Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/731

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Verberg, 78 Mich. 573. 44 N. W. 579. 7 L. R A. 507, 18 Am. St. Rep. 473.—Politica.l Iil_i- erty. Liberty of the citizen to participate in the operations of government, and particularly in the making and administration of the laws. —Ecligions liberty. Freedom from dictation, constraint, or control in matters affecting the conscience, religious beliefs, and the prac- [ice of religion; freedom to eaterlain an express any or no system of religious opinions. nnil to engage in or refrain from any form of religious observance or public or private re- Igzious worship, not inconsistent with the peace and good order of society and the general wel-

l-ire. See F1-o Case. 63 I\[ich. 396, 30 i\. W 72, 6 .-\m St. Rep. 310; State v. White. ‘ fi-1 N. H. 48, 5 Atl. 8'23.

Liberum corpus nulltun recipit miti- niationem. Dig. 9. 3, 7. The body of a freemnn does not admit of valuation.

Lihex-um est eniqne apnd so explox-are an expediat sihi ennsilium. Every one is free to ascertain for himself whether a ree- ommendation is advantageous to his interests. Upton v. Va.l1. 6 Johns. (N. Y.) 181, 184, 5 Am. Dec. 210.

LIBERUM MARITAGIUM. In old English law. Frank-marriage. Eract. tel. 21.

LIBERUM SERVITIUM. Free service. Service of a warlike sort by a feudatory tenant; sometimes called "aervmzinz libermn urmorum." Jacob.

Service not unbecoming the character of a frcoman and a soldier to perform; as to serve I.1n(lcr the lord in his wars. to pay a sum or money, and the like. 2 Bl. Comm. 60.

LIBERUM SOGAGIUM. In old English law. Free socage. Biact. £01. 207; 2 Bi. Comm. 61, 62.

LIBERUM TENEMENTUM. In real law. Freehold. Frz1nL—te-nement.

In pleading. A plea of freehold A plea by the defendant in an action or trespass to real pi-oporty that the locus In quiz is his frceiiolii, or that of a third person, under whom he acted. 1 Tidd, Pr. 645.

LIBLAC. In Saxon law. Witchcraft, pmtlruliiriy that kind which consisted la the compounding and administering of drugs and pbllters. Sometimes occurring in the Latin- ized form liblucurm.

LIBRA. In old English law. A pound; also a sum of money equal to a pound ster- ling.

—Li'h1-ii, area. A pound burned: that is, melted, or assayed by |'IlPifil\g, to test its purity. Iehrm a/-.-2 ct pensuvlrr, ponn burn and weighed. A frequent expression in Domesday to denote the piirer coin in which rents "ere paid. Spelman; Cowell.—Li'hra nunierata. A pound of money counted instead of being weighed. Spelman.—Li'hra pensa. A pound of money by weight. It was usual in former days not only to soil the money, but to weigh it; ease many cities, lords, and bishops,

having their mints, coined money, and often very had money, too, for which reason, though the pound consisted of 20 shillings, they weigh-

ed it. Enc. Load.

LIBRARIUS. In Roman law. A writer or amanuensis: a copyist. Dig. 50, 17, 92.

LERATA TERRIE. A portion of ground containing four oxgangs, and every oxgang fourteen acres. Cowell. This is the same with what in Scotland was called "pound- land" of old extent. Wharton.

LIBRIPENS. In Roman law. A weigher or balance-holder. The person who held a brazen balance in the ceremony or emanci- pation per 23 et librum. Inst. 2, I0, 1.

Lihrornm Appellations continental- omnia. volumina. sive in charts, Iive in memhrann sint, sive in qnavis alia. mntex-ia. Under the name of books are contam- ed all volumes, whether upon paper, or parchment, or any other material. Dig. 32, 52, pr.

LIGENGIADO. In Spanish law. An attoiuey or advocate; particularly, a person admitted to the degree of "Licentiate in Ju- riSpruden('e" by any of the literary universities of Spain, and who is thereby authorized to practice in nil the courts. Escriehe.

LICENSE. In the law of contracts. A permission, accorded by a competent authority, conferring the right to do some act which without such authorization would be illegal, or wouid be a tiespass or a tort. State v. Him). 38 Ohio St. 226; Youngbluod v. Sexton, .312 Mich. 406, 20 Am. Rep. 63-1; Hiihnian v. State, til Ark. 482. 33 S. W. 843: ('liic-ago v. Collins, [75 I'll. 445. 51 N. E. 907, 49 L. It. A. 408, 67 L. R. A. 224. Also the written evidence of such permission.

In real property law. An authority to do a particular act or series of acts upon an- othi-r’s land without possessing any estate therein. Clifford v. O'Neill, 12 App, Dir. 17, 42 N. Y. Supp. 907; Davis v. Toiuiseiid, 10 Barb. (N. Y.) 343; l\iorri.ll v. Maclinian, 24 Mich. 2.92. 9 Am. Rep. 121; Wynn v. Gar- land, 19 Ark. 23, (38 Am. Dec 100; Cheever v. Pearson. I6 Picic (Mass) 266. Also the written evidence of authority so accorded.

It is distinguished from an "easement." which implies an interest in the land to be affected. and a "lease." or right to take the profits of innd. It may be, however, and often, is, coupled with a grant of some inierest in the land itself. or right to take the profits. 1 Washb. Real Prop. ‘398.

In pleading. A plea of justifieation to an action of trespass that the defenrlnnt was authorized by the owner of the freehold to commit the trespass complained of.

In the law of patents. A written authority granted by the owner of B. patent to