Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/630

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or more remotely through inhalation, ab- sorption of food or iiquid tainted with ex- cremcntnl matter, contact with contmninated clothing or bedding, or other agencies.

A distinction is sometimes made between "in- Iectinn" and "cuntagion." by restricting the latter tcrni t0 the communication of disease by direct contact See Giayson v. Lynch. IIB U. S -133, IU Sup. Ct. lUl3-i 41 L Ed "' ' Wirth - Nate, 63 Wis. 51. .‘ N. \’V. v. Crime. 33 1\‘eb. 090. 50 I\'. V\". "infoction‘ is the iiider term and in proper use includes "conttmion," and is frequcntiy extended so as to include the local innngurntion of disease from other than human sources, as, from miiismns, poiS0l]0llS- plants, etc. In another, and perhaps more accurate sense, contagion is the entrance or lodgment of pathogenic germs in the system as a result of direct contact; infection is their fixation in the system or the innngurntion of disease as 11 conse- qucnce. In this nieaning. infection does not always resuit from contagion, and on the other hand it may result from the introduction of iiise.-ise germs into the system otherwise than by contagion.

—Auto-infection. The Communication of disease from one purl: of the body to another by mechanical transmission of virus from a diseased to [1 healthy part.—Infei:tious disease. One cnpabie of being trnnstnitted or commnniuiied by means of infection.


INFEPT. In Scotch law. To give seisin or possession of lands; to invest or enfeoiff. 1 Knmes. E11. 215.

INFEFTMENT. In old Scotch law. iniestiture or infeiidntiun. including hoth charter and seisln. 1 Forb. Inst. pt. 2, p. 110.

In later law. Suisirie, or the instrument of possession Beii.

INFENSARE CURIAM. Int. An ex- [ii-cssion applied to El court when it suggested to an advocate something which he had omil'ted through mistake or ignorance. Spel- mnn

INTEOPFMTJNT. The act or instru- ment of fcofimcnt. In Scotland it is synony- nions with "srlisine," meaning the instru- mcnt of possession. Formerly it was synon- ymous with "investiture." Belt

INFERENCE. In the law of evidence. A truth or proposition drawn from another \\hich is supposed or admitted to be true. A process of reasoning by which a fact or proposition sought to be established is deduced as I1 logical consequence from other Eicls, or a state of facts, alieiidy proved or admitted. Gates v. Hughes, 44 \\’is. 336'. Whitehouse v. Bolster. 95 l\Ie. 458, 50 Atl. 240; Ioske v. Irvine, B1 Tex. 574, 44 S. W. 1059.

An inference is a deduction which the reason of the jury makes from the facts proved. VliLl.lOUf, an express direction of law to that

eflect. Code Civil Proc. Cal. § 1958. INFERENTIAL. In the law of evi- dence. Operating in the way of inference;



argumentative. Presumptive evidence is sometimes termed "inferentioif Com. v. Harman, 4 Pa. 272. —In£'e1-entinl facts. See 1i‘ncr.

INFERIOR. (me who, in relation to an- other, has iess power and is beioiv him; one who is bound to obey iinoi.liei'. tie who makes the law is the superior; he who is bound to obey it, the interior. 1 Buuv. Inst. no. 8.

INFERIOR COURT. This term may do- note any court subordinate to the chief uppeiinte trlbuniii in the particular judiciai system; but it is commonly used as the Ll(3Sl,,'l.l.l- tiun of a court or special iimiteil, or statuto- i'y juiisdiction, whose record must show the existence and .ltl.i1(:l.|l].lg of jurisdiction in nny given case, in order to give presumpthe v.i- liility to its judgment. See his purte (Judd). 131 U. S. 280, 9 Sup. Ct. 7U.5, 33 L. Ed. 15-l; Keinpe v. hennedy, 5 Cranch, 155, 3 L. Ed. 70; Grignun v. Astor, 2 lluw. 341, 11 L. 11. 283.; Swift v. Wayne Circuit Judges, 6-i Mich. 479, .51 N. W. -1&4. hirkivuod v. Washington County, '2 Or. 565, 53 1’.ic. ' ‘

The English courts of jnd tui-e are ciussed generally under two heads,—the superior courts and the inferior courts; the former division comprising the courts at Westui‘inster, the intter coniprising aii the other courts in general, many of which, however, are far from being of inferior impoitiince in the common acceptation of the word. Brown.

INFEUDATION. The placing in DOSSE.-r sion of I]. freelioiii estate; also the giiiiitin: of tithes to laymen.

INFICIARI. Lat. in the civil l1lW. To deny; to deny one‘: liability; to reluse to pay a debt or restore a pledge: to deny the aliegation of a pl.iintid'; to deny the charge of an accuser. Ciiliiu.

INFICIATIO. Lat. In the civil law. Denial; the deniai of it debt or inability; the denial of the claim or allegation of a party plaintiff. Calvin.

INFIDEL. One who does not believe in the existence of a God \\]i() iviii reiiaiiil or punish in this world or that which is to come Hale v. Everett. 53 N. H. 54. 16 Am. Ileii 82; Jackson v. Gridley,-18 Johns. (N. Y.) 10.»; Ileirn v. Bridault, 37 Miss. 2.56. One who professes no religion that can bind iiis cunscience to speak the truth. 1 Green]. Ev. §

INFIDELIS. In old English law. infidel or heathen. In feudal law.

An One who vioiated realty.

Infidel- Spel-

INFLDELITAS. In feurl'il law. it.V : fnithiessness to one's feudal oath. man.