Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/745

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who wrote at kept books of accounts. 50. 4, 18, 10; Cod. 10, 69.


LOGS. Stems or trunks of trees cut hito camenient lengths for the purpose or helng afterwards manufactured i.uto lumber of various lnmis; not including manufactured lumber of any sort, nor timher which is squaied or otherwise shaped for use wlthout further change in form. Iiolloch v. Parcher, 52 Wis. 393. 9 N. W. 67. And see Haynes v. Hayward. 40 Me. 148; St ite v. Addington, 121 N. C. 538, 27 S. E. 98": Code W. Va. l-‘-"l9, p. 1071. § 27 (Code 1906, 5 2524).

LOLLARDS. A body of primitive Weslcians, \\ho assiiiiied inlportance about the time of John Wycliffe. (1360,) and were very successfui i.u dlsseiiiiiiafing evangelicin truth; but, being implicated (apparently against their will) in the insurrection of the \-llieins in 1381, the statute Dc Hirrctico comburew do (2 Hen. IV. c. 15) was passed ngahist them, for their suppression. H0\\C\eI', they nerc not suppressed, and their representative: survive to the present day under various names and disguises. Brown.

LOMBARDS. A name given to the mer- chants of Italy. numbers of whom. during the twcifth and thirteenth centuries, were 8Stl|i|li.'9'il€d as merciialite and liiinkers in the principal cities of Europe.

LONDRES. 1 Ed". II. p. 4.

L. Fr. London. Siearb. P.

LONG. In various compound legal terms (sne infra) this word carrles a meaning not essentially different from its signification in the vernacular.

In the language of the stock exchange. 3 I)l'i)l(€1‘ or spccuiator is said to h "iong" on stock, or as to a particular security, when he has in his possession or control an alum- dzint supply of it, or a supply exceeding the amount which he has contracted to deliver, or. more particularly, when he has bought a supply or such stock or other security for future delivery, speculating on a consider- able future advance in the market price. See Kent v. Miltenberger, 13 Mo. App. 506. —Long account. An account involving num- erous sepurute items or charges. on one side or both, or the statement of various complex trans- actions, such as a court of equity will refer to a i« rtor or commissioner or a court of law to R referee under the. codes of procedure. See Dick- ius a v. Mitchell. 19 Ahh. Prac. (N. Y.) 286: Ill vm v. Hotter, 57 Wis. 6-1-1. 16 N W. 14: D_<-ile v. Metropolitan El. Ii. 1 Misc. Rep. 3315. 20 N. Y Supp. 8G."].—Long parliament. Cilie name usually given to the parli.-iment which met in November. 1040. under Charles I., and nag dissnli ed by Cromwell on the 10th of April, II)’:-3. The name "Long Parliament" is, ow- ever. also given to the parliament which met in 16131. after the restoration of the monarchy, and vlas dissolved on the 30th of December, IGTS. This latter parliament is_sometimes call- ed, by way of distinction, the "long parliament

Bl.Law Dict.(2d Ed.)—17



of Charles II." Mozley & W'hitley..—Long qninto, the. An expression used to denote part second of the year-bool: which gives reports of cases in 5 dw. IV. Long robe. meta- phorical expression designating the practice or profession of the lawi us, in the phrase "gentlemen of the long robe. '— ton. A measure of weight equivalent to 20 hundred-weigl_:lt_of 112 pounds each, or 2240 pounds, as distin- guished from the "shor ' ton of 2.000 pounds. Soc Rev. St. U. S. § 2951 (U. S. Comp. St. 1901, [1, i911). But see Jones v. Giles, 19 Excli. 119, us to an Iinglish custom of reckoning :1 ton of iron "long weight" as 2,400 pounds.—Long VB-

on. The ITCBSS of the English courts from August 10th to October 24th.

Longs. possessio est pncis jns. Long possession is the law or peace. Branch, Princ , Co. Iiitt. 6.

Longs possessio jun par-it. Long possession liegeta right Fleta, llb. 8, c. 15, 5 6.

Long: passessio parit jun poiisiiiendi, et tollit nctionein Venn domino. Long possession produces the right, of possession. and takes away from the true owner his action. Co. Litt 11012.

Longnm tenipns at longns nuns qni exeedit niemoria. hnininnin Iulfioit pro jute. Co. Litt. 115a. Long time and long USE, exceeding the memory Of E1811, SUEICQS for right

LOOKOUT. A proper iookont on a vessel is some one in a favorable position to see, stationed near enough to the helmsiuan to communicate with him, and to receive communications from him, and exclusiiely empioyed in watching the movements of vessels which they are meeting or about to pass. The Genesee Chief v. Fitzhugh, 12 How. 462, 13 L Ed 1058.

LOPWOOD. A right in the iuhaliitaiits of 11 parish within a manor, in England, to lop for fuel. at certain periods of the year, the branches of trees glowing upon the waste lands of the manor. Sweet.

LOQUELA. Lat. A colloquy; talk. In old English law. this term denoted the oral altercations or the parties to a suit, which led to the issue, now called the "plendings." It also (lcsignated an "linp:iil:1nce." (q. 1)..) both names evidently referring to the talking together or the parties. Loqucla. sine die, a postponement to an indefinite time.

Loqueniiuni nt vnlgnii; sentieniinin nt docti. We must speak as the couiinon pun- ple; We must think as the learned 7 Coke, lib This maxlni expresses the rule that, when words are used in a technical ..‘ ..-, they must he understood technicallr; other- wise, when they mnv be Sll1'l[l0S(d to be D5911 in their ordinary acceptation.

LORD. In English law. A title of honor or noliiilty belonging propeily to the degree of baron, but applied also to the M