Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/995

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ed, and will not be permitted to be made the subject of any adjustment or compensation on the part of the grantee. Ex parte Milier. 2 Eliii (N. Y.) 423.

Quad lubintelligitur non deest. What is understood is not wanting. 2 Ld. Rayin.


Quad tacite intelligitux deesso non vi-

detur. What is tacitiy umierstood is not considered to be wanting. 4 Coke, 2211.

Quad vanum et inutile est, lex non re- qnirit. Co. Litt. 319. The Law requires not what is vain and useless.

QUOD VIDE.' Which see. A direction to the reader to look to another part of the book, or to another book, there named, for further information.

Quad woluit non dixit. What he intended he did not say, or express. An answer sometimes made in overruiing an argument that the law-maker or testator mcuvnt so and so. 1 Kent, Comm. 465, note; ltinun v. .\iam.\'s Ex'rs, 1 Johns. Ch. (N. Y.) 235.

Quodcunque aliquis ob tutelnm corpuris sui fecerit, jute id fecisse videtur. '1 lust. 590 Whatever any one does in detcnse or his person, that he is considered to have done legally.

Qnodque dissolvitux eodem uiodo quo ligatur. 2 Rolls, 39. In the sauie manner that a thing is bound, in the same manner it is unbound.

QUONIAM ATTACHIAMENTA. (Since the attachments.) One of the oidest books in the Scotch law. So called from the two first words of the volume. Jacob; Whishaw.

QUORUM. When a committee, board of directors. meeting of shareholders, legislative or other body of persons cannot act un- less a certain number at least of them are present, that number is called a "quorum." Sweet. In, the absence of any law or rule fixing the quorum, it consists of a majority of those entitied to act. See :1 parte Wiiicocks, 7 Cow. (N. Y.) 409, 17 Am. Dec. 525', State v. Vvilkesvilie Tp.. 20 Ohio St. 293', Heishell 17. Baltimore, 6'; Md. 125, 4 iti. 116, 57 Am. Rep. 308; Snider v. Ri.n£.~ hurt, 18 Colo. 18. 31 Pac. 716.

—Justiees of the quorum. in English law, tlinse justices of the peace whose prcsL-ucc at a. $Faiillu is necessary to make a inwtui bench. Ail the justices of the pcaie for :1 county -ire nanied and appointed in one commission. \‘l.hiC

authorizes them nil. jointly and severally, to keep the peace, but provides that some particular named justices or one of them shall always be present when business is to be transacted, the ancient Latin phrase being "quorum iiwum A. B. ease oolimius." These designated prrsons are the "justices of the quorum." But the distinction is long since obsolete. See 1 Bl. Comm. 351; Snider v. Rinchart, 18 Colo. 18, 31 Pac. 716: Gilbert v. Sweetser, 4 Me. 484.

Quorum pr-aetextu nee angel: nee minuit sententiam, sed tuitum eonfil-mat praemissn. Plowd. 52. "Ono-runi prcete.rto" neither increases nor diminishes a sentence, but only confirms that which went be fore.

QUOT. In old Scotch law. A twentieth part of the movable estate of a person d,\ ing, which was due to the bishop of the diocese within which the person resided. Bell.

QUOTA. A proportional part or share, the proportional part of a demand or liability, tailing upon each of those who are col iectively responsible for the whole.

QUOTATION. 1. The production to a court or judge of the exact language of a statute, precedent, or other authority, in support of an argument or proposition ad- vanced.

2. The transcription at part of a literary composition into another book or writing.

3. A statement of the market price or one or more commodities; or the price specified to a correspondent

QUOTIENT VERDICT. A money ver dict the amount of which is fixed by the following process: Each juror writes down the sum he wishes to award by the verdict: these amounts are all added together, and the total is divided by twelve, (the number of the jurors,) and the quotient stands as the verdict of the jury by their agreement. See Hamilton v. Owego Waterworks. 22 App Div. 573, 48 N. Y. Supp. 106; Moses v. Rail— road 00., 3 Misc. Rep. 322, 23 N. Y. Supp. 23.

Quoties duhin interpretatio libertntis est, socundum libex-totem respondendum ex-it. Whenever the interpretation of lilii-‘I’ ty is doubtful, the answer siiould be on the side of liberty. Dig. 50, 17, 20.

Quoties idem sex-mo dung sententi:-is exprimit, en. potissimnm excipintur, quiz 1-ei gen-ends: aptior est. Whenever the same iangnage expresses two meanings that should he adopted which is the iietter fitted for carrying out the subject-matter. Dig. 50. 17, 67.

Quoties in stipulatiouilius ninhigua. oratio est, commouiissizuuzu est id nceipi quo res do qua ugitux in {auto lit. Whali- ever the language of stipulations is aniiiigu- ous. it is most fitting that that [sense] should be taken by which the subject-matter may be protected. Dig. 45. 1, 80.

Quoties in vex-‘bis nulls est ambigu- itas, ibi nnlln. expositio contra. vex-ha fiends est. Co. Litt. 147. When in the