Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/844

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Ii.-‘Z9; Kissel v. Lewis. 1:16 Ind. 233 478; Willcox v. Hines, 100 Tenn. 1):) , 46 W. 297. 41 L. R. A. 278 66 Am. St. Rep. W . A 17Li.!‘€d nuisance is of t e kind last described; that is, it is one which is both public and pri- vate in its effects,—public because it injures many persons or all the community, and private in that it also produces special injuries to private rights. Lxeiley v. 1\ew York, 6 Misc. Rep. 516, 27 N. Y. Supp. 164.

Other compound and descriptive terms. -—Ar-tionalile nuisance. See A(‘TIDNAI3LE.—- Assize of nuisance. in old practice, this was a judi al writ directed to the sheriff of the county in which a nuisance ousted, in which it ii is stated that the party injured complained of some particular fait done ad nocumciitum libru tcnemeiiti mu‘. (to the nuisance of his rrethold,) and commanding the sheriff to sum- niou an ass"/.e (that is, a jury) to View the premises, and have them at the next commission of nssizes, that justice might be done, etc. 3 Bl. Comm. 22‘l.— nuisance. One whuli affects the public in general, and not merely some particular person; a public nui- sance. 1 I-Lawk. P. C 197.—Continuing nui- sance. An uninterrupted or periodically recurring nuisance: not necessarily a constant or uncensing injury, but a nuisance which occurs so oitnu and is so nccessarily an incident of the use of pioperty complained of that it mu fairly he slid to be continuous. Farley V Gnslight Co., 105 Ga. 323. 31 S. E. ]93.—Nu sauce per as. One which constitutes :1 nui- sance at all times and under ail circumstances, irrespective of locality or surroundings, as, things prejudicial to public morals or dangerous to life or injurious to public rights; distin- guished from things declared to be nuistincos by statute, and also from things which constitute nuisances only when considered with ref- crence to their particular location or other individual circumstances. Hiindlcy v. Harrison, 123 A18. 292, 26 South. ' Whitrnore V. Paper Co., 91 Me. 297. 39 Atl. 1032, 40 L. R. A. 3 7, 6-1 Am. St Rep. $9; ""indfall Mfg. Co. v. Patterson. 143 Ind. 414, 47 N. E. 2, 37 L. R. A. 381. 62 Am. St. Rep. 532.

N111’... No; none. A law French negative particle, commencing many phrases.

—N'ul ngard. No award. The name of a plea in nu action on an arbitration bond, by which the defendant traverses the nu ing of any legal award.—Nul disseisin. In pleading. No disseisin. A pica of the general issue in a real action, by which the defendant denies that there was any disscisin.—Nul tie] corporation. No such corporation [exists] The form of a plea denying the existence of an alleged corporation.—Nu.l 1.-lei record. No such record. A plea denying the existence of any such rte ord as that alleged by the plnintilf. It is the generai plea in an action of debt on a judgment. Holfheimer v. Stiefcl, 17 Misc. Rep. 236, 39 N. Y. Supp. 714.—N'.il tart. In pleading. A plea of the general issue to a ran] action, by which the dclcnulnnt denies that he committed any wrong.—Nu.l waste. No waste. The name of a plea in an action of wast , denying the committing of waste, and forming the general issue.

Nu] charter, nu] vente, ne nul. done vault peunetualnient, a le donor n’ent seise al temps do contracts do denx droita, lc. del drnit do possession et del dz-nit do proper-tie. Co. Lltt. 266. No grant, no sale, no gift, is valid forever, un- less the donor, at the time of the contract, is seised of two rights, namely, the right of possession, and the right of property.



Nu] no dnit ii’en1-icldr aux depenr ile nut:-es. No one ought to enrich hiuiselt the expense of others.

N-ul pr-endra. advantage do run to demesne. No one shall take advaumgn. 0 his own wrong. 2 lust. 713; Broom, Max. 290.

Nu] Inns damage avers error an I: taint. Jenk. Cent 323. No one shall Lime error or attalnt unless he hus s damage.

NULL. Naught; of no validity or elfcdj Usually coupied uith the word "vold;' nu "null and void." Forrester v. Boston etc, Min. Co.. 29 Mont. 397, 74 Pnc. 1058; Hlllllli v. Eagon, 73 Mo. App. 276.

NULLA BONA. Lat. No goods. The name of the return uinde by the sheriff to a writ of execution, uhen he has not found any goods of the defendant iiithin lils juib diction on which he could lciy, wbtldnard V. Hiirliin, 1 Ala. 103; Reed v. Lowe 103 110 519. 63 S. W. 687. 85 An]. St. Rep ford v. Few, 146 M0. 142, 47 S. \ , Am. St. Rep. 606.


Nulla. duria qua: I-ecordum non linbet patent iniponere finem neque nliqueni mandate career-i: quia. istn. spectnnt tan. tununudn ad ourias de recordo. 8 Coke, 60. No court which has not a record can impose a fine or commit any person to pris- on; iiecaiise those powers belong only to courts of record.

Nulla. emptio sine pretio ease potent. There can he no sale without a price. Brown v. Bellows, 4 Pick. (Mass) 189.

Nnlla In-ipossiliilia ant inhnnestn lunt prmsumcnda; Vern nutern et lionertn at pussibilin. No things that are impossible or dishonorable are to be presumed: but things that are true and honorable and possible. Co. Lltt. 781)

N-ulla. pnetionn efllci potent nt dnlm pr-sestetnr. By no agreement can it be effected that 3. fraud shall be practiced. Fiaud will not be upheld. though it mny seem to be authorized by express agi'eeinenr. 5 Mauie & S. 466; Broom, Max. 696.

Nnllu. virtus, nulls scientio, locum nnnzn et dig-nitntem conservare potent sine modestia. C0. Litt. 394. Without modesty, no virtue, no knowledge, can pro- serve its place and dignity.

Nulle terre Inna seignour. No land without a lord. A maxim of feudal law. Guyot, Inst. Feud. c. 28.

Nnlli enim rel sun nervit lure servitutis. No one can have a servituds over bll