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be holden only during the continuance of the condition under which it was granted, upon the determination of which the estate vests immediately in him in expectancy. 2 Bl. Comm 155.—Limitation of actions. The restriction by statute of the right of action to certain periods of time, after the accruing of the cause of action, beyond which, except in certain specified cases, it will not he allowed. Also the period of time so limited by law for the bringing of actions. See Keyscr v. Lorseli, 17 Fed. 404. 54 C. C. A. 4: liattle v. Shiie ‘ - helley a Minn. 45!" (Gil. 338) \. lIi\i'ifui'd 14‘. Ins. , 7 " all 37. Limitation of assize.

In old practice. A CI!I'l'lIn time prescribed by statute, within wbnh a man was required to allege himself or his .inu itor to hiun been sciscd of lands sued

for in ., writ of - .. zc. CoweIl.—Limit.ation of estate. The restriction or c .unisi riplion of an esnte. in the conveyance by which it is granted. in respect to the interest of the grantee or its duration; the speclfic curtailment or confinement of an estate, by the terms of the grunt. so that it mnnot endure beyond a certain period or a designated contin,:onc_v.—Limitntion over. This term includes nny estate in the some property created or contcmpiated lay the conveyance. to be enjoyed t|ffLl' the first estate granted erpires or is exhausted. Thus. in :1 gift to A, for life, with rem. ind:-r to the heirs of his body, the remainder is 11 "iiinitatinn mcr" to such ' '<. Ewing v. Shrupslure. 80 Ga. '4. 7 S. E. 14 —Specia.l limitation. A quuiification seruug to mark out the bounds of an estate so ns to determine it ipaa fncio in a mien event. nitiiout uction, entry, or claim, before it would, or might. otherwise expire hy ftI|'ce of or according to, the general limitation. Ilemlersnn i-. Hunter. 5!) Pa. 3-l0.—Sts.tnte of limitations. A stature prescribing limitations to rhc ri,'.'ht of notion on certain described causcs of actinu: that is. (lP(‘larinz that no suit sb-iii be in ntiiined on such causes of action unless hrouglit within I1 specified period after the right acciucd.—'l'itle by limitation. A prescriptive title: one which is indefensible because of the expiration of the time prescribed by the statute of limitations for the bring-in,-z of iutions to test nr defeat it. See Ilnltnn v. Ren- M rim. 2 Ariz. 275. 1'5 Par. 37.—Wort1s of limitntion. In a convey nuce or will, words which line the effect of marking the duration of an csinte ill'E termed "woi'ds of limitat n." Thus. in a grant to A, and his heirs, the words "and his heiis" are uords nf limitation. because they show that -\. is to take .-in estate in feesimple . d do not give his heirs unrthing. I<‘cnrne.

. 78. And see Bali v Payne. 6 Rand. (Va.)

rs Summit v. Iount. 109 Ind. 500. 9 N. E. . 1.

LIMITED. Restricted; bounded; pre-

scrtiicd. Confined within positive hounds; restricted in duration. ettent, or scope. —Liniited administration An administration of u IeI1]])0lnl'_V (‘lI.Il'2\([cl‘. granted for a purtir-ular period, or for a special or particuiur purpose I-lolthouse.—Limited owner. tennnt for life, in taii, or by the curtcsv, or other poison not having a fee-simple in his absolute disposition.

is to limited "Company." "Dirort-e," "Ex- ecutor." "Ft-c." "Juris(liction," "‘Liabi.lity," and "I’irtnership," see those titles.


In old English law. A Du Gauge.

Du Gauge.

IJNARIUM. flax plat where flax is grown.

I.l1VGoI.N'S INN. An inn of court. See Irma or Conn.

LINE. In descents. The order or se- ries of persons who have descended one from the other or all from a common ancestor, considered as placed in a line of succession in the order of their birth, the line showing the Cl)lJl.le(lllOlJ of all the blood-relatives.

Measures. A line is a lineal measure, containing the one-tuclfth part of an inch.

In estates. The boundary or line of di- vision betueen two estates.

—_-Bnilfllng line. A line established by municipal authority. to secure uniformity of appearance in the streets of the city. drawn at B c_ertz1in uniform distunce from the curb or from the edge of the sidewalk, and parilliei thereto, upon which the fronts of nil buildings on that street must be placed, or heyoud which they are not uilowcd to rojcrt. SL9 Tear v. Freebody. 4 C. B. (N. .) 263.—Co1latern1

e. A line of dcscent connecting persons who are not directly n-iated to each other as ascendnnts or descendants, but whose relationship consists in common descent from the same ancestor. Direct line. A line of descent trac- ed through those persons only who are related to each other directly as uscendants or descend- ants.— of credit. A margin or lixed iimit of credit, granted by 0. bank or merchant to a customer. to the full extent of which the latter may nvaii himself in his dealings with the former, but which he must not exceed: usunlly intended to cover a serieu of transactions. in which case, uhen the customer's line of credit is ne-iriy or quite exhausted, he is expected to reduce his Indebtedness by payments before droning upon it further. See [sador Bush \\"ne Co. v. W0ilI. 48 L11. Ann. 913. 19 South. 70:; ‘chneidcr-Davis Co. v. Hart. -. ’l‘ex. Civ. Ap _’9. 57 S. W. !|(|3.—Line of duty. In military law and usage, an act is said to be done or an injury sustained. "in the line of duty, when done or sutfered in the perform- ance or discharge of a duty incumbent upon the individuai in his character as a n:ien:iher of the military or naval forces. See Rhodes v. U. S., 7.) Fed. 743, 25 C. C. A. 1bb'.—Lines and corners. In surveying and conreyanciiig. Bound- ary iines and their terminating points, where nu angle is formed by the next boundary line.- Maternnl line. A iine of descent or rela- Liunsllip hetuocn two persons which is trited through the u_iothe_r of the voungei-.—Paternn1

line. A similar hue of descent traced through the father.

LINEA. Lat. A line; line of descent See LINE.

—Lines. oblique. In the civil law. The oblique iine. More commoniy termed "linen tro-iis-umsalir."—Linea. recta. The direct line; the vertical ilne. In computing degrees of kindi-cd and the succession to estates. this teriu denotes the direct iine of sscendunts and desccndants. Where a pcison springs from an- other ininxs-dintely, or inediiitcly through a third person, they are said to lie In the direct iine, (Iiiim room.) and are caiicd "ascendants" nnd "descendants." Muclteld. Rom. law. 129. —Linea. trnnsversalis. A. collateral. trans- verse, or oblique a . Whcre tun persons are descended from a third, they are rolled "collat- crals." and are said to be reialued in the coi- iaterul line, ilinea tnmsvcrw or obliqua.)


Linea. rectn. est index 51:11 at obllqui: lex est linen recti. Co. Litt. 158. A a if line is a test of itself, and of an oblique; law is a line of right. -