Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/662

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Pa. 133, 17 Atl. 238, 3 L. R. A. 219, 11 Am. St. Rep. 880.

INUREMENT. Use: user: service to the use or benefit of a person. Dickerson v. Colgrove. 100 U. S. 583. 25 L. Ed. 618.

Inutilis labor et sine fructn non est eifeetus legis. Useless and fruitiess labor is not the eitect of law. Co. Litt. ETD. The 1aw forbids such recoveries whose ends are vain, changeable, and unprofitable. Id; "mg. Max. p. 110, max. 38.


To pledge or mortgage

INVADIATIO. A pledge or mortgage.

l:N'VADl’.A'J.‘US. One who is under pledge; one who has 1111!! snreties or pledges given for hhn. Spelman.

INVALID. Vain; inadequate to its purpose; not of binding force or legal efficacy; lacking in authority or obligation. Hood v. Perry, 75 Ga. 312; State v. Custeei, 110 Ind. 174, 11 N. E. 219: Mutual Ben. L. Ins. Co. v. \\ iune. 20 Mont. 20. 49 Pac. 440.

INVASION. An encroachment upon the rights of another; the incursion of an army for conquest of plunder. Websicr. See Et- na Ins. Co. v. Boon, 95 U. S. 129. 24 L. Ed. 395.

INVASION]-IS. The inquisition or ser- jeantles and knights’ fees. Cowell.

INVECTA I-1'1‘ ILLATA. Lat. In the civil law. Things carried in and hraught in. Articles brought into a hired tenetuent by the hirer or tenant, and which became or were pledged to the lessor as security for the rent. Dig. 2. 14, 4, pr. The phrase is adopted in Scotch law. See Beli.

Invenienu libellum famosurn et non carrumpenn puznitul‘. He Who finds a libel and does not destroy it is punished. Moore, S13.

INVENT. To find out something new: to devise, contrive, and produce something not previously known or existing, by the ex- ercise of independent investigation and experiment; particularly upplled to machines, mechanical appliances, compositions, and patentable inventions of every sort.

INVENTIO. In the civil law. Finding; one of the modes of acquiring title to property by occupancy. Helnecc. lib. 2, tlt. 1, § 350.

In old English law. A thing found; as goods or treasure-trove. Cowell. The pin- ral, "¢nrentiom:a." is also used.



INVENTION. In patent law. The act or operation of finding out something new; the process of coniriving and producing something not previously known or existing. hy the exercise of independent investigation and experiment. Also the article or contriv- ance or composition so invented. See Lei- dersdorf v. Flint, 15 Fed. Cas. 260: Smith v. Nichols, 21 "'all. 118, 22 L. Ed. , Hollister v. Manufacturing 0).. 113 U. S. 4.’. 5 Sup. Ct. 717, 2S L. Ed. 901; Muiphy Mfg. Co. v. Excelsior Car Boot Co. (0. C.) 70 Fed. 495.

An "invention" differs from a "(list-o\cr_\-." The former term is properly applicable to the coutrivance and production of something tint did not before exist; while discovery denotes the bring.-ing into knowledge and use of something which. although it existed, "as before un- known. Thus, we speak of the "disco\cry" of the properties of light. electricity, etc., while the telescope and the electric motor are the results of the process of "invention."

DWVENTOR. One who finds out or contrives some new thing; one who devises some new art, manufacture, mechanical appliance, or process; one who invents a patentabie contri\'au(.e. See Sparlaman v. Higgins. 22 Fed. Cas. 879; Henderson v. Tompkins (C. U.) 60 Fed. 764

INVENTORY. A detailed list of articles of property: :1 list or schedule of property, containing a designation or description of each specific article; an itemized list of the iarious articles constituting a collection, cstate, stock in trade, etc., with their esliiua ted or actnai values. In law, the term is particularly applied to such a list made by an executor, administrator, or assignee 1n bank- ruptcy. See Silver Bow Min. Co. v. Lou ry. 5 Mont. G18, 6 Pac. 02; Lloyd v. Wycl.u.~fl’. 11 N. J. Law, 2'7 ; Roberts. etc., Co. v. Sun Mut. L. ins. Co.. 19 Tex. Civ. App. 338, 48 5. Vi’. 559; Southern F. Ins Co. v. Knight. 111 Ga. 622, 36 S. E. 821. 52 L. R. A. 70. 78 Am. St. Rep. 216.

INVENTUS. Lat. inrentus, trellsure-trove. [he] is not found.

1-‘ound. Tin-.<uurus Nun. est im:cn.ius,

INVERITARE. To make proof of a thing. Jacob. INVEST. To loan money upon securities

of a more or less permanent nature, or to place it in business ventures or real estate. or otherwise iay it out, so that it max pro- duce a revenue or income. Drake v. Crane, 127 Mo. 85, 29 S. W. 990, 27 L. R. A. ; Stramann v. Scheercn, 7 Colo. App. 1, 42 Pac. 191; Una v. Dodd, 39 N. J. Er]. 186.

To clothe one with the possession of a flef or benefice. See INvEsr1'rrmE.

IN VESTITIVE FACT. The fact bl? means of which a right comes into existence;