Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/628

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INDUCEMENT. In contracts. The benefit or advantage which the promisor is to receive from a contract is the inducement for making it.

In criminal evidence. Motive; that which leads or tempts to the commission of crime. Bnrrlli, Circ. Ev. 283.

In pleading. That portion of a declaration or of any subsequent pleading in an action which is brought forward by way of explanatory introduction to the main allegations. Brown. Huston v. T)ler_ 140 l\Io. 252, 36 S. W. 654; Consolidated Coal Co. v. Peers, 97 Ill. App. 194: ’l‘;iv(-rner v. Little. 5 Bing. N. 0. 679: Grand v. Dreitas, 122 Cal. 58, 54 Pac. 389.

INDUCIIE. In International law. A truce; a suspension of hostilities; nu agreement durlng war to abstain for a time from warlike acts.

In old maritime law. A period of menty days after the safe arrluil of a vessel under bottomry, to dispose of the cargo, and raise the money to pay the creditor, with interest.

In 0111 English practice. Delay or indulgence allowed a party to an action; further time to appear in a cause. Bract. fol. 35212; Fleta, lib. 4, c. 5, 5 S.

In Scotch practice. Time allowed for

the performance of an act. Time to appear to a citation. Time to collect evidence or -prepare a defense. —Inrluci.ize legales. In Scotch law. The days hem Pen the cimtion of the defendant and the day of appearance: the days between the -test day and day of return of the writ.

INDUCTIO. Lat. In the civil law. Obliteration, by drawing the pen or stylus over the writing. Dig. 28, 4; Calvin.

INDUCTION. In ecclesiastical law. Induction is the ceremony by which an lncuni- bent who has been instituted to a benefice is vested with full possession of all the prof- its belonging to the church, so that he becomes seised of the temporal-itics of the church, and is then complete incumbent. It is performed by virtue of a mandate of induction directed by the bishop to the arch- dcacon, who either performs it in person. or directs his preccpt to one or more other clergymen to do it. Philihn. Ecc Law, 477.

INDULGENCE. In the Roman (‘aihollc Church. A remission of the punishment due to sins. granted by the pope or church, and supposed to save the sinner from purgatory. Its abuse led to the Reformation in Germany. Wharton., (q. 1;.)

I.N'DUI.T0. In ecclesiastical law. A dispensation granted by the pope to do or



obtain something contrary to the common law.

In Spanish law. The (-oiulunarlou or remission of the punishment iiuposed on a Cfilllillzll for his oflense. This power is ex- clusively vested in the king.

INDUMENT. Endowment, (q. 1).)

INDUSTRIAL AND PROVIDENT S0- CIETIES. Societies formed in l"ii-gland for carrying on any labor, tiuidc, or l_l-ll.l(l.l('l‘llfl, whether wholesale or retail, lliLlll|llllg' the iJll_\‘l1lg and scliing of land and also (but sub- j('Lt to cerlaln rcsttlctions) the business of banking.

INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS. Schools (established by voluntary contribution) in which industrial training is provided, lll.Ill in which children are lodged. clothed, and fed. as well as taught.

INDUSTRIAM, PER. Lat A qualified propeity in animals feriz natmu.’ may he ac- quired per imlustrmm, i. e., by a's re cliilniliig and making them tame by art, industry, and education-, or by so confining them Within his own lmiuedliite power that they cannot escape and use their nntuiul liberty. 2 Steph. Comm. 5.

IITEBRIATE. A person addicted to the use of intoxicating liquors; an hiibitnal drunkard.

Any person who hahituully, whether continu- ously or periodically, indulges in the use of intoxicating liquors to such an extent as to stupefy his mind, and to render him incompetent to transact ordinary business with safety to his estate, shall be deemed an inehriiiti-. within the meaning of this chapter: pl'0ViIl"ll. the habit of so indulging in such use BLAIII have heeu at the time of inqrdslfion of at one year's standing. Code N ‘i883. § 1' And see In re Anderson, . U 24 S. B. (H9; State v. Ryan, 7 Wis. 67!}. \’V. 823.

INELIGIBDLITY. Disqualification or legal incapacity to ‘be elected to an oihue. Thus, an alien or naturalized citizen is ineligible to be elected president of the United States. Garroll v. Green, [48 Iiid. .1 47 N. E. 223: State v. Murray, 28 Wis. 99, 9 Am. Rep. -193.

INELIGIBLE. Disqualified to be elected to an office; also disqualiiied to hold an office if elected or appointed to it State v. l\lui‘ri_v, 28 Wls. 90, 9 Am. Rep. 480.

Inesse potest donationi, morlus. conditio sive csusa; ut morlus est; si conditio; quia cause. In a gift there iii-.i_v be mzuiiier, condition, and cause; as [at] introiluccs a manner-, if. [si',',- a condition; because, [quia,] a cause. Dyer, 138.

INEST DIE JURE. Lat. right; it is implied by law.

It is implied of