Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/868

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ORDINES MAJORES ET MINORES. In ecclesiastical law. The holy orders of priest. deacon, and suhdencon, any of which qualified for presentation and admisslon to an ecclesiastical dignity or cure were called "orrlincs maiorea,-" and the inferior orders of (hunters, psalmists, ostiary, reader. ex- orcist, and acoiyte were called "ordincs min0re.9." Persons ordained to the ordinea minarcs had their prima tzmsum, diirerent from the tonsura clerioalis. Cowell.

ORDINIS BENEFICIUM. Lat. In the civil law. The benefit or prlvllege of order; the privilege which a surety i‘or a dchtor had of requiring that his principal should he discussed, or thoroughly prosecuted, before the creditor could resort to him. Nov. 4, c. 1; Heinecc. Elem. lih. 3, tit. 21. 5 883.

ORDINUM FUGITIVI. Ln old English law. Those of the religious who deserted their houses, and. throwing of: the habits, renounced their particular order in contempt of their oath and other obligations. Pnroch. Antlq. 388.

ORZDO. Lat. That-rule which monks were obliged to obeerre. Order; regular succession. An order of a court.

—0rdo albums. The white friars or Augustines. Du Can e.—Ox-do attachiaxnentornm. In

old prac ice. The order of attachments. Fleta, lih. 2, c. 51, I 12.—O1-do grileul. The gray friars, or order of Cistercians. Du Cange.

—Ordo judiciornm. In the canon law. fhe order of judgments; the rule by which the due course of hearing each cause was prescribed. 4 Reeve, Eng. Low, 17.—0x-do niger. The hlack friars, or Beuedlctines. The Cluniacs likewise wore black. Du Cange.

ORDONNANCE. Fr. In French law, an ordinance; an order of a court; a compilation or svstematized body of law relating to a particular subject-matter, as, commercial Inw or maritime law. Particularly. a compilation of the law relating to prises and captures at sea. See Coolidge v. Ingiee,

13 Mass. 43. ORE-LEAVE. A license or right to dig and take ore from land. Ege v. Kills, 84

Pa. 340.

ORE T]-JNTJS. Lat. By word of mouth; orally. Pleading was anclently carried on are terms. at the bar of the court. 3 Bi. Comm. 293.

ORFGILI). In Saxon law. The price or mine of a heust. A payment for a beast. The payment or forfeiture of a beast. A penalty for taking away cattle. Spelman.

ORGANIC ACT, an act of congress con- ferring powers of government upon 11 territory. In re Lane. 135 U. S. 443, 10 Sup. Ct. 1'60, 34 L. Ed. 219.



ORGANIC LAW. The fundamental ‘Lu or constitution, of a state or nation, wrltt or unwrltten; that law or system of law or principles which defines and ldiihiim the organization of its government. St. Louis v. Doir, 145 1\io. 466, 46 S. W. 976, 42 L. R. A. (LS6, 68 Am. St. Rep. 575.

ORGANIZE. To establish or furnish with organs; to systeiuatlzc; to put into working order; to arrange in order for the normal exercise of its appropriate functiop.

The word "organize," as used in ralnfl and other c].m1tc1's. ord.1'narll_v signifies the choice and qualification of all necessary orficcrs for the transaction of the husluc oi the corporation This is usually done after all the capitai stock has been substrmerl for. New Haven & D. R. Co. v. Chapman, 38 Conn. 66.

ORGANIZED COUNTY. A County which has its lawful officers, legal machinery, and means for carrying out the nnncrs and performing the duties pertaining to it as a. quasi municipal corporation. In re Section No. 6, 66 Minn. 32, 68 N. W. 3%

ORGILD. In Saxon law. Without recompense; as where no satisfaction was to be made for the death of a man klllcd, so that he was judged lawfully slain. Spelnmn

ORIGINAL Primitive; first in order; bearlng its own authority, and not deriving authority from an outside source; as on'_t1im1l Jurisdiction, original writ, etc. As applied to documents, the original is the first copy or archetype; that from which another instrument is transcribed. copied, or imitated. —Ox-iginal bill. In equity pleading. A bill which relates to some matter not before litigated in the court by the same persons standiuv in the same interests. . . Long- vrorth v. Sturges, 4 Ohio St. 690: Christian:

v. Russell. 14 Wall. 69, 20 L. Ed. 702. In old_1Jiuct e

The ancient mode of commencing

hand, a charter by prog- ress is one renewing the grant in favor of the heir or singular successor of the [hat or succeeding vassals. ]3ell.—Oz-iginal conveyances. Those conveyances at common law. otherwise termed "primary." by whlch a benefit or estate is created or first arises; comprising fouliments, gifhs, grants. leases. exchanges, and partitions. 2 Bl. Comm. 3O9.—O1-iginal entry. The first entry of an item of an account mania hy a trader or other person in his account-hooks, posted lnto the ledger or copied from other hnUks.—O1'i;;ina.l estates. See ESTATE.—0!'igiua.l. evidence. See EvmnNcn.—Ox-iginal inventor. In patent law, a pioneer in the art: one who evolves the original idea and hrings it to some successful. useful and tangible result; as distincuislwd from an improver. Norton v. Jensen, 90 Fed. 415, 83 C. C. A. 141.—0rigina.l jurisdiction. See JUa1snIcr1oN.—O1-iginal package. _A package prepared for interstate or foreign transportation, and remaining in the same condition as when it left the shipper, that is, un- broken and undivided; I package of such form