Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/980

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N Qnxecunqne int:-a x-atiouem legis in- veniunlrnr intrn legem ipsnm esse judicanhu-. Things which are found within the reason of a i.iw are supposed to be within the law itself. 2 inst. 639.

0 Quselibet coneessio domini regis capi debet stricte contra dominnm regem, qnando potest intellig-i duabus Iriis. 3 Lead 243. Every grant of our lord the king ought to be taken strictly against our lord

P the king, when it can be understood in two ways.

Quazllbet eoneessio fox-tissime contra donatorem interpretanda est. Every grant is to be interpreted most strongly

0 against the grantor. Co. Litt. 163a.

Qmeliliet jnrisdictio cancellos suos hnbet. Jenk. Cent. 137. Every jurisdiction has its own hounds.

Qnxelibet pardonntio debet eapi secundnm intentionem regis, et non ad deeeptionem x-egis. 3 Bulst. 14. Every pardon ought to be taken according to the intention of the king, and not to the deception of the king.

Quselibet prena corpornlis, qnamvll nihdmn, major est qualibet poann. pecuniarin. 3 inst. ‘HO. Every corporal pun- ishment, although the very least. is greater than any pecuniary punishment.

Qumran do dubiis legem Irene disoere Ii via. Inquire into doubtful points if you wish to understand the law well. Litt. 5 -143.

QUERE. A query; question; doubt. This word, occurring in the sylisiius of B reported case or elsewhere. shows that a question is propounded as to what follows, or that the particular rule, decision, or statement is considered as open to question.

Qumro de dubiis, quis. per rations: pervenil.-or ad legitimani rationem. In- quire into doubtful points, because by rea- soning we arrive at legal reason. Lltt. 5 377.

QU1!-JR]-INS. Lot. A plaintiff; the plain-

QITIERENS NIHIL CAPIAT PER . In Roman law. Ancieiirl: a species of commission granted by In comma to one or more persons for the sill- pose of inquiring him some crime or pulfl oilense and reporting thereon. in km: times, the qmtstio came to exercise piemty criininll jiirisdlctloii. even to pronoiiuning sentence, and then was appointed pei'ioLliai~ iy, sud eventually became a permanent con» mission or regular criminal tribunal, and was then caiied "qua:s11'n perpetua." See Maine. Anc. Law, 369-372.

In medievnl law. The question; the tor-

ture; inquiry or inquisition by inflicLlng the torture. — qusestio. The question falls: the discussion ends; there is no room for furtlur |i'- gument.—Qu:estio vexata. A vexed qwsum or mooted point: a question often agiiarvd or discussed but not determined: 1!. QUCSHUH or point which has been differently decided, and so left doubtful.

QUIESTIONARII. Those who carried quwsta about from door to door.

QUIESTIONES PERPETUE, "Ln Roinnn law, were commissions (or courts) of in- quisition into crimes alleged to have been committed. They were called "pcrpctuw." to distinguish them from occusiomzi ll.u]ulsitions, and because they were permanent courts for the trial of offeniicrs. Broun.

QUESTOR. Lot. A Roman magistrate, whose ufiice it was to collect the public revenue. l'arro de L. L. iv. 14.

—Qusestor saori pnlatii. Qu.-estor of the sa- cred palace. An oiiicer of the imperial court at Constantinople, with powers and_ duties resem-

bling those of e chancellor. Calvin.

QUZESTUS. L. Lat. That estate Whiclia man has by acquisition or pin-cbise, in contradlstinction to "Im=rr.'di'1a-V." Which i5 Wllflli he has by descent. Gian. 1, 7. c. l.

QUAKER. This, in England, is the statutory, us well as the popular, niche of a member of a religious society, by themselves denominated "Friends."

QIIALE JUS. Lat. In old English law. A judicini writ, which lay where a man of religion had judgment to recover innd before execution wus made of the juiiginenr. it went forth to the esciieator between judgment and execution, to l.uquire wlmt rig/lit the rel ig-ions person had to recover, or whether the judgment were obtiiined by the collu- sion of the parties. to the intent that the lord might not be defrauded. Reg. Jud. 8.

QUALIFICATION. The possession by an individual of the qualities, properties, or