Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/804

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v. Sayre, 3 N. J. Law, 187.—Movable free- liold. A term applied by Lord Coke to real property which is capable of being increased or diminished by natural causes; as where the owner of aenshore acquir or loses land as the waters recede or approach. See Holman v. Hodges. 112 Iowa. 714. 84 N. W. 950. 58 L. R. A. 673, 84 Am. St. Rep. 367.

MOVABLES. Things movahle; movable or personal chattals, which may be annexed to or attendant ou the person of the owner. and carried about with him from one part of the world to another. 2 Bl. Comm. 381. Moi-ables consist—Ftrst, of inanimate things, as goods, plate. money, jewels, implements of war, garments, and the like or vegetable productions, as the fruit or other parts of a plant when severed from the body of it. or the whole plant itself when severed from the ground; secondly, of animals, which have in themselves a principic and power of motion. 2 Steph. Comm. 67.

In the civil law. Movables (niobi‘lia,) properly denoted inanimate things; animals being distinguished as moiiontiiz, things moving. Calvin.

In Scotch law. "lifovahles" are opposed to "heritage " So that every species of prop- erty, and every right a man can hold, is by that law either heritable or movable. Bell.

MOVE. 1. To make an application to a court for a rule or order.

2. To propose a resolution, or recommend action in a deliberative body.

3. To pass over; to be transferred; as when the consideration of a contract is said to "move" from one party to the other.

4. To occasion; to contribute to; to tend or lead to. The forewheel of a wagon was said "to move to the death of a man." Sayer. 249.

MOVENT. One who moves; one who makes a motion before a court; the applicant for a rule or order.

MOVING FOR AN ARGUMENT. Making a motion on a day which is not motiou day. in virtue of having argued a special case; used in the exchequer after it became obsolete in the queen's bench. Wharton.


MUEBLES. In Spanish law. Movables; all sorts of personal property. White, New Recop. b. 1, tit. 3, c. 1, § 2.

MUIRBURN. In Scotch law. The offense of setting fire to a mnir or moor. 1 Brown, Ch. 78, 116.

MULATTO. A mulatto is defined to be "a person that is the offspring of a negress hy a white man, or of X1 white woman by a negro." Thurman v. State, 18 A111. 276.



MULCT. A penalty or punishment lin- posed (in a person guilty of some ol1'eus& i--rt. or misdemeanor, usually a pecuniary fine or condemnation in damages. See Cook v. l\inrshail County, 119 Iowa, 384. 93 N. W. 372. 104 Am. St. Rep. 283.

Mulcta dnmnnin fauna noii lrrognt. God. 1. 54. A fine does not lJ.l\0l\'e loss of character.


(1) A woman; (2) I

virgin; (3) a wife; (4) a legitimate chilil 1 Inst. 243.

MULIEB. puisivfi. L. Fr. When I man has a bastard son, and afterwards iiinr~ ties the mother, and by her has also a legitimate son, the elder son is bastard ciuné, and the younger son is mutter puimé.

MULIEEATUS. A legitimate sou. Glanvil. MULIEETY. Iu old English law. The

state or condition of a mulicr, or lawful issue. Co. Litt. 35212. The opposite of has tardy. Blouut.

Mnltn eoucednntnr per obliquum qI'l.B non conceduntur de directo. Many thing are allowed indirectly which are not allowed directly. 6 Coke, 47.

MULTA, or MULTURA EPISCOPI. A fine or final satisfaction, anciently given to the king by the bishops, that they might have power to make their wills, and that they might have the probate of other main: wills, and the granting of administration. 2 Inst. 291.

Mnltn fiilem promises. levant. ‘Man! promises lessen confidence. Bro wn v. Castles, 11 Cush. (Mass) 350.

Mnlta ignoramus qua: noliil nun late- rellt a veteriun lectlo Imliis fuit famili- uris. 10 Coke. 73. We are ignorant Of many things which would not be hidden from us it the reading of old authors was iaruiliar to us.

Mnlta in jure oominnni contra ratio- iiein dispuuandi, pr-o iuoininuni utilitate int:-oducte inmt. Many things have been introduced into the common law, with a view to the public good, which are inconsistent with sound reason. Co. Litt. 70b; Broom. Max. 158.

Malta mnlto exereltatione faciliul qnam regulis percipiea. 4 Inst. 50. You will perceive many things much more easily by practice than by rules.

Malta non vetnt lex, qua: tamen tacit: dainiinvit. The law forbids not many things which yet it has silently condemned.