Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/909

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and there are occasions on which resort is bad for this purpose to an ancient mode of inqnisitiou called the "trial of the pix," be fore a jury of members of the Goidsmiths’ Couipnnv. 2 Steph. Comm. 5-10, note.

—Pix Jury. A jury consisting of the members of the (‘nr[0l.‘i][l0E| of the goidsmiths of the city of loud in. a.='~'PlT‘ibiE'd ll]-on an inquisifion of rery ancient date, czilied the "triai of the pix."

PLACARD. An edict; a dedarstion; a ni.-uiireslo. Also an advertisement or public noti.fl(‘atiou.

PLACE. An old form of the word "plc'is." Thus the "Court of Common Pieas" W." ometiines called the "Court of Common Piuce. '

PLACE. Tlils word is a very indefinite term. It is applied to any locality, liinited by boundaries. however iurpe or however sinaii. lt mav he used to designate a countrr. state. county. t0W11, or a very sniuii portion of a town. The extent of the iocality dcsisnnted by it must generiiily be determined by the connection in which it is used. inrv v. Fnirfleid. 46 Vt. 432.

—Pluce of contract. The place (country or state) in which a contract is made, an uhnse law must determine questions affecting the err-r-ution_ validity, and construction 0 the contract. Scudder v. Union Nat. Bank. ‘ii F S. 412. 23 L Ed. '2-}5.—Plaon of de- livery. The place "here delivery is to be made of xznods sold. If no place is specified In the contract, the articles soid must. in general, he delivered at the piece where they are at the time of the sale. Hutch v. Standard Oii Co., 100 U. S. 134. 25 L. Ed. 55-i.—Place where. A phrase used in the older reports. being a literal translation of locus in mm. (q. u.)

PLACEMAN. One who exercises a pub- lic employment, or fliis a public station.

PLACER. In mining law. A superficial

deposit of sand, gravel, or disintegrated rock. carrying one or more of the precious metals. along the course or under the bed of a water-cciiirse, ancient or current, or aiong the shore of the sea. Under the acts of con- flrcss, the term includes :iil forms of minersi deposits, except veins of quartz or other rock in place. Rev. St. U. S. S 2329 (U. S. Cnmlh St 1901. IL 1432). See Montana Coal B: (‘oke Co. v. Livingston. 21 Mont. 59, 52 1'11". 780; Gregory v. Pershbaker, 73 Cal. 109. 14 Pac. 401: Freezer v. Sweeney, 8 Mont. 50$. 21 Pac. 20. —Pln,cer claim. A mining claim located on the _public douialn for the purpose of placer mining, that is, ground within the defined boundaries which contains minerai in its earth. s-ind. nr grarci; ground which includes volunbie deposits not "in place," that is. not fixed in rock, or which are in a loose state. U. S. v. Ii'on_ Silver Min. (74).. 123 U. S. 673, 9 Sup. Ct._ l9_:>, 32 L. Ed. 571; Clipper Min. (70. v. Eli Min. Co.. 194 U. S. 220. 24 Sup. Ct. 632, 4 L. E1. 944; Wheeier v. Smith, 5 Wash. T_0a§, 32 Pac. 7S4.—P1nce_r location. A placer eisim located and occupied on the public do- IDBJJL



PLACIT, or PLACITUM. Decree; determination.

PLACITA. In old English law. The public assembiies of ail degrees of men where the sovereign presided, who usually consulted upon the great affairs of the king- dom. Also pieas. pleadings, or debates, and trials at law: sonietinies penaities. fines. Luuicts, or elncnrlntious: also the style of the court at the beginning of the record at m'si prius, but this is now omitted. Corvell

In the civil law. The decrees or constitutions of the emperor; being the expressions of his will and pieasure. Caivin.

—Pln.i:ita oommunis. Common pic-is. All civii actions between subject and subject. 3 Bl. Comm. 38, 40.—P1acita coronae. Pleas of the crown. Ali triais for crimes and mis- drniennors, wherein the king is piniutiif. on behaif of the people. 3 Bl. Comm. cits. jnris. Pleas or rules of law; iur and positive learnings of izin-s;" and positive lenrnings received \\ith the law and set down;" as distinguished from maxims or the formulated contlusious of legal reason. Bac. Max. pref., and reg.

Placita de transgressions contra pa- cem regis, in regnn Anglix vi at armin facta, socundum legem et consnetnd.i- nan: Anglix line brevl regis placitari non debent. 2 Inst. 311. Pleas of trespass against the pezice of the king in the kingdom of England, made with force and arms, ought not, by the law and custom of England. to be pleaded without the kings writ.

Plncita. negatiirn. duo exitlun non faci-

unt. Two negative pleas do not form an issue. Lotft, 415.

PLACITABILE. In old English law. Pleadabie. Spelman.

PLACITAMENTUM. In old records. The pleading or a cause. Spehnan.

PLACITARE. To plead.

PLACITATOR. In aid records. A pleader. Cowell;Spc1man.

PLACITORY. pleading.

Relating to pleas or

PLACITIJM. In old English law. A public assembly at which the king presided. and which comprised men of all degrees. met for consuitation about the great aitairs of the kingdom. Cowell.

A court: a judicini tribunal: a lord's court. I’la.cim was the styie or title of the courts at the beginning of the old m'si' priiu record.

A suit or cause in court; a judicial proceeding; a trial. Placita were divided into placita corona: (crown cases or pleas of the crown, i. 2., criminal actions) and piacita