Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/743

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LOCARIUM. In old European law. The price of letting: money paid for the hire of a thing; rent. Spelman.

LOCATAIRE. In French law. A leslee tenant, or renter.

LOCATARIUS. Lat Adepositee.

LOCATE. To ascertain and flx the position of something, the pi.1('e of which was hefure uncertain or not manifest; as to locate the calls in 11 deed.

To decide upon the piace or direction to be occupied by something not yet in beiig; as to locate a road.

LOCATIO. Lat. In the civil Law. Letting for hire. The term is also used by text-writers upon the law or bailment at common law. In Scotch law it is translated "location." Bell.

—Locntio-cnniinctio. In the civil law. A conipound word usid to denote the contract of huilnient _[or hire. eX[)l‘PSGill;..' the action of bath pnriies. rm. :1 letting by the one and a hiring by the other. 2 Kent, Comm. 536. note; Story, Ii.-iilni. § 363; Cogzs v. Bernard. 2 Ld. Raym. 913.—Locntio custodian. A letting to keep: B hiilment or deposit of goods for hire. Story. Bailni. _§ 442.-—Locatio operis. in the cisil low. The contract of hiring work, 9'. 6.. lnhor Bnll sen ices. It is a contract by which one of the nrues gives in certain work to be performvd y the other, who binds himself to do it for the price agreed between them, which he who gives the work to be done promises to pay to the other for doing it. Poth. Hinge, no. 399: 710" v. Dlinlzle, 156 Pa. 353. '37 Atl. 38. —Locatio operis faciendi. A letting out of ii bailnient of :1 thing for lhe purpose of ha\.'ng some W011: and lahor on care and puins bestowed on it for a pecuniary recnmpen . Kent Com. (N6. 588: Story, Iiiiilm. §§ 370, 421, -i'.’.2.—I.oei=itio uperis mereiuni veheniinrum. A letting of \\or1: to he lllJl.IP in the carrving of goods: a contract of bailinent by which goods are delivereLl to is person to carry for hire. 2 Kent, Comm. 597; Story, Iiailin §§ 370. 4‘57.—Loeatio rei. A letting of a thing to hire. 2 Kent. Comm. 586. The bailment or letting of a thing to be used by the bailee for H conipensntion to be paid by him. Story. Bnllni. § 3Tu.

LOCATION. In American land law. The designation of the boun(i.iries of a p.irtlcuiar piece of land. either upon record or on the land itseif. Mushy v. Carlrinti, 1 Bihb. (Ky) 84.

The iinding and marking out the bounds of ii nartieninr tract of land, upon the land it- selr. in conformity to a certain description contained in an entry, grant. lniip, etc.; such description consisting in what are termed "locatire calls." Cunningham v. Browning, 1 Bland (Md) 329.

In mining law. The act of appropriating I "mining claim" (parcel of land containing precious metal in its soil or rock) according to certain established rules. It usually conslsts in placing on the ground. in a conspicuous position. a notice setting forth the name of the locator, the fact that it is thus



taken or located, with the requisite description of the extent and honndaries of the parcel. St. Lonis smelting, ei:c., Co. v. Kemp, 104 U. S. 649, 26 L. Ed. 875.

In a secondary sense, the mining claim covered by a single not or appropriation or location. Id.

In Scotch law. A contract by which the temporary use of a subject, or the work or service of a person, is given for an ascertained hire. 1 Bell, Comm. 255.

LOCATIVE CALLS. In a deed, patent, or other instrument containing 3 description of land, iocative calls are specific calls, descriptions, or inai-ks of iocation, referring to lD_l.i(l.l.u€i1‘liS. DlJ)SIL‘fll objects, or other points by which the land can be exactly located and identified.

LOCATOR. In the civil and Scotch law. A letter; one who lets; be who. heing the owner of a thing, lets it out to another for hire or compensation. Coggs v. Bernard, 2 Ld. Rziym. 913.

In American liinii law. land, or intends or is entitled to locate. Locnnon.

One who locates See

LOCK-‘UP HOUSE. A place used temporarily as a prison.

LOCKMAN. An officer in the isle of Man, to execute the orders of the gm ernor, much like our uniii.r-sheriff. Wharton.

LOCIVLAN. Fr. In French marine law. A local pilot whose husiuess was to assist the pilot of the vessel in guiding her course into a hnrhor, or through :1 river or channel. Martin v. Farnswoith, 33 N. Y. Super. Ct. 200.


See IN Loco PA-

LOCOCESSION. The act of giving place.

LOCULUS. 1n old records. A colfin; ii purse. LOCUM TENENS. Lat. Holding the

place. A deputy, substitute, lientenant. or representative. LOGUPLES. Lat. In the civil luv

Allie to respond in an action; good for the amount which the plaintiff might recover. Dig. 50. 16. 234. 1.

LOCUS. Lat A place; the place where 3 thing is done. —Loons eontractns. The place of :1 contract: the place where a contract is made.-Locus eriminis. The locality of 1 crime; the place where 8 crime was conirnitted.—Locns iielicti. The place of the offense; the place where an ollense was committed. 2 Kent, Comm.