Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/748

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promised or agreed to pay, any valuaiile consideration for the chance of oht:ii.uii1g such property, or a portion of it, or for any share of or interest in such property, upon any izgreerneut. understanding, or expectatiun that it is to be distributed or disposed of hy lot or chance, whether called a "lottery," n "r:1IiJe," or 3 "gift enterprise," or by whatever name the same may be known. Pen. Code Cal. 5 3]‘); Pen. Code Dak. 5 373. See. also. Dunn v People, 40 Iii. 467 ; Charannuh v. State. 49 Alil. 397; Stearnes v. State. 21 Tc\‘. 692; State v. Lovell, 39 N. J. Law, 461; State 1'. liluniforil, 73 M0. 650, 35) Ann. Rep. 532; U. S. v. Politzer (D. C.) 59 Fed. 274; Fleming 1'. Bills. 3 Or. 289; Com. v. Manderfielil, 8 Philu (Pa) 459

Ian le ley done chose, Ia eeo done remedie a vener a ceo. 2 Roile, 17. \\ here the law gives a right, it gives a remedy to recover.

LOUAGE. Fr. This is the contract of hiring and ietthig in French law, and may he either of things or of labor. The varieties of each are the following:

1. Letting of things.—iu1.i'l (1. Iowa being the letting of hnuses; boil it fernie lieing the letting of lands.

2. Letting of ltihor.—ioycr being the letting of personal service; boil it cheptci being the letting of animals. Bnowrv.


A rain or bei.i-wether.

LOVE-DAY. In old English law. The day on which any dispute was amicably settled between neighbors; or D. day on which one neighbor helps another without hire. Wharton.

LOW JUSTICE. In old European law, jurisdiction of petty offenses, as distinguished from "high justice," (q. 1;.)

LOW WATER. The furthest receding poi.ut of ehb-tide. Howard v. Ingersoll, 13 HOW. 417, 14 L. Ed. 1S9.

—Low-water mark. See WATEE—DIABK.

LOWIBOTE. of a man killed in a tumult.

A recompense for the death Cowell.

LOW]-IRS. Fr. In French maritime law. Wages. Ord. Mar. iiv. 1, tit. 14, art. 16.

LOYAL. Legal; authorized by or con- forming to law. Also faithfui in one‘s politicai rei.itions; giving faithful support to one's prince or sovereign or to the existing government

LOYALTY. Adherence to law. Faith- tuiness to one's prince or sovereign or to the existing government.



Lulu-icnm linguse non facile trahenv iinm est in puenuun. Cro. Car. 117. A slip of the tongue ought not lightly to be suh- jected to punishment.

LUCID INTI-JEVALS. In medical ju- risprudence. lnterrals occurring in the mental life of an insane person during ii-hid.‘ he is completely restored to the use of his reason, or so far restored that he has suilo cieut intelligence. jucksnient, and will to wall‘ into contractual relations or peiiorm other legal acts, without disqualification by reason of his disease. See lnsenrrr.

LUGRA NUPTIALIA. Lat. In Roman law. A term including everything which I h|1SLl'll1d or nife. its such. acquires from the estate of the other, either hefoie the marriuge, or on agreeing to it, or during its coutiiiiiaiice, or utter its dissolution, and whether the acquisition is by pure gift, or by vil'tue of the marriage contract. or against the will of the other party by law or statute See Mackeld. Rom. Law. 5 5S0.

LUCRATIVA GAUSA. Lat. In Roman law. A consideration which is voluntary: that is to say. a gratuitous gift, or such like It was opposed to oiiorosiz caiisiz, which de noted 11 valuable consideration. It "as I principle of the Roman law that two liirrna tire causes could not concur in the s1n1eperson as regarded the same thing; that is to say, that, when the same thing was bequeathed to a person by two different testiitors, he could not have the thing (or its value) twice over. Brown.

LUCRATIVA USUCAPIO. Lat This species of usucupio was permitted in Roman law only iii the case of persons talxiiigz possession of property upon the deceuse of its iate owner, and iu exclusion or (leforcement of the heir, whence it was called "i1siirapi'o pro him'ez1e." The adjective "liicriz!i'i:a." de- noted that propeity was acquired by this imucapio without any consideration or [my- ment for it by way of purchase; and, as the possessor who so acquired the property was I maid fitie possessor, his acquisition, or usu- copia, was called also "impraIii1." (i'. c.. dis- honest :) but this dishonesty was tolerated (until ahoiished by Hadrian) as an incentive to force the hares to take possession, in order that the dehts might be paid aud the sacrifices performed; and, as a further iiicentive to the hmrcs. this usucapto was complete in one year. Brown.

LUCRATIVE. Yielding gain or profit; profitable; hearing or yielding a revenue or salary.

—Lnei-ativa builnient. See ]3Ari.nsN'r.—Liicrativo office. One which yields a revenue (in the form of fees or otherwise) or a fixed salary to the incumbent; according to some nuthorities, one which yields a compensation supposed to be adequate to the services rendered