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him either to establish his claim or be forever after estopped from asserting it. See Wright v. Mattlsan, 18 How. 56, 15 L. Ed. 280.

QUIET, udi. Uninolested; tranquil; tree from interference or disturbance. —QIxiet enjnyinent. A coveniint, usually inserted in leases and conveyances on the piiit of the grnntor, promising that the tenant or gruntee shall enjoy the possession of the premises in peace and without distuibnnce, is called a cove-

P nant "for quiet enJoynJent."

Quleta. non movere. Not to unsettle things which are established. Green v. Hud- son River R. Co., 28 Barb. (N. Y.) 9, 22.

Q QUIETARE. L. Lat. To quit, acquit,

disuharge, or save hainiless. A formal word in old deeds of donation and other convey- ances. Cowell.

QUIET!) GLAMANTIA. L. Lnt. In Old English law. Quitclaim. Bract. fol. 3312.

QUIETE GLAMAEE. L. Lot. To quit- (‘iillln or renounce all pretensions of right nnd title. Bi-net. tois. 1, 5.

QUIETUS. In old English law. Quit; acquitted; discharged A word used by the ciei-is of the pipe, iind auditois in the excheq- uer, in their !1Cq|litI.illl(.'eS or discharges given to nccountnuts; nsuniiy concluding with iin abimle reccssit quieius, (hath gone quit there- of.) which was called a "qin'etus est." Cow- ell.

In modern law, the word denotes an ucquit— tance or d.isch.iige; as of iin executor or ad- ministrator, (\’\ hite v. Ditson, 140 Mass. 351, 4 N. E. 606, 54 Am. Rep. 473.) or of a judge or attorney general, (3 Mod. 91).)

QUIETUS REDDITUS. law. Qultreut. Spelnmn.

In old English See QUITBEBT.

Qnilibet potent renunciare juri pro is int;-oducto. Every one Luily renounce or re- linquish a right introduced for his own bene- lfit 2 Inst. 183; Wing. Max. p. -183, niax. 123; 4 Bl. Comm. 317.

QUILLE. in French marine law. Keel; the keei of a veseel. Ord. Mar. Liv. 3, tit. 6, art. 8.

QUINQUE PORTUS. In old English in". The (‘lnque Ports. Spelman.

GUINQUEPARTITE. Consisting of five parts; divided into five parts.

QUINSTEME, or QUINZIME. Fif- teeiiths; also the fifteenth day ilftel‘ a festi- v:il. 13 Edw. I. See Cowell.

QUINTAL, or KINTAL. A weight of one hundred pounds. Cowell.



QUINTERONE. A term used in the West Indies to designate a person one of whose parents was a white person and the athei- a quadroon. Also spelled "uuinlroon_" See Daniel v. Guy. 19 Ark. 131.

QUINTO EXAGTUS. In old practice Called or exacted the fifth time. A return made by the sherlif, iifter a deiendarit had been procliiimed, required, or exiic-ted in five county courts successively, and failed to appear, upon which he was ontlri-wed by the coruiiers of the county. 3 Bl. Comm. 2&3.

QUIIRE OF DOVER. In English luw. A record in the exv;-hequer, showing the ten- ures for guarding and repsiiiing Dover CAS- tle, and determining the services of the Chique Ports. 3 lluw. state Tr. S68.

QUIRITARIAN OWNERSHIP. [n lio- rndn law. Ownership hold by :1 title recognized by the municipal law, in nu object also recognized by that law, and in the stiict character‘ of 5. Roman citizen. "Iloinnn hiw originzilly only recognized one kind of domin- ion, cniied, ei.uph-.itiL-.illy, ‘qniriliiry domin- ion.’ Gr:-iduully. however. certain reai righm arose which, though they failed to satisfy nil the elements of the definition of quirilary dominion, were practlcuily its equivalent, and received from the conits a similar protection. These reai rights might fall short of qnlrltary dominion in three respects: (1) Either in respeu: of the persons in whom they resided; (2) or of the subjects to which they rel-ited; or (8) of the titie by which they were acquired." In the lalter ciise, the ownership was called ‘*bonitari:in," l. 2., "die property of a Iioiiiiin citizen, in a subject wpabie of quiritnry property, acquired by

1 title not known to the civil law, but intro-

duced by the praetor and pi-otectcd by his lmperium or supreme executive power; e. g., "here res mancipi hiid been transferred by mere tradition. Postes Gains‘ Inst. iSIi.

Qnisqllin ex-it qui vult _[n.i-is-unrnsultur Imfber-i continuet ntndium, velit 9. quocunqne doceri. Jenk Cent. \\-'hoever wishes to be a jni-is-consult, let him contlnually study, and desire to be taught by every one.

Qnlsqnll prmlumitur bonus; et seuiper in duhiis pro 1-en respnndendum. Every one is piesulncd good; nud in doubtful cases the resoiution should he eier for the no cusc .

QUIT, 1;. To leave; remove from; sur-

render possession of; as when a tenant "quits" the premises or receives a "notice to quit." —Notice to quit. A written notice given by a landlord to his tenant. stating that the former desires to repossess himself of the demisqd premises, and that the isttcr IS required to quit and remove from the same at a time designated, either at the expiration of the term, if the tennnt is in under 11 lease, or immediately, if the tenancy is at will or by sulfferanu.-e.