Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/759

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Hotehkiss v. Porter. 30 Conn. 414.—Maliee in law. Implied. inferred, or leizal malice. See Smith v. Rodecsip. 5 Ind. App. 78. 31 N. E. 479; Bacon v. Railroad Co., ti Mich. 1G0. 33 N. W. 1S1.—Malice prepense. Malice aforethought; deliberate. predetermined rnzilice. Ilolle, 4fll.—Pa.x'tlcnlar malice. Malice di- rected against :1 partieuiiir individusii; ill wii ll grudge; a desire to be revenged on E particular person. Brooks v. Jones. 33 N. C. 2261; Slate v. Long. 117 N. C. 791, 23 S. E. 45il.— Pi-econceived malice. Malice prepense or nforcthouglit. See State v. Reiilell. 9 Iloiist. (Del.) 470. l4 Atl. 5-30.——-Premetlitated malice. An intention to kill uiiimifully, deliber- ately form-rl 1n the mind as the result of a determination nieditateil upon and fixed before the act. State v. Gin Pen, 16 Wash. 425. 47 I’.-ic 961: ’\1ilton v. State. G Neb. 143; State v. ltntten. 13 Wash. 211. -13 Pac. 30.—Spec:ia.1 malice. Particular or personal miili ‘ that is. hatred, ill viili, or s vindictive ilispn 'tion against a particular lndividuai.—Universa.l malice. By this term is not meant a malicious purpose to take the life of sili persons, but it is that depravity of the human heart which determines to take life upon slight or lnsuficient provocation, without knowing or (.':].l'l]d5 glho E-Bay be the victim. Mitcheli v. State. ‘ IL .

MALICIOUS. Evincing malice ; done

with malice and an evil design; willful.

—Malicions abandonment. In criminal law. The dcscrtinn of a wife or husband without just cnuse.—Malicions abuse of process. The malicious misuse or misapplication of process to occonipiish a purpose not warranted or commanded by the writ; the malicious perversion of a regularly lssued process, whereby a result not lawfully or properly obtained on a writ ls secured; not including crises where the process was procured maliciously but not abused or misused after its issuance. Bartlett v. Chrlslbilf. 60 Md. 219. 1-1 Atl. 521; Mayer v. Walter. 64 Pa. 2 Hiimplireys v. Sutcliffc. 192 Pa. 339-. 43 All. .54. 73 Am. St. Rep. 819: Kline v. llihiisrd, S0 Hun, 5|). '29 N. Y. Supp. SG7.—Malieions act. A wro - ul iict intentionally done without legal jus ifieiition or ex- cuse; an unlawful act done wilfully or purpose- ly to ininre nnother. Bowers v. State, 24 Tex. App. 542, 7 S. W. 247. 5 Am. St. Rep. 901‘ Puvne v. Weslern & A. R. (‘o.. 13 Les (Tenn. -19 Am. Rep. 666'. Brandt v. Wloriiing . S1 App. Div. 185. Si! N. Y. Supp. 100... ions in-rest. An arrest made willfully and without probable cause, but in the course of s resuiar procee<ling.—ZM:iliolons injury. An injury committed against a person st the prompting of malice or hatred to- wards hini, or done spitefully or wantonly. State v. Huegin. 110 ' 1 . 85 N. ‘V. 104G, 62 L. R. A. 700; Wing: v. Wing. 66‘ Me. 62, 22 Am. Rep. 54S.—Maliclous mischief. A term applied to the wiilful destruction of personal property, from actual ili will or resent- ment tovi ards its owner or possessor. People v. Petheram. 64 Mich. 252. 31 N. W. 188; First Nat. Bank v. Burl-wtt. 101 Ill. 394, -10 Am. Rep. 209; State v. Robinson. 20 N. C. 130, 32 Am. Dec. 661; Thomas v. State 30 Ark. 435. Ma- iicious mischief or damage is :1 species of in- jury to private property, which the law considers as a public crime. This is such as is done. not anima f-iwancli, or with "ID intent of gaining by another‘s loss, but either out of B spirit of wanton cruelty or wicked revenge. In this latter iight it bears a near relation to the crime of arson, for, as that alfects the habitstion. so does this the property, of individuals; and therefore any damage arlsing from this mischievous disposition, though only 8. trespass at the common law, is now, by several stat-



utes. made severely penal. Jacob. Malicious prosecution. A judicial proceetli ‘ stituted against '1. person out of the prosecute and lll will, with the intention of injuring him. without probable cause to sustain it, the process and proceedings being regular and formal. but not justified by the fscts. For this lnjiiry on action on the case iies, called the "action of malicious prose:-ulio Hicks v. Brantley, 102 Go. M4. 29 S. E : Eggett v. Alien. 119

" . 625. 96 N. W. 50.3; Harpham v. Vvbitnev, 7: Ill. 38; Laiizon v. Chiirroux. 18 R. I. 407. 28 Atl. 975; Frisbie v. Morris, 75 Conn. 6&7, 55 Atl. 9.—Mnl.ieious trespass. The act of one who moliclousiy or rnischievously injures or causes to be injured any property of another or any public property. State v. l\IcKee. 109 Ind. 497. 10 N. E. 405: Hannel v. State, 4 Iiid. App. -155, 30 N. E. 1118.

MALIGNARE. also to mnim.

To mallgn or slander;

MALINGER. To feign sickness or any physical disahlement or mental iapse or de- rangement. especially for the purpose of escaping the performance of a task, duty, or work.

MALITIA. Lat. Actual evil design; express malice.

—Malitia priecogitsta. M iilice oforethought,

Malitia est acids; est mall nniml sffentiis. Malice is sour; it is the quality of ii bad mind. 2 Bulst 49.

Miilitin siipplet setstem. Malice supplies [the want of] age. Dyer, 1041;; Broom, Max. 316.

Malitiis hoxninnm est olziviiuidum. The wicked or m.ii.lcious designs of men must be thwarted. 4 Coke, 151;.

MALLUM. In old European law. A court of the higher kind in which the more important business of the county was dispatched by the count or earl. Spelman. A public national assembly.

MALO ANIMO. Lat. With an evil mind; with a hail purpose or wrongful intentjon; wlth mallce.

MAI.-0 GRATO. lngly.

I/at. In splte; unwill-

MALO SENSU. Lat. In an evil sense or meaning: with an evil signification.

MALPRACTICE. As applied to physicians and surgeons. this term means, generally. professional misconduct towards a patient which is considered reprehensible either because immoral in itself or because contrary to law or expressly forbidden by law. In a more speclfic sense. it means bad, wrong. or injudic-ious treatnient of a patient. pro- fessionally and in respect to the particular disease or injury, resulting in injury. unnecessary sufferlng, or deatli to the patient,