad . v. Bates, 40 Neb. 381, 58 N. W. 963.

GRAINAGE. An ancient duty in London under which the twentieth part of salt imported by aliens was taken.

GRAMMAR SCHOOL. In Engand, thll term designates a school In which such instruction is given as will prepare the stu- dent to enter a college or university, and in this sense the phrase -was used in the Massa- chusetts colonial act of 1647, requiring every town containing a hundred householders to set up a "grammar school." See Jenkins v. Andover, 103 Mass. 97. But in modern American usage the term denotes a school, intermediate between the primary school and tin high school. in which English grammar and other studies of that grade are taught.

Gramrnnticn. faisa. non vitiat cliartani. 9 Coke, 48. False grammar does not vitlatn I deed.

GRAMMATOPHYLACIUM. (GREGO- Lat.) In the civil law. A place for keeping writings or records. Dig. 48, 19, 9, 6.

GRAMME. The unit of weight in the metric system. The gramme is the weight of a cubic centimeter of distilled water at the temperature of 4"‘ C. It is equai to 15.4341 grains troy, or 5.6481 drachrns avoirdupois

GRANATARIUS. In old English law An officer having charge of a granary. Fleta. lib. 2, C. 82, § 1; Id. c. 84.

GRAND. As to grand "Assize," "Bill of Sale," "Cape," "Distress," ".iury." "Larceny," and "Serjeanty." see those titles.

GRAND COUTUNHER. A collection of customs, laws, and forms of procedure in use in early times in France. See Cour!!- MIEB.

GRAND DAYS. In English practice. Certain days in the terms, which are solemn- ly kept in the inns of court and chancery, viz., Candiemas day in Hilary term, Ascension day in Easter, St. John the Baptists day in Trinity, and All Saints in Michael- mas; which are dics non juridici. Termcs de la Ley; Cowell; Blount. They are days set apart for peculiar festivity; the members of the respective inns being on such occasions regaled at their dinner in the hall, with more than usual sumptuousness. Holthouse.

GRANDCHILD. The child of one's child.

GRANDFATHER. The father of either

of one's parents.

GRANDMOTHER. The mother 0! ei-

ther of one's parents.

GRANGE. A farm furnished with barns. granaries, stables, and all conveniences for husbandry. Co. Lltt. 5a.

GRANGEARIUS . or farm.

A keeper of a grange

GRANGIA. A grange. C0. Litt. 511.