Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/588

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head or this department. It is subordinate to the our office, but the relations between them are complicated. Wharton.

HORTUS. Lat. In the civil law. den. Dig. .42, 91, 5.

A gur-

HOSPES. Lot. A guest. 8 Coke, 32.

HO SPES GEN'.I:‘.Il.A.LIS. berlain.

A great cham-

HOSPITAL. An institution for the reception and care of sick, wounded, infirm, or aged persons; generally incorporated, nnd then of the class of corporations called "eieemusyi.ii.iry" or "charitable." See In re Uurtiss (Sun) 7 N. Y. Supp. 207.

HOSPITALLERS. The knights of a re- ligious oider, so called because they built B. hospitai at Jerusalem, wherein pilgims were rereived. All their lands and goods in England were given to the sovereign by £ I-len. VIII. (L 24.

HOSPITATOR. A host or entertainer.

Hospitolor conmiunia. An innkeeper. 8 Coke, 32.

llospiiator mamius. camp.

The marshal of a

HOSPITIA. Inns. Haspma communal, common inns. Reg. Orig. 105. Haapuio eu- riw, inns of court llnspitia cimcellorflz, inns of Chancery. Crahb, Eng. Law, 423, 42:); 4 Reeve, Eng. Law, 120.


One that kills his guest HOSPITIUM. An inn; a household. See Cromwell v. Stephens, 2 Daly (N. Y.) 11'.

KOSPODAR. A Turkish governor in M01- davia or Waliaehis.

Britt. c. 22. Keihiun.

HOST. L. Fr. An army. A military expedition; War.

HOSTAGE. A person who is given into the possession of the enemy, in a public war, his freedom (or life) to stand as security for the performance of some contract or promise made by the belligerent power giving the hostage with the other.

HOSTELAGIUM. In old records. A right to receive lodging and entertainment anclently reserved by lords in the houses or their tenants. Cowell.

HOSTELER. See Eiosrtas. HOSTES. Lat Enemies. Hostes human!

grncris, enemies of the human race; I. e., pl- rates.



Hostei aunt qui nobh we! qnibns nos belliun deeernirnns; eeeteri proditoreii vel pa-aadiones sent. 7 Cake, 24. l.‘nci.Liies are those with whom we declare vuir, or who declare it against us; all others are traitors or pirates.

HOSTIA. In old records. The host- liread, or consecrated safer, in the encharist. Cowell.

HOSTICIDE. one who kills an enemy.

HOSTILARIA, I-IOSPITALARIA. A place or room in l'9il.‘,’I0llS houses used for the reception of guests and strangers.

HOSTILE. Having the character or an enemy; staiiding in the reiation of an enemy. See 1 Kent, Comm. c. 4.

—I-Iostile embargo. One laid upon the ves- aeis of an actual or prospective eneiny.—Hostile possession. This term as applied to an 0CC|Ip—Il.|L of real estate holding ndversciy, is not construed as implying actual enmity or ill will, but merely means that he ciajnis to hold the possession in the character of an owner, and theieiore denies all validity to claims set up by any and all other persons. Ballard V. Hansen, 33 Nob. S6]. .31 N. W. 295; Griilin v. Muiiey, 167 Pa. 339, 31 All. (354 —HosI:ila witness" A viitnens who manifests so mudi hostiiity or prejudice under examination in chief that the party who has eailed him, or his representative, is alloned to cross-examine hi i. 2., to treat him as [il0il_L'i] he had been calls by (lie opposite party. Wharton.

HOSTIIJTY. In the law of nations. A state of open war. "At the breaking out of hostility." 1 Kent, Comm. 60.

An act of open wsir. "When Iiostililiea have commenced." Id. 56.

A hostile character. "Hostility may attach only to the person." Id.

HOSTIEE. In Norman and old English law, this was the title of the officer in a monastery charged with the entertainment of guests. It was also applied (until about the time of Queen Ehziibeth) to an lnnkeeper, and afterwards, when the keeping of horses at livery became a distinct occupation, to the keeper of B. livery stable, and then (under the modern form "ostler") to the groom in charge of the stables of an inn. Cromwell v. Stephens, 2 Daly (N. Y.) 20. In the lan- guage of railroading, an "ostler" or "hostler" at a roundhouse is one whose duty it is to receive locomotives as they come in from the road, izire for them in the roundhouse, and have them cieaned and ready for departiire when wanted. Railroad Co. v. Massig, 50 Ill. ADD. GOG; Railroad Co. v. Ash- ilng, 34 Ill. App. 105; Grannis v. Railroad C0,, 81 Iowa, 444, 46 N. W. 1067.

HOT-WATER ORDEAL. In old English law. This was a test, in cases of accusation, by hot water; the party accused and suspected being appointed by the judge to put his arms up to the elbows in seeth-