Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/592

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and institutions, held around him the family, for whom he was in law responsible.

—-Husba.nd and wife. One of the great do- mestic relationships. being that of a man and woman lawfully joined in marriage, by which, at common law, the legal existence of a wife is iucm-poi-uied with that of her hushand.— Husband land. ln old Scotch law. A quantil_i, of land containing commonly six acres.

'.sl<one.—Hus'ba.nd of a ship. See Sure‘: lzlusnarin. HUSBANDMAN. A farmer; a cultivator

or tiller of the ground. The word "l'arn.ier" ls colloquially used as synonymous with "bus- bzindninu," but originally meant a tenant who cultivates leased ground.

HUSBANDRIA. In Old English law. Husbandry. Dyer, (Fr. Ed.) 551).

HUSBANDRY. mrlculture; cultivation of the soil for food; farming, in the sense of opclating land to raise provisions. Simona v. Lovell. 7 Helsli. (1'en.u.) 510; Mccue v. Tunstead, 65 Cal. 506, 4 Pac. 510.

HUSBREC. ].n Saxon law. The crime of liuusoln-ealiing or burglary. Crabb, Eng. Law, 59, 508.

HUSCARLE. In Old English law. A house servant or domestic; a iniin of the household. spelnian.

A Liiig’s v.issai, tbane, or baron; an eari's man or vassal. A term of frequent occurrence in Domesday Book.

HUSFASTNE. lle who holds house and land. lil‘fl(:L L 3, t. 2, c. 10.

HUSGABLUM. In old records. House rent; or a tax or tribute laid upon I house. Cowell; Blount.

HUSH-MONEY. A colloquial expression to designate a biibe to hinder lnfuriniition; pay to secure silence.

HUSTINGS. Council; couit: trlbuniil. Apparently so called from being held within a building, at a time when other courts were held in the open air. It was a local court. The county court in the t-ity of London bore this name. There were hus-tings at York. Wlnche=ter, Lincoln, and In other pla- ces . niilar to the London hustlngs. Also the raised place from which candidates for seats in parliament address the constituency, on the Iv uision of their nomination. Wharton.

in Virginia, seine or the local courts are called "iii. tnigs,‘ us in the city oi.‘ Rich- niond. smith v. Com., 6 Giat. (Va) 696.


Hue nnd

HUTILAN. Taxes. Mon. Angl. i. 586.

HWATA, HWATUNG. law. Augury; dlvln.illou.

1n old English

HYBERNAGIUM. In old English law. The season for sowing winter groin, b( a ween Michaelmas and Christmas. The liiiid on which such grain was sown. The grain it- self; winter grain or winter corn. Cowell.

HYBRID. A mongrel; an animal form- ed of the union of dltferent species, of different genera; also (metaphorically) a hu- man being born of the 11l.|lUl.| of poisons of different races.

HYZD. In old English law. Hide; sun. A measure of land, containing. accoidli-~,; io some, a hundred acres, "ilicil quantity ls ulna assigned to it in the Dialogue ale Sc-aL.uin'o. It seems, however. that the hide varied in different parts of the kingdom.


EYDROMETER. An instrument for measuring the density of fluids. uelng inimeised In fluids, as in _Wutc1‘, brlue. beer, brandy, etc. it determines the proportion of their density, or tbeii specific gravity, and thence their quality. See Rev. St. U. S. i 2918 (U. S. Comp. St. 1901, p. 1927.)

HYEMS, HIEIVIS. Lat. In the civil law Winter. Dig. 4.5, 20, 4,, 34-. i\ i'lLten. in some of the old books, "1/cms." Fietu, lib. 2, 1: T3, §§ 16, IS.

HYPNOTISM. In medical jurisprudence A psychic or mental state rendering the giaticnl. susceptible to suggestion at the will of another.

The hypnotic state is an abnormal condition of the mind anil senses. in the nature of Liance. artificial camiepsy, or soinuainhulism, induced in one person by another, by ooncentr_aiJon of the attention. a strong effort of yolition, and perhaps the exercise of a. telepathic power not as yet fully understood, or by mental siig,_-.-stiou, in which coniliuuu the mental_ pre_(._ us of the subject and to a great extent his will are subjugated and directed by those of the operator.

I-IYPOBOLUM. In the civil law. The name of the bequest or legacy given by the husband to his wife, at his (lsath, above her dowry


HYPOSTASIS. In medical jurlspi udence. (1) The morbid deposition of a sediment of any kind in the body. (2) A con‘.!—'=i-1011 01' flushing of the blood vessels, as to varicose veins. l'ost—iiiorteni liuiiostizsis, a peculiar llildity of the cadaver.

HYPOTHEC. In Scotland, the term "lLypotli<.o" is used to signify the landlord's ruht which. independently of any stipulation, he has over the crop and stacking of his It glies a security to the landlord over the crop or each year for the rent of