Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/948

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way Co., 85 M0. 588: Railroad Co. v. Bell, 112 N PEI. 400, 4 All. 50; Lewis v. Seifert. 116 Pa. 628, 11 AtL 514, 2 Am St. Rep. 631; Minneapoiia v. Lundln, 58 Fed 523, 7 . A. 3 1 Lin wall v. "nods (C. C.) 44 Fed. S Perras v. oath, 82 Min 191. B4 ‘*1. ‘V. n

Dusen v. Leteiher, 73 .\lich_ 2, 44 IN W 2 Hanna v. Granger, 18 It. I. 507, .8 Ati. 659.

As to principal "Chaiienge," "Contract," "Fact," "Obligation," and "O1lice," see those titles.

PRINCIPALIS. Lat. Principal; a pricnipal debtor; a principal in a crime.

Principnlin dehet eemper excuti ante- quain pervenintur ad fideijnssox-es. The principal should 3i\\tl)S be e.\liousted before coming upon the sureties. 2 Inst. 19.

P1-ineipin data aeqnuntnr concomitantia. Given piincipies are followed by their concoinitunts.

Prinnipin probant, non prohantnr. Pi-inupies pi-me; they are not proved. 3 Coke, 50a. Fund-.ii.nentai principles require no proof; or, in Lord Coke's words, "they ought to be approved, because they Cll.l.UJOt be proved." Id.

P:-inaiipiis obstn. Withstand beginnings; oppose a Lhing in its early stages, If you would do so with success.

Principinrrnn non est ratin. There is no reasoning of principles; no argument is required to prove tnndiiinental rules. 2 Buist. 239.

Prinnipinm est pntissimn para unjus- que x-ei. 10 Coke, 49. The principle of any- thing is its most powerful part.

PRINCIPLE. In patent Law, the princi- ple of a machine is the p.irt.lcui:ir uiezins of producing a given result by :i mechanical contrisance. Parker L Stiles, J McLean, 44. 63, Fed. Cas. No. 10,741).

The principle of a ui.ich.Lue means the mo- dua apcuzmli, or that which applies, modifies, or combines mechanical powers to produce a certain result; and, so far, a principie, if new in its appiiciition to a useful puipuse, may be p.-itentable. See Barrett v. Hall, 1 Mason. 470, Fed. (335. No. 1.047.

PRINCIPLES. Fundanientui truth: or doctrines of law; winprehensive rules or doLtiines which furnish a basis or of i-gin for others; settled rules of action, protedure, or iegal determination.

PRINTHWG. The art of impressing letters; the art of making booke or papers by impressing legible characters. Arthur v. Muller, 97 U. S. 365, 24 L. Ed. 1046: Le Roy v. Jamison. 15 Fed. Cas. 373: Foriies Lithograph Mfg. 00. I1. Worthington (C. C.) 25


Fed. 900. The term may include typewritlng. Sunday v. Hagenhuch, 18 Pa. Co. Ct .’>iL Compare State v. Oakland, 69 Kan. 784, 71‘ Pac. G96. —Pnblic printing means such us is diraaiy ordered by the lugislatui-e, or pe!‘ful'IlJ¢’l by the agents of the government iiuihorized to procure it to be done. Ellis v. state, 4 ind. L

PRIOR. Lat. The tornier; earlier; preceding; preferable or pi-eferred. —.Pi-iar petenx. The person first applying.

PRIOR, n. The chief of a convent; next in dignity to un abbot.

PRIOR, iuli. Earlier; elder; preceding; superior in rank, right, or time; as, a prior lien, mortgage, or judgment. See Fidelity, etc., Safe Deposit Co. v. ltuanohe Iron Lin (C. C.) 81 Bed. 4-17.

Prior tempore potion jute. He who is first in time is preferred In right. Go. Litt 14a; Broom. Max. 354, am.

PRIORI PETENTI. To the person firsi. applying. In probate practice, where there are several persons equaily entitled to a grant of administration, (0. (7., next of kin of the same degree,) the rule of the court is to ni.ike

the grant priori pcteriti, to the tirst applu..iut. ,

Browne, Prob. Pr. 174; Coote, Prob. Pr. 173, 180.

PRIORITY. A legal preference or pre cedence. When two persons huve siuiliar rights in respect of the some subject-nizitter, but one is entitled to exei-use his right to the exclusion of the other, he is said to have priority.

In old Eingijsli law. An antiqllity of tenure, in comparison with one not so acnieut. Cowel.1.

PRISAGE. An ancient hereditary revenue of the crown, consisting in the right to take a certain quantity from cargoes of wine imported into England. In Edward I.'s reign it was converted into a pecuniary duty called "butlerage." 2 Steph. Comm. Swirl.

PRISE. Fr. In French law. Prize; mptured property. Ord. Mar. liv. 3, tit. 9. See Dole v. Insurance Co., 6 Alien (.’iIass.) 373

PRISEL EN AUTER LIEU. 11-101‘. A taking in another place. A plea in aimiment in the action of replevin. 2 Lu. Iiuyiii. 1016, 1017.

PRISON. A public building for the con- finement or safe custody of persons, "’lIelhL‘i' as a punishment imposed by the law or other- wise in the course of the ndinluistrutlou of justice. See SL‘R1‘li(Ji'0llgh v. Thornton, 9 Pa. 451; Sturtevant v. Com., 158 Mass. 598, 33 N. E. (5-I8; Pen. Code N. Y. 1:303, 5 92. —Prison bounds. The limits of the territory sui-rounding a piison, wilhin which an impris-