Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/806

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MUNICEPS. Lat. In Roman law. A provincial person; a conntrynian, This was the designation of one horn in the provinces or in a city politically connected with Rome, and viho, having become a Roman citizen, was entitled to hold any ofilces at Rome ex- cept some of the highest. In the provinces the term seems to have been applied to the freemen of any (‘lt_\ who were eligible to the municipal ofilc-es. Calvin.

MUNICIPAL. ".\II)niCipal" Elgnifles that which belongs to a corporation or a city. The term includes the rules or laws by which a particular district, community, or nation is gm erued. It may also mean local. par-

titulnr. lndependent. Horton v. Mohlle School Com'rs 4.3 Ala. 598. "Mnnlcipa' a one of its meanings, is used in

opposition to ' utcrnationnl." and denotes that which pertains or belongs properly to an in- (ii\i(l|lfll state or separate community, as distin- guished from that which is common to, or ob- served between, all nations. Thus. piracy is an "international offense." and is denounced by "international law." but smuggling is a "munic- lpnl offense," and coguizablc by "municipal law."

—Municipa1 old. A contribution or assist- ance granted by a municipal corporation to- wards the execution or progress of some enterprise. nndi-rtaken by private piirtii-s bnl likely to lie of benefit to the munitipali y; e. g.. a railroad.—Municipal bonds. Negotiuhle bonds issued Ivy :1 l.1]lll]iClD‘ll corporati , to SPl"I‘l'I3 its ' a s. Austin v Nnlle. 7 Tex. 520, 2

.. . ‘S: I'i0\Hil‘(l v. l\illWa County ((‘. C.) T Fed. 406.—Municipal claims. In Pennsylvania law. Claims filed by a city against property owners therein, for taxes. rates, levies, or assessments for local improvements. such as the cost of grading, paving, or our "mg the streets, or removing nuisances.--Municipal corporation. See that title injru.—Mnnio- ipsil courts. In the Judicial organization of several states, courts are cstahllshed under this name, whose territorial authority is confined to the city or commlinity in which they are erected. Such courts usually have a criminal jurls- diction corresponding tu that of a police court, and, in some cnsns, possess vivil jurisdiction in small causes.—Municipal law, in contradistinction to international law, is the law of an individual state or nation. It is the rule or law by which a particular district. community. or nation is governed. 1 Bl. Comm. 44. That which pertains solely to tile citizens and hi- liahitants of a state, and is thus distinguished from political law. coninicrciiil law, and the luv: of nations. Wharton. \ml see Winspear v. Holman District Tp.. 37 Iowa. 544: Root v. Erdelmyer. Wils. (Ind; 90; Cook v. Portland, 20 Or. SSO. 27 Pac .63, 13 L. R. A. '33 .— Municipal lien. A llI"l.] or claim cxis ng in fmor of :1 municipal corporation against a prop- erty on her for his proportionate share of a pub- lic improvement niade by the mnnic' iiility, uherehv his ]'Jrnpcrt_' is specially and individually benefite(l—Municipal officer. An officer belonging to a municipality, that is. 11 city, town, or bfllfluzhr-Municipal ordinance. A law. rule, or ordinance cn'1r‘tcd or adopted by a municipal corporation. Rutherford \. Swlnk, 96 Tcnn. ', . 35 . . v. 554 —Municipal securities. The evidences of indebtedness issued lIV cities. towns, counties. township school-districts, and other such territorial div sions of a state. They are of two general classes: (1) Municlpxil warrants. orders, or certif- icates: (3 municipal negotlshlc bonds. 1.") .-\nier. & Eng. Enc. Law, 1fl.—Municipal warrants. A municipal wrrant or order is



an instrument. generally in the form of a hill of exchange, drawn by an officer of a municipality upon its treasurer, directing him to pay an iimount of money specified therein to the person named or his order, or to bearer. 15 Amer. & Eng. Enc. Law, 1306.

MUNICIPAL CORPORATION. A pub- lic corporation created by government for political purposes, and having sulioidiuate and local powers of legislation: e. 17., a county, town, city, etc. 2 Kent, Comm. .. 5.

An incorporation of persons. inhabitants of a particular place, or connected \\lLh I particular district, enabling them to conduct its local civil government. Glov. Mun. Corp. 1.

In English law. A body of persons In a

town having the powers of acting as one person, of holding and transmitting properly. and of regulating the government of the town. Such corporations existed lu the chief towns of England (as of other countries) from very early times, deriving their author it)‘ from "inc(\rporatlug" charters granted by the crown. "'harton. —Mnnicipal corporations act. in < 'sh law A guneral statute, (5 & 6 Wm. IV. c. 76.) passed in 1S35. prescribing general 1'2,-gulntions for the incorporation and government of bar- oughs.—Quasi municipal corporations. Public corpoiatlnns organized for governmental piirposes and paving for most purposes the status and powers of municipal corporations (such as counties, townships, and school distrius), but not municipal corporations proper. such as cities and lnr-orporated touus. Sec Snider v. St. Paul, 51 Minn. 466, 53 N. W. 763, 18 L. R. A 151.

MUNICIPALITY. A municipal corpo- ration: a city, town, borough, or Incorporated village. Also the body of officers, when collectively, belonging to a city.

MUNICIPIITM. In Roman law. A foreign town to which the freedom of the city of Rome was granted, and whose inhabitants had the privilege of enjoying olhccs and

honors there; a tree town. Adams, Rom. Ant. 47, 77. MUNIMENTS. The instruments of

writing and written evidences which the owner of lands, possessions, or iuherllnuces has, by which he is enabled to defend the title of his estate. Termes de la Ley; 3 lost. 170.

MUNIMENT-HOUSE, or 1VIUNl'l\IEN'l‘- ROOM. A house or room of strength. in calhedrals, collegiate churches, castles. colleges. public buildings. etc. purposely made for keeping deeds. charters, writings. etc. 3 Inst. 170.

MUNITIONS OF WAR. In international law and United States statutes, thls term includes not only ordnance, ammunition, and other material directly useful in the conduct of a war. lint also whatever may contribute to its successful maintenance,