Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/967

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PROSECUTOR. In practice. He who prosecutes another for a crime in the name of the government.

—Private prosecutor. One who sets in motion the machinery of criminal justice against a person whom he suspects or believes to be guilty of a crime, by laying an accusation before the proper authorities, and who is not himself an officer of justice. See Heacock v. State, 13 Tex. App. 129; State v. Millain. 3 Nev. 42Ev.—Proseentor of the pleas. This name is given. in New Jersey. to the county officer who is charged with the prosecution of criminal actions: corresponding to the "district attorney" or ‘ munty attorney" in other stutes.—Pnhl:ie prosecutor. An oiiicer of government (such as a state’: li[l0l'DEy or district attorney) Whose function is the prosecution of criminal actions, or suits partiiking of the nature of criminal actions.

PROSECUTRIX. female prosecutor.

In criminal law. A

PROSEQUI. Lot. To follow up or pursue; to sue or prosecute. See Noun PROBE- qni.

PROSEQUITUR. Lat. He follows up or pursues; he prosecutes. See Nos Paos.

PROSOCER. Lat. In the civil law. A fatl.ier~in-law’s father; grandfather of wife.

PROSOCERUS. Lat. 1n the civil law. A wife's grandmother.

PROSPECTIVE Looking forward; conteniplating the future. A law is said to be prospective (as opposed to retrospective) when it is applicable only to cases which shall arise after its enactment. —Pi-ospective damages. See DAMAGES.

PROSPECTUS. A document published by a company or corporation, ‘or by persons acting as its agents or asslgnees, setting forth the nature and objects of an issue of shares, debentures, or other securities created by the company or corporation, and in- viting the pl]i)ll(‘ to subscribe to the issue. A prospectus is also usually published on the issue, in England, of bonds or other so curities by a foreign state or corporation. Sweet.

In the civil law. Prospect; the view of external objects. Dig. 8, 2, 3, 15.

PROSTITUTE. A woman who indiscriminately cousorts with men for hire. Carpenter v. People, 8 Barb. (N. Y.) 611; State v. Stoyell. 54 Me. 24, 89 Am. Dec. 716.

PROSTITUTION. Common lewdness; whoredom; the act or practice of a woman who permits any man who will pay her price to have sexual intercourse with her. See Com. v. Cook, 12 Metc. (Mass.) 97.

Proteetio trahit snbjectionem, at imb- jectio proteetionem. Protection draws with it subjection, and subjection protection.



7 Coke, 511. The protection of an individual by government is on condition of his submission to the laws, and such submission on the other hand entitles the individual to the protection of the government. Broom, Max. 78.

PROTECTION. In English law. A writ by which the king might, by a special prerogative. privilege a defendant from all personal and many real suits for one year at a time, and no longer, in respect of his be ing engaged in his service out of the realm. 8 Bl. Comm. 290.

In tnruier tunes the name "protection" was also given to a certificate given to n sailor to show that he was exempt from lniprcssment into the royal navy.

In mercantile law. The name of a doc- ument generally given by noturies public to sailors and other persons going ubroud, in which it is certified that the bearer therein named is a citizen of the United States.

In public commercial law. A system by which a government imposes customs duties upon commodities of foreign origin or manufacture when imported into the country, with the purpose and effect of stimulating and developing the home production of the same or equivnient articles, by discour- aging the importation of foreign goods, or by raising the price of foreign commodities to a point at which the home producers can successfully’ compete with them.

PROTECTION OF INVENTIONS ACT. The statute 33 & 34 Vict c. 27. By this act It is provided that the exhibition of new inventions shall not prejudice patent rights, and that the exhibition of designs shall not prejudice the right to registration of such designs. ‘

PROTECTION ORDER. In English practice. An order for the protection of the wife's property, when the husband has will- fully deserted her, issuable by the divorce court under statutes on that subject.

PROTECTIONIBUS DE. The English statute 33 Edw. I. St. 1, allowing a challenge to be entered against a protection, etc.

PROTECTIVE TARIFF. A law imposing duties on imports, with the purpose and the effect of discouraging the use of prod» ucts of foreign origin, and consequently of stimulating the home production of the some or equivalent articles. R. E. Thompson, in Enc. Brit.

PROTECTOR OF SETTLEMENT. in English law. By the statute 3 & 4 Wm. IV. c. 74, § 32, power is given to any setuor to appoint any person or persons, not exceeding three, the "protector of the settlctnent." The object of such appointment is to prevent the tenant in tall from barring any subse~