Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/567

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dollars Half-endeal. A moiety, or half of l_l:hi1Jg.—I{.a.lf-kine . In Saxon law. Half- king. (51-mirrear.) A title given to the aldermen of all England. Crabb, Eng. Law, 28: Spel- man.—l-Ialf-mnrk. A noble, or six shillings and eight ence in English money.—Hn1£ 11i- lotage. mpcnsation for services which a pilot has put himself in readiness to perform. by labor, risk, and cost, and has offered to per form. at balf the rate he would have received if the services bad actually been performed. Gloucester Ferry Co v. Pennsvlvani 114 U. S. 196, 5 Sup. Ct. 8.6. 29 L. Ed. . . Haif- 11-roof. In the civil law. Proof by one wit- ness, or a private instrument. Hallifax, Civil Law, b. 3, 1-. 9. no. 25; 3 Bl. Comm. 370. Or prima facie proof, which yet was not sufliv cient to found asentcnce or decree.—Hal.f—seal. Tliat which was formerly used in the English Chancery for sealing of commissions to delcgates. upon any appeal to the court of delegates. either in ecclesiastical or marine causcs.—I-Ialf lection. In American land law. The half of I section of land according to the divisions of the government survey, laid of? either by a north-and-south or by an east-and-west line, and containing 320 acres. See Brown v. Hardin, 21 Ark. 3% —I-Xalf-timer. A child who. by the operation of the English factory and edu- cation acts, is employed for less than the full time in a factory or workshop, in order that he may attend some "recognized eflicicnt school." See factory and workshop act. 1878. § 23: elementary education act. 1876. § 11.—Ea1£- tong-iie. A jury half of one tonirue or nstion- .-iiity and half of another. see Dr Mrrnmrnra L[Nfill.E.—-Half-year. In legal computation. The period of one hundred and eighty-two da vs: the odd hours being rejected. Co. Litt. 13- b ; Cro. Jae. 166; Yel. I00: 1 Steph. Comm. 265; Poi. Code Cal. 1903. § 3257.

HALIFAX LAW. A synonym for lynch law, or the summary (and unauthorized) trial of a person accused of crime and the indietion of death upon him; from the name of the parish of Halifax, in England, where acnlently this form of private justice was practiscd by the free burghers in the case of persons accused of stealing: also called "gibbet law."

HALIGEMOT. In Saxon law. The meeting of a hall, (cum.-entus nuke.) that is, a lord's court: a court of a mniior, or court- baron. Spelman. So called from the hail, where the tenants or frecnien iuet, and justice was administered. Crubb, Eng. Law, 26.

HALIMAS. In English law. The feast of All Saints, on the 1st of November; one of the cross-quarters of the year, was computed from Halimas to Oandlemas. Wharton.

HALL. A building or room of consider- able size, used as a place for the meeting of public assemblies, conventions. courts. etc.

In English law. A name given to many inaiior-houses because the m.'igistrute's court was held in the hull of his mansion; a chief mansion-house. Cowell.

HALLAGE. In old English law. A fee or toll due for goods or merchandise vended in a hall. Jacob.

A toll due to the lord of a fair or market, for such commodities as were vended in the common hall of the place. Cowell; Blouut.

HALLAZCO. In Spanish law. The finding and taking possession of something which pievlously had no owner, uud which thus becomes the property of the first occupant. Las Pzirtidaa, 3, 5, 28; 5, 48, 49; 5, 20, 50.

HALLE-GEMOTE. In Saxon law. Haligemot, (q. v.)

HALLUCINATIDN. In medical jurisprudence. A trick or deceit of the senses; a morbid error either of the sense of sight or that of hearing, or possibly of the other senses; a psychological state, such as would be produced naturally by an act of seiise—per- ception, attributed confidently, but mistaken- ly. to something which has no objective existence; as, when the patient imagines that he sees an object when there is none, or hears a voice or other souud when uothing strikes his ear. See Staples v. Wellington. 58 Me. 459; Foster v. Dickerson, 6-1 Vt. 233, 24 At]. 257; McNett v. Cooper (C. C.) 13 Fed. 580: People v. Krlst. 168 N. Y. 19. 60 N. E. 1057.

Hallucination does not by itself constitute in-

sanity. though it may be evidence of it or a sign of its approach. It is to be distinguished from "delusion" in this, that the latter is a fixed and irrational belief in the existence of a fact or state of facts. not cognizable through the senses, but to be determined by the [acui- Lies of reason, memory, judgment, and the like; while hallucination is a belief in the existence of an external object, perceptible by the senses, but having no real existence: or, in so far as a delusion may relate to an external object. it is an irrational belief as to the cliar-icter. nature, or appearance of something which l'!"l"_V exists and affects the senses. For example. a man should believe that he saw his right hand in its proper place, after it had been amputated. it would he an balluclnation: but if he believed that his right hand was made of glass. it would a delusion. In other words. in the case of hallucination, the senses l.](-tl'21_V the mind, while in the case of delusion, the senses act normally, but their eiirlence is rejected by the mind on account of the existence of an irrational belief formed independcntiv of tbern. They are further distingnislierl by the fact that hallucinations may be nhserved and studied by the subject himself and traced to their causes. or may corrected by reasoning or argument. wbile a delusion is an unconscious error, but so fixed and unchnngenbie that the patient cannot be reasoned out of it. Hallucination is al- so to be distinguished from "iilIision." the latter term bcing appropriate to describe a per- verted or distorted or wholly mistaken impression in the mind. derived from a true act of sense-perception. stimulated by a real external object, but modified by the imagination of the subject; while. in the case of hallucination, as above stated, there is no objective reality to corrmpond with the imagined perception.

HALMOTE. See Iinnioniior.

HALYMOTE. A holy or ecclesiastical court.

A court held in London before the lord mayor and sheriffs, for regulating the linkers.

It was anclently held on Sunday next be- M