Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/60

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AGIO. In commercial law. A term used to express the d.iEi'erence in point or value between metallic and paper money, or between one sort or metallic money and an- other. Mccul. Dict

AGIOTAGE. A speculation on the rise and of the public debt of states, or the puiilic funds. The spemlator is called "an- iotcur."

AGIST. In ancient law. To take in and feed the cattle of strangers in the l:ing’s forest, and to collect the money due for the some to the i:i1ig's use. Spcimau; Cowell.

In modern law. To take in cattle to feed, or pasture. at a certain rate of compensation. See Aaisrimivr.

AG-ISTATIO ANIMALIUM IN FOR- ESTA. The drift or numbeitng of cattle in the forest.

om- See

AGISTERS, or GIST TAKERS. ccrs appointed to lool: after cattle, etc. Wiuiams. Conimnii, 232

AGISTMENT. The taking in of another person's cattle to be fed, or to pasture, upon one's own land, in consideration or an agreed price to be paid by the owner. Also the profit or recompense for such pasturing of cattle. Bass v. Pierce. 16 Barb. (N. Y.) 595' Wltlianis v. Miller, 68 Cal. 290. 9 Pac. 16 Aiiid v. Travis. 5 Colo. App. 535. 39 Pac. 3.’ .

There is also agistment of sea-banks, where lands are charged with a tribute to keep out the sea; and tcrrat agistatw are lands whose owners must keep up the sea-hanks. Holt- house.

AGISTOE. One who takes in horses or other animals to pasture at certain rates. Story, Baiim. § 443.

AGNATES. In the law or desccnts. Re- lations by the father. This word is used in the Scotch law, and by some writers as an English word. corresponding with the Latin agnatt. (g. 1.7.) Ersk. Inst. D. 1, tit. 7, § 4.

AGNATI. In Roman law. The term icniurled "all the cognates who trace their connection exclusively through males. A table of cognates is formed by taking each lineal ancestor in turn and including all his descendants of hoth sc\'cs in the tahuiar view. If, then, in tracing the various branches of such a genealogicai table or tree, we stop whenever We come to the name of a feniale, and pursue that particular branch or l‘€\lJ]ifi(‘d(iOn no further. all who remain after the (lescendsnts of women have been excluded are ugriatcs, and their connection together is rignailc relationship." Maine, Anc. Law. 142.

All persons are agnatically connected together who are under the same putriu potestaa, or who have been under it, or who might have been under it if their lineal ancestor had lived long enough to exercise his empire. Maine, Aiic. Law. 144.

The agnate family consisted of aii persons iiving at the some time, who would have been subject in the patria pntestns of a common ocnestor, if his life ban] been continued to their time. Rom. aw, ‘ .

Between rlgmzti and oagnati there is this difference: that, under the name of ngnati. Lugmzti are included, but not (3 camrcr.=o,' for instance, B father‘: brother, that is. a paternal uncle, is both agxmtua and cngmzlus, but a mother's brother. that is, a D]nlt‘l'l]3i‘_|ll]Ci2, is

s cogmztu: but not umiatus. lDig. $8. 7. 5. pr.) Burriii. AGNATIC. [From agmzll, q. 12.] De-

rived from or through mnies. 2 Bl. Comm. 236.

AGNATIO. In the civil law. Relationship on the father’s side; agnation. Agiialio a pure est. Inst 3, 5, 4; Id. 3, 6, 6.

AGNATION. Kinship by the father's side. See Aosnwns; AGNATI.

AGNOMEN. Lat. An additional name or title; a nickname. A name or title which a man gets by some action or I79‘/‘llii€lI'ii;Y; the last of the four names sometimes giieu a Roman. Thus, Scipio Afri'.t‘tmus. (the African.) from his Airican victories. Ajnsworth; Calvin‘

AGNOMINATION. A surname; an tidditional name or titie; agnomen.

AGNUS DEI. Lat. Lamb of God. A piece of white wax. in a flat. oval form. like a small cake. stamped with the figure of a lamb, and consecrated by the pope. Cowcl.L

AG-RARIAN. Reiating to land, or to a division or distribution of land; as an agrarian law.

AGRARIAN LAWS. In Roman law. Laws for the distribution among the people, by public authority, or the lands constituting the public domain, usually territory con- quered from an enemy.

In common [variance the term is frequently applied to laws which have for their Oil- ject the more equal division or distribution of lnndcd property; laws for subdividing large properties and increasing the number of landiioiiiers.

AGRARIUM. A tax upon or tribute pay- able out or land.

AGREAMENTUM. In old English law. Agreement; an agreement. Speluiau.

AGREE. To concur; to come into harmo- ny; to give mutual assent; to unite in mental action; to exchange promises; to make an agreeinent.

To concur or acquiesce In; to approve or